As Seen In


Let me hand you the keys to my internationally renown transformational resources that will unlock the truth and power of you, once and for all.

You can stop searching!

A decade of research and thousands of hours of tried and tested proven techniques are now at your disposal.

For the woman who knows that her freedom will be realised through deeper self knowing and self love, consider this your one stop shop.

If you desire to have an empowered relationship with yourself and others, you have finally found the answers you have been searching for.


Profound life long lasting empowerment and incredible relationships require a commitment to 'the work'.

The Self Love Essential Collection is for women who are ready to roll up their sleeves and dive into their transformational work.

When it comes to personal growth, you probably 'know' a lot. Now it's time to turn your knowledge into tangible change, once and for all.


"I would like to love myself and trust myself fully."

"I want to understand what’s blocking that and keeping me from receiving the love I want in my life."

I hear you.

I know that the thought of having a healthy relationship feels like the holy grail.

I also know that you know you’ll never find the map to that holy grail until you find a way to have a healthy relationship with yourself and right now, that feels even more out of reach.

So you feel stuck. And frustrated. And like this is your lot in life.

Because you thought you’d be somewhere different by now.

But life isn’t ‘that’ bad, is it.

You have your career. You take nice holidays. You have a good level of independence.

It’s easy to tell yourself that you’re fine.

But I know what goes on in your head and what you feel in your heart when life pauses.

When you wake in the early hours.

When you find yourself at a loose end with nothing to busy yourself.

But those moments are few and far between because you are expert at keeping busy, taking care of others and generally existing on the hamster wheel of life. So you rarely stop to feel your heart and listen to your soul. When you do, it hurts. Your heart aches and your soul feels destroyed - because you aren’t listening to what you REALLY desire.

I know, I’ve been there.

The truth is, your busy life is the perfect distraction (disguised to give you a sense of purpose, significance and connection) from the pain of feeling alone. Whether you are single or in a relationship, you feel lonely.

I’ve felt both.

I often felt so lost and lonely when I was single despite all the travel, taking care of my delightful little boy and my rewarding work.

I think I probably felt even more lost and alone in my relationships because they highlighted not only how dysfunctional I had learned to be in relationship but how far I was from having the kind of rock solid relationship with myself that I craved.

When I was in relationship I was co-dependent with my partner.

When I was single I was co-dependent with my clients, my family and friends.

I needed everyone else to feel ok so I felt ok. So I didn’t feel alone and risk abandonment.

I didn’t know how to resource that internally.

But like I said, it was easy to brush over and ignore all that by keeping busy except there’s no denying or avoiding the truth. The truth doesn’t go away. It’s always there, simmering behind the scenes, just under the surface.

When you dare to tap into that truth, you’ll hear that it’s begging and pleading with you to find the answers….

Why do I not feel the way I want to feel in relationship?

Why do I sabotage myself?

Why can’t I get rid of the fear of being alone?

Why can’t I fully love and trust myself?

Why don’t I know how to make decisions for myself?

Why am I so filled with fear?

Why do I feel so untethered and disconnected?

Why am I so resentful?

Why do I find it so hard to connect meaningfully, vulnerably and intimately?

Why do I push others away?

After the ‘why’ questions, the ‘how’ questions come and these are the ones that stop us in our tracks because everything feels utterly insurmountable …

How do I let go of what’s not serving me and keeping me stuck?

How do I cope better with my difficult emotions?

How do I find joy, peace, love and fulfilment in a relationship?

How do I stop self sabotaging?

How do I stop the negative and mean inner chat?

How do I find a path forward?

How can I be released of this pain and fear?

How do I develop self belief, self trust and self love?

How do I find my validation from within?

How can I stop feeling lonely and scared of being alone?

How can I feel more connected to myself, others, life, the Universe!?

How do I feel more empowered?

How do I feel more free and in flow!?

How can I feel more magnetic, vibrant and attractive?

You get the idea…..

They are BIG questions. So no wonder you stay stuck.

I know you are here and reading this because you need a shift and a release.

You need clarity on the why and clarity on the how.

You need clarity on the next steps.

My darling, I hear you, I feel you, I was you.

Keep reading - I have answers and a way forward that has been designed carefully to put you at the steering wheel. After-all, it’s your life, your values, your desires - I can help you to create what you want in a way that feels aligned and true to you. So that you feel at home....


Welcome Home!

You're about to get everything you need to begin your journey home to you. And if you want a relationship that feels like home, you've got to do this inner work.

Below is a breakdown of all the courses, content and value you will unlock when you invest. This isn't one programme - it's a collection of courses, worksheets, videos, meditations and daily support systems - so you don't need to search it all out because it's all here for you, in one simple, tidy, easy to use place.


Self Love 101

Are you fed up with reading self-help books on how to improve your life and still remain stuck in the same loop?

Do you desire to master your thoughts and emotions so that you can finally feel free, empowered, worthy and balanced but don’t quite know how?

If you are anything like I was a few years ago, then I bet you really want to feel a greater connection with yourself and others and have relationships that actually mean something, especially the relationship you have with YOURSELF!

I know exactly how you feel, because I too felt the same way.

Only a few years ago, my predominant feelings were of sadness, depression, worry, fear, guilt, overwhelm and crippling anxiety.

My sense of self was miniscule. Any sense of worthiness came from the outside – my career, my relationship, my ‘achievements’.

I felt disconnected – to myself and the world around me. It was like having a permanent out of body experience. I was completely detached from experiences and the awareness of that was terrifying.

I awoke every morning in panic, with the weight of anxiety so heavy in my chest that my breathing could barely keep up with my pounding heart.

That is how I started the day!

My emotions had a life of their own. I was their victim. It was my ‘lot’ in life to feel lost and empty.

At the core of me was a black hole – a void to be filled – and I had no idea how to heal it. So, I unconsciously numbed it with addictions to romantic relationships, drama, alcohol, caffeine and television.

I was absolutely fed up with surviving life. Years of unconscious living, deeply ingrained negative belief systems and behavioural patterns were sabotaging my every desire.

It was time to embark on creating a life that made me feel happy, connected, peaceful and authentic. I wanted to feel FREE!

It was time to be bold and to make a decision.

I bravely took a leap of faith onto a path of deep self enquiry, transformational healing and lasting change.

I discovered a way of doing life that allowed me to celebrate my vulnerability and to live the truth of my heart from a place of deep self knowing and self-love.

And, that is what I want for you.

I know it is possible and I am now in a place that enables me to share my experience and truly be of service. It has become my purpose.

If you are feeling that enough is enough, I’ve got your back with the exact steps you can take to feel able to have a relationship with yourself and others that feels truly authentic to you.

'Self Love 101' was designed from personal experience as well as internationally renown qualifications.

Discover a way of doing life that allows you to connect deeply with others and to live the truth of your heart from a place of deep self knowing and self-love.

PART 1 > Living Consciously

Gaining clarity on where you are at in your life and why. You will look at childhood programming and identify the areas of your life you are most dissatisfied with and why.

Audio trainings and worksheets will cover:

Taking honest stock of where you are at in your life

Understanding and dealing with fear

Identifying your basic human needs

Understanding why you think and feel the way that you do (a truly liberating exercise!) - your childhood conditioning and how to break sabotaging patterns of behaviour.

PART 2 > Living Connectedly

You will discover that developing a Spiritual Practice is the most powerful tool to creating a life that you love and most importantly, a life in which you ‘feel’ connected, whole and satisfied. You will also learn to harness the power of forgiveness and how to develop a deeper, more loving and authentic relationship with yourself, from your heart.

Audio trainings and worksheets will cover:

Discover your spiritual self and be gently guided home to you

Learn a very powerful forgiveness practice that can change your life

Meet your inner child and discover the healing power within this untapped part of you

Discover how supported you are by learning to connect with your guides and angels

How to harness the power of self-love with a simple yet life changing day-to-day tool-kit

How to connect to others with compassion, kindness, understanding and love

PART 3 > Living Courageously

Be the creator of your life! By this point in the course you know that you are not a victim or slave to your life. That you can control and create what you have and how you feel. You learn how to keep yourself on a high energetic vibration so that you may harness the power that is available to you always to manifest your deepest desires and the life of your dreams.

Audio trainings and worksheets will cover:

Discover your highest core values and how to make big life decisions with ease

Finally know what you want by accessing your deepest and most daring desires

Create your own life rules!

Learn the power of asking and receiving

Discover how to manifest your dreams

Create an ongoing support plan

Commit to a spiritual practice

I know you want to make big shifts as quickly as possible so you can get on with having the relationship you’ve been waiting (& praying!) for.

Everything you need to create that change will be easily at your fingertips.

As with all of our courses, you will get lifetime access to:

16 deep dive worksheets that will uncover the truth of you

16 audio trainings for you to download and listen to at your convenience

19 bonus video trainings to deepen your experience of every module

6 meditations to support peaceful healing and transformation

a library of affirmations to assist you in creating new belief systems

a complete play list of motivational and inspirational music



Love Yourself Free From People Pleasing

Does this sound like you?

True or False? Be honest.

  1. Your happiness depends on whether everyone around you is happy and approving of you, no matter the cost to your own well-being.
  2. Focusing on others has meant you have lost your sense of self.
  3. You feel the need to fix everyone.
  4. You feel damaged and not good enough.
  5. You need to be perfect all the time.
  6. Happiness and peace is meant for others, not you.
  7. Your emotional ups and downs make you feel crazy.
  8. You have anger bubbling under the surface a lot of the time.
  9. You have obsessive thoughts and a very loud inner critic, which is tiring you out.
  10. You say yes when you mean no. A lot!

Imagine a relationship where you count just as much as they do - where you both get to feel cherished and important.

I bet you also want to feel like this :

You want to learn how to feel happy, successful and worthy without worrying what others think of your life choices.

You are ready to believe you are good enough, even when the people around you are having a bad day.

You are done with keeping up appearances while knowing that your fake smiles are literally destroying your soul.

You are ready to know your worth, charge your value and live on purpose.

You want drama-free, fulfilling and loving relationships where both of you get your needs met.

You are done with the crazy making in your head and living on an emotional yo-yo and are ready to enjoy consistent peace and calm.

You know you are meant for more and desire to have a positive and profound impact on the world, in a way that is self-loving.

You are DONE with the 1950’s housewife syndrome of putting everyone else first, smiling and keeping up appearances while your soul dies a slow and painful death and your mind jumps through hoops, worrying what others think of you.

I know exactly why you are feeling this way and have a proven system that gets to the root cause to create the change you need to be able to have a relationship you are proud of.

‘Love Yourself Free From People Pleasing’ is a 6 module course that will :

Eliminate old belief systems, fears and doubts forever.

Connect you with your inner child and fall in love with yourself more deeply than you could begin to imagine.

Release you from anger, worry, stress and sadness so that you can enjoy peace, joy and love with ease.

Re-programme your self-sabotaging money beliefs, which will set you up for financial success.

Banish your inner critic ensuring success as you step forward into a new, authentic way of doing life.

Allow you to love and accept yourself in ways you didn’t realise were possible so that the terrorist in your head that nags, ‘I’m not good enough’, disappears forever.

Let you wave goodbye to drama fuelled relationships because as you love, appreciate and respect yourself you will attract in relationships that are peaceful and calm.

Let you discover the joy of getting your needs met and be comfortable in your own skin because you are no longer an angry martyr that could explode at any moment.

Let go of the need to work everything out in your head so that you can finally feel your feelings safely.

Allow you to uncover your values and what you really want so that you can live a far more fulfilling life.

Let you stop caring what anyone else thinks and be liberated to live life on your own terms.

And so much more!

Take back your power and start having an empowered relationship in 6 classes:

Class One – Love Your Mind Free

In the first class we work to understand why you think and feel they way you do. We learn about the importance of mental mastery, and the peace and calm that goes with that once you achieve it by looking at the following areas :

We shine a light on destructive behavioural habits and nasty thoughts that are sabotaging your happiness so that you have clear and focused direction for the rest of the course.

We discover the root cause of your feelings and behaviour and take the first step to banishing conditioned role-playing dynamics forever.

We learn a simple three-step system you can apply immediately to your day-to-day life to transform your sabotaging beliefs and behaviours.

We discover a life changing ritual to energetically cut the chord with the feelings, behaviour and hurt you want to leave behind.

We begin a simple and grounded meditation practice so that you can experience peace from exhausting mental gymnastics and the yelling of your inner critic.

Class Two – Love Your Emotions Free

In the second class we learn how to connect with your emotional self so that you no longer fly off the handle and can enjoy true emotional mastery by doing the following:

We discover why a relationship with your inner child is the key to healing from people pleasing.

We learn a breakthrough three-step process to connect with your inner child and fall in love with yourself more deeply than you could begin to imagine.

We create deeper honest awareness around your emotional self-sabotage, ensuring you are truly clearing out the behaviours that no longer work for you.

We learn three proven techniques to release you from anger, worry, stress and sadness so that you can enjoy peace, joy and love with ease.

We discover a powerful mindfulness technique that will ensure you are able to respond in an emotionally calm and safe way to day-to-day life challenges.

We learn the most powerful and most simple tool to develop a deeply loving and intimate relationship with yourself.

We enjoy a revealing meditation practice that connects you to your inner child so that you can experience true personal integration and peace.

Class Three – Love Your Spirit Free

In our third class we learn how to harness your inner wisdom and tap into Universal energy so that you can experience ultimate healing from hurtful conditioning through these steps:

We learn how to overcome your childhood programming – the root cause of your people pleasing – so that you are free to live life on your own terms.

We discover how to heal family dynamics with total compassion, understanding and love.

We develop a valuable connection to your spiritual self, using super simple rituals and practices so that you can achieve lasting lifelong peace.

We begin to understand what a higher power is, what it means specifically to you and how you can harness that powerful energy source to heal your people pleasing behaviours.

We master a simple and proven daily practice to deepen your love and appreciation for yourself.

We enjoy a breakthrough meditation practice that connects you to your heart and spirit so that you may experience the peace and transformational power of true forgiveness.

Class Four – Love Your Dreams Free

In our fourth class we learn how to connect to your values so that you can trust your life choices and make decisions easily.

We discover your core values using an extensive and deeply probing questionnaire to reveal who you really are – you might surprise yourself!

We access your deepest desires by answering a set of powerful and liberating questions that will reveal what you really want so that you can live a far more fulfilling life.

We create a set of life rules that empower you to live a passionate and fulfilling life on your terms, always.

We learn a proven three-step system to banish your inner critic ensuring success as you step forward into a new, authentic way of living life.

We discover a powerful tool that can energetically clear anything blocking you from achieving and receiving the things you desire.

We master the art of asking for the things you want.

We uncover your money story using a super powerful line of questioning so that your dreams and desires are no longer financially sabotaged by damaging beliefs and behaviours.

We learn a transformational tool that will re-wire your mind to release you from your money story forever.

We enjoy an uplifting meditation practice that will connect you to your deepest desires.

Class Five – Love Your Body Free

In our fifth class we discover how to fill yourself up so that you have the energy to heal yourself as well as more than enough to serve others using the following techniques:
♥ We create honest awareness around your health and well-being, which has probably suffered greatly at the hands of people pleasing.

♥ We design a beautiful self-care plan that is realistic and achievable, gifting you with the energy you deserve to soar through life.

♥ We learn a fun and liberating practice that will give you a joyful sense of safety in the world.

♥ We learn how to create healthy boundaries so that you are no longer at the mercy of the needs and wants of others.

♥ We master simple yet powerful practices that will help you to implement and strengthen your new boundaries.

♥ We develop a supportive daily ritual that ensures you are always connected to YOU so that you feel balanced, calm and comfortable in your own skin.

♥ We enjoy a very special meditation practice that will connect you to your heart centre, allowing you to more openly and authentically communicate with others.

Class Six – Love Yourself Forward

In our sixth and final class we learn how to apply your new awareness and tools to the everyday so that you feel empowered to claim your life once and for all!

We master the valuable tools, techniques and awareness you have learned over the past six weeks so that you can apply them with confidence in your day-to-day life.

We discover how to have conversations that are open-hearted, loving and calm so that you can get your needs met easily with the support of those you love.

We create powerful affirmations and mantras so that you are supported and able to continue with your transformation journey, no matter what life throws at you.

We commit to breakthrough daily rituals and practices to support you in living life in a brand new, more empowered and more loving way.

You receive a helpful and inspiring reading list so that you can continue your journey in a way that is personal and specific to you.


Get your breakthrough transformation in 6 weeks so you can get on with having the relationship you desire ASAP!

I recommend you do a module a week to create immediate lasting change but maybe it’s reassuring to know that you get lifetime access to all our courses so you can take your time and come back to it whenever you want to.

This is what you get:

Six transformational audio classes to download and listen to at any time (these calls range from 90-140 minutes).

Six introductory training videos welcoming you to each module of work.

Six in-depth worksheets, which will allow you to create lifelong lasting awareness and change.

A selection of my most healing guided visualisations to download and listen to at any time to aid your process of change.

All the proven tools and techniques that I use to heal people pleasing forever.

Breakthrough meditations and revealing visualisations, which I created specifically to heal co-dependency.

15 ways to prepare your mind, body and spirit for success.

The most powerful mantras you can use to banish your obsession with others.

A valuable reading list so that you can continue your journey towards loving yourself and being free from people pleasing.

This is the proven formula to quit people pleasing for good.

I know you are so tired of wondering how to feel better.

I know you just want someone you trust to tell you what to do.

I get it and I’ve got you!

So, let’s spend six weeks together, getting to really know YOU and setting you up for true fulfilment and success, which you so deserve!

Remember, only YOU can change you, but I can help you discover how and I can guide you step-by-step through it.

If you are not happy with how you feel and how you're experiencing life, only you can take responsibility and create the change that I know you want and need. Are you ready to have it all? Let’s go…



Your Tool Kit for deeply knowing yourself, connecting with others and creating your deepest desires.

On-the-go support.

In addition to the health benefits a regular meditation practice provides, these MP3 Albums offer you :

♥ deep self awareness, self appreciation and self worth;
♥ emotional healing and forgiveness;
♥ connection with your spirit team and universal light;
♥ opening your heart to healthy relationships;
♥ powerful manifestation;
♥ present moment peace

Whether you are new to meditation or already enjoy a regular practice, if you are a truth seeker on a path to greater self awareness and deeper connection with others, this collection of guided visualisations can support you.

Album 1 > Right Here. Right Now.

Living Consciously

Be gently guided back to your true, authentic self in a way that has you feel utterly supported. These 15min meditations will support and speed up your healing journey.

> True Self

> Inner Child

> Self-Love

> I Am Present

Album 2 > My Spirit. My Truth.

Living Connectedly.

Engage the super power of your heart for deep connection with others, your Spirit Team and the Universe. Activate your heart & soul for a bespoke healing experience.

> I Am Connected

> Spirit Guide

> Forgiveness

> Open Heart

> Healthy Relationships

Album 3 > My Vision. My Future.

Living Courageously.

Connect to your big vision and live into the truth that you are a natural and very powerful creator. Get into a state of high vibration so you can manifest your desires with ease.

> Blue Sky

> Gratitude

> Coaching Preparation

> High Vibe

Album 4 > I Am Daring & Mighty

An album for children

These gentle, loving and uplifting meditations are beautiful tools to help parents instil positive beliefs and habits to support the optimal health, wellbeing and happiness of their children. Adults love these just as much as kids - they are ageless!

> I Am Enough

> I Am Energy

> I Am Calm

> I Am Grateful

> I Am Confident

> I Am Ready To Sleep


Replace Netflix with hundreds of hours of life changing content

Mini Courses, Masterclasses, Expert Interviews and more - all at your fingertips.

If all you did was watch these trainings, your life would change.

No matter how far along the path of self awareness, spiritual growth and transformation you are at, there is something that we all experience which I affectionately call ‘Transformational Amnesia’. It’s part of the human experience. We think that we have forgotten what we have learned and feel like we are taking 10 steps backwards. But the truth is, you’ve not really forgotten, you just need to tap back into your ‘knowingness’. It’s there but if you don’t awaken it on a regular basis you do forget. And like any muscle, your awareness needs to be worked and strengthened as a daily practice.

This content will help you to avoid transformational amnesia while taking all the learning and growth from your courses - ‘Self Love 101’ and ‘Love Yourself Free From People Pleasing’ - to the next level.

These masterclasses and interviews bring all the course work to life and the subject matter amplifies your awareness and transformation.

When I am working with a private client I will regularly direct her to specific videos in this collection and now you have access to this next level support too.

Stream any time, any place.

You get these valuable mini courses & interview collections :

♥ Abundant Love Manifestation Series - A 10 day mini course with daily tips, simple practices and affirmations that you are invited to use each day to move you from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.
One of the biggest factors I see sabotaging my clients to calling in their soul mate love and creating a relationship they are proud of is a scarcity mindset. This is a conditioned habit that has them focussed on what appears not to be available. An abundance mindset is required for you to receive all that you desire and these videos with daily practices will strengthen that muscle for you.

♥ Next Level Love Interview Series - women over 40 share their stories on how they met their soul mate and are creating relationships they never dreamed possible.
We all need role models to give us faith and hope so be inspired by what IS possible. These 9 interviews are love stories and they offer practical advice, tips, tools and practices to help you call in and enjoy an empowered, next level relationship.

♥ My Menopause Interview Series - If you are over 35 your hormones are shifting and those shifts can dramatically impact your relationships - both with yourself and others.
In this 17 part series I speak to medical practitioners, nutritional experts and spiritual teachers on all things hormones, perimenopause and menopause because your empowerment requires you to have this knowledge.

A priceless collection of teachings and trainings all in one easy place.

Get life changing masterclasses, videos & talks.

Over 50 trainings - broken down into 4 easy to find categories - to watch at your own pace whenever you feel the need to dive back into your growth. Every episode is unique and additional to the videos included in your 'Self Love 101' and 'Love Yourself Free From People Pleasing' courses.

> Self Love

♥ My Ted-X for Google London - ‘Self Love - Happiness’

♥ Self Love 101 - A 90 minute Workshop

♥ How To Think Differently About Yourself - a 45 minute workshop

♥ Living The Transformational Journey With Self Love

♥ How To Completely Love & Accept Yourself

♥ Trusting Yourself

♥ How To Transform Sabotaging Thoughts

♥ How To Deepen Your Self Love Practice

♥ Self Trust Is A Daily Creation

♥ Being Brand You

♥ Happy Mind. Happy Body.

♥ The Art of Personal Mastery

♥ Get clarity on what you desire

♥ You And The Universe Are A Team

♥ How To Give Yourself Permission To Have What You Want

♥ A Full Moon Ritual

♥ Hormones Are Highlighters!

♥ What I Do When I Don’t Feel Good Enough

♥ Developing Trust In Self & Life

> Masculine / Feminine Energy

♥ Stripping The Masks of Masculinity

♥ How To Cultivate & Sustain Feminine Leaders

♥ How To Be The Leader Of Your Life

♥ The Power of The Feminine

♥ Healing The Feminine Wound

♥ How To Be A Better Leader By Using Your Masculine & Feminine Energy

♥ Healing Your Toxic Masculine

♥ The Feminine Is Calling You

♥ How To Quit Burn Out, Build Self Trust & Feel At Home In Your Body

> Healing From People Pleasing

♥ Healing Your Original Victim - a 2 hour workshop

♥ The Original Victim

♥ The Inner Child

♥ You Are Not A Victim

♥ Who Do You Think You Are NOT To Put Yourself First?

> Dating & Relationships

♥ How to manifest your man in 3 easy steps.

♥ How To Energetically Prepare To Meet Your Soul Mate

♥ Navigating Blended Families

♥ How to build self confidence, independence & strength if you rely on your man for too much.

♥ 3 Ways To Feel More Empowered In Your Relationship

♥ 4 things you can do to improve your ability to be compassionate

♥ How To Get What You Want From A Man

♥ How To Increase Your Body Confidence

♥ How To Surrender In A Relationship

♥ Are you attracting unavailable men?

♥ Try This When You Feel Lonely

♥ Friendzoning = Avoiding Intimacy

♥ A Powerful Manifesting Tool For Calling In Love

♥ THE Key To Manifesting

♥ How To Have A Clearing Conversation

♥ A Game Changing Tool For A Successful Relationship

♥ The Importance of Forgiveness & How To Do It

♥ 7 Steps To Releasing Resentment


Your Daily Practices

Create time and space in your day that's purely all about you.

Most people have a sense that they don't know who they are, let alone love themselves, so spending just 10 - 15 minutes every day in your own company is super honouring. It's also the key to having healthy and empowered relationships.

The more you carve out sacred time for you, the more evidence you are building that you value yourself. Day upon day you are choosing to love yourself enough to put yourself first and that builds a foundation of proof that you are worth it.

“But I never know where to start”

When it comes to creating a daily self love and spiritual practice, I hear this from women all the time:

I don’t know what to do first

I don’t know what will support me in the day-to-day

I don’t know how to journal

Should I do the same thing every day or mix it up?

What will work for me?

I am giving you all these answers! Check this out ....

I have created a simple, easy to use library of videos, check-lists and reflection questions to support your daily self love.

You get all of this :

♥ Your bespoke and personalised ‘Daily Self Love’ Plan

♥ My ‘Top 5 Spiritual Practices’ Video Collection

♥ My ‘How To Journal’ Video & Check-List Collection

♥ A ‘Feminine Practices & Success’ reflection & check-in

♥ A ‘Sleep’ reflection & check-in

♥ A ‘Sensuality’ reflection & check-in

♥ Your ‘Sunday Reflection’ ritual & journaling prompts


Learn From The Expert

I have coached myriad women from around the globe since 2010 when I founded The School of Self Love for women ready to learn a more authentic, aligned and empowered way of doing life.

I am the author of The Self-Love Affair: A Woman's Guide To A Daring & Mighty Life, teaching women how to feel happy and confident in their own skin.

I'm also invited to provide expert commentary to the media on the topic of self love, love & relationships, as well as presenting & hosting events in the women's wellbeing & empowerment spaces.

My mission is to create a movement of loved up women! To inspire and motivate you to live a life that feels aligned, empowered and valuable. Underpinning all of my work is a belief in the power of becoming an energetic match for all you desire, whether that's calling in your soul mate, having a deeply fulfilling relationship, attracting new opportunities or simply living the abundant life you deserve.

My Promise To You

A one stop shop where you can really and truly get to know and love yourself

No more wondering what the root cause is for why you think and feel the way you do and how to feel better.

Darling, I’ve got you.

I’ve shared already that I know how it feels to not have a genuine sense of self, to feel like a healthy relationship is totally out of reach and to not really understand why I am here in the world. Like, what’s it all about!?

I remember wondering where the hell do I turn for support. Who can I trust?

I remember feeling so far from where I wanted to be that investing in a course seemed like a mountain I wasn’t sure I had the energy to climb. Let alone the money.

The energy and the money appeared when I said yes. In saying yes, I started the transformational process before I even started ‘the work’. I swear your ‘yes’ is crazy powerful!

I REALLY value your ‘yes’. When you say yes to you, I say yes to you. When you bring your self and your commitment to the table, I will be there opposite you.

Because I KNOW what it takes to say yes.

I really really do.

When I said yes I was a single parent with a 2 year old.

I was broke - BIG TIME!

I was couch surfing (with my baby).

I was emotionally on the floor and it took every-single-ounce of my energy to get up each day and take care of my son. No joke.

I was crippled with anxiety, worry and fear.

I had left my son’s father and was in and out of a narcissistic relationship with a man I wish I’d steered clear of except I didn’t know how to because all I knew was to get my certainty, safety, love and approval from a man. It was at my own expense but at the time, that felt better than braving it on my own.

EVERYTHING changed when I said yes to myself.


My son is now 15 and I am married, in the healthiest relationship I have ever known, feeling more me that I’ve ever felt. I have a flourishing and super rewarding 6 figure business where I feel so on purpose. I love the impact I have in the world. I also feel emotionally masterful and mentally strong so no matter what curve ball life throws my way, I know I’ve got me. I am able to use every challenge as a springboard into personal growth.

That’s ALL because I said yes to myself.

I searched out teachers, coaches and courses that I felt I could trust. It was always nerve wracking to commit. My ‘stuff’ always came up. I would get defensive and start to self sabotage as I felt enormous resistance to the change that was being offered to me. BUT I STILL SAID YES.

I was taught to live life by a line in a Theodore Roosevelt quote that said, ‘Dare Mighty Things’. I have come to know that when I do, amazing stuff happens! I have also come to know that I am worth it.

So my darling, today is your day to say yes to yourself.

I will be waiting for you on the other side, celebrating your yes because I know what it takes to say it.

I got you.


  • Sandra

    I am now in the driving seat of my life


  • Lynsey

    I feel so incredibly positive


  • Pippa

    My income increased by 40%


  • Hattie

    Business is flying


  • Sarah

    Every day I am getting to know myself better and I'm loving what I discover


  • Polly

    I had no idea life could be like this


  • Helen

    Now I feel free to shine my light and be totally me


  • Joanna

    I feel free from the burdens of the past


  • Judy

    I finally love myself first and foremost!


  • Kellie

    I am free of the approval of others


  • Kate

    I am more confident


  • Yvonne

    I love myself again


  • Kerry

    I can do anything now


  • Katy

    Better than a self help book


  • Melissa

    Finally things are changing


  • Anna Marie

    To discover my self worth has been priceless

    Anna Marie

  • Katrina

    It's safe to be me and to trust myself


  • Alison

    I am now really living every day


  • Claire

    Inner calm stays with me day to day


  • Annie

    I feel much more inclined to nurture myself


  • Zoe

    I gained the inner knowledge I had been searching for





Why work through the Self Love Essential Collection on your own? You do most things on your own! Now is the time to team up with women who want what you want.

Help, support and encourage each-other! And, get on group calls with me to get your specific questions answered and be coached on your unique situation.

Coaching with me is a significant financial investment but I am going to give you 4 weeks access to the Love Lounge and access to my expertise for FREE.

Women have told me that one conversation with me significantly changed their lives and I want that for you too.

The Love Lounge gives you the quality community, support and accountability you need to ensure you get insane value from the Self Love Essential Collection.

Make actual change in your life!

Take your learning from the courses inside this Self Love Essential Collection into practical day-to-day application because change is something you embody and do, not something you know and think about!

Here's what you get inside The Love Lounge :

♥ 2 priceless Group Coaching & Channeling Calls with Katie

♥ Masterclasses with experts that can answer your personal questions

♥ Access to World Class Teachers at no additional investment

♥ Daily journaling prompts

♥ Daily affirmations & mantras

♥ High Vibe, Positive, Spiritual Community - because transformation happens faster in company

♥ Pop-Up Events, Meet-Ups & Experiences

♥ A library of masterclasses with over 100 hours of content to replace your Netflix addiction ;)

♥ Every masterclass & coaching call is recorded so you’ll never miss a thing

All yours for a month for FREE!


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Pay In Full Today - £1497



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3 payments of £500

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Frequently asked questions...

Below are the most commonly asked questions, resistances and challenges I receive from women who are considering investing in work like this.

The questions below are all fear stories. Remember, F.E.A.R is:

False | Evidence | Appearing | Real

Do you dare to love yourself enough to ask yourself better questions?

What else could be true?

Let me help you out (see, I've got your back already!) ...

"What if it doesn't work?"

> “What if it DOES work!?”

"I can’t afford it"

> “What do I need to do to be able to invest in this? What could I create? What could I sell? How could I budget differently for the next 3 months? How can I be resourceful?”

“What will {they} say / think”

> “What if I am the woman they always wished I could be as a result of this work!” Or “What if I minded my own business and listened to me instead of them!?”

“I’m scared of change”

> “I know that change is scary but I am choosing to trust that a new me is going to step forward and guide me in a way that I never knew was possible!”

“If I change I don’t have control over what my life will look like”

> “I have been in control all my life and I’ve still ended up here so I am willing to try a different way and surrender into infinite possibility and potential!”

“Who will I become!?”

> “Who will I NOT become if I do nothing about where I am at and how I am feeling?”

“Who am I without my conditioned behaviour!?”

> “Yes exactly! Who could I become without the self sabotage, limiting beliefs and unhealthy relationship patterns!?”

Your journey home to you - to knowing and loving yourself - starts BEFORE you invest in this body of work. It starts right here, right now.

You MUST ask yourself better questions otherwise you will stay victim to fear, paralysed and not moving forward in your life and your relationships.

“This looks great but I’m not ready to do this yet, I need to get clear on some things and put myself in a better position first. I have a lot of stuff going on right now, I'll catch you next time. I’ll get my ducks in a row first, then do it”

You know by now I am nothing but honest with you so here’s more blunt truth:

We’re never ready for things like this. Like having a baby, we can never be prepared for the unknown. Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith, the good thing is I’m here to catch you when you leap. But it’s not a huge leap because on this page are testimonials from women who have done this work and had amazing life changing success. You just need to believe that could be possible for you too.

I know how confusing and overwhelming it feels when you feel like you’re at the bottom of a mountain trying to get your life on track.

I’ve been there. I now know from first hand experience the pieces you are missing and I am literally handing them to you on a platter today.

I am making it easy for you.

It’s ok not to feel ready - maybe you never will. But that just leaves you feeling the way you do today.

Surely it’s worth taking action without feeling ready for the results you will receive!?

"I’ve bought other stuff and been let down, I don’t want to buy ‘another course’”

I understand why you feel that way, I feel the same way too for stuff that I’ve bought in the past. It’s a good reason to be cautious, but not a good reason not to do it.

There’s only a couple reasons this happened to you, either the course was put together by someone who is incompetent…or they are competent but only know how to make their strategies work for themselves.

This is so much more than a course, this is a new way of doing life. Proven, with step-by-step direction.

It’s also a system that will show you how to do life in a way that’s perfect for you. I am empowering you to create your own way forward. It’s not for me to tell you ‘the only way’. Instead I am guiding you to discovering YOUR way.

Another possibility is that you bought a course and didn’t do anything with it (I’m guilty of that myself).

So when you invest in this programme, you need to decide it’s your time to shine and that you will do the work I am inviting you to do. Deal?!

When f.e.a.r comes up, I invite you to use this mantra >

I am excited to bring myself back to life, to get to know the ‘real’ me and learn how to tap into my authentic self on a daily basis.

I trust that the people I love and care about most will get the best of me when I do that.

I am willing to love myself enough to take a leap of faith.

Actually, you don’t need to take a leap of faith

These women can tell you exactly what to expect from this work and whether it’s worth taking the chance!

Just click to scroll and see tonnes of testimonials spanning a decade from very happy clients!

  • Helen

    I can honestly say that Katie is responsible for dramatically transforming my life!

    I was in the midst of a marriage breakdown, I had a new born baby and didn’t have a clue who I was anymore.

    ‘Love Yourself Free From People Pleasing’ was the BEST thing I ever did. Katie taught me how to expose my co-dependent behaviours and negative beliefs and to transform them into beliefs that served me.

    I realised that I was pushing all of my emotions and needs WAY down. This made me passive aggressive, unhappy and awkward.

    I wasn’t charging my worth in my business, and I had run away from my life passion (funnily enough as a transformational executive coach) because I had lost my confidence and identity.

    I completely re wrote my money story - My dreams became big and I was fuelled with such passion and purpose, there was nothing else to do but re-launch my career doing what I loved and charging my worth! I am nw up-levelling in EVERY part of my life and am already seeing incredible results.


  • Tracy

    I am finally free from People Pleasing (amen) because I am so worth investing in.

    I have absolutely loved every minute of Katie’s 6 week comprehensive ‘People Pleasing’ online course. The path ahead is definitely so much clearer and extremely brighter.

    I now know what it really feel’s like to put my own needs ahead of other people’s need’s. I’ve learnt and embodied it’s not actually selfish at all it’s selfless to put myself first. I have displayed so many acts of kindness, compassion, self care and self love to name a few attributes towards myself, and as a result I am a much more empowered and well balanced woman who understands the importance of giving and receiving to herself and other’s.

    Everything starts with our very own self care and self love. I realise that now more than ever thanks to Katie’s help and support along the way. I am taking care of my self and my own needs in order to be of higher service to people and animals going forward.

    If I can free myself from People Pleasing (it’s been a life long habit that was so ingrained) then you can do it too with Katie by your side holding your hand. What an incredible gift I have given myself.


  • Kate

    Now I can serve with love

    I was in the habit of attracting people into my life that I could look after and serve. In doing that I felt small, worthless and resentful of their part in it.

    My journey has brought me to a place where I can not only acknowledge this, but I can now attract the right people and serve them with love, rather than using them as a tool for my own self-sabotage.


  • Sophie

    I no longer live in fear

    I started working with Katie because I became increasingly aware of the low self-worth I’ve always attributed to myself, and how this has often led to self-sabotaging behaviour.

    Investing time and money to really commit to Katie’s group and module work has given me the insight to see not just where, but why I’ve been treating myself negatively all this time.

    Katie’s coaching style is always warm, authentic and nurturing so the shared group space feels safe and supportive.

    Working through clear, purposeful and appropriate processes has led me to a far greater awareness of the areas I need to heal, and given me a much kinder and compassionate attitude towards myself as a whole.

    I will always be grateful to Katie because I no longer live life in fear but in anticipation of how I can make the most of my life.


  • Anna Marie

    I am taking ownership of who I am

    I am a recovering people pleaser!

    I was an expert at prioritising and fixing other people’s problems. I had set myself an almost impossible set of personal standards to meet in many relationships and found it incredibly difficult to understand why the other party might not meet me half way. Even worse I would take on the responsibility for their happiness and almost inevitably set myself up for a fall, time and time again.

    It hasn’t been an easy habit to break but oh my goodness, the personal freedom and self discovery that comes with acting and behaving from a place where I make pleasing myself a priority is such a revelation!

    I am finally taking proud ownership of who I am.

    Anna Marie

  • San San

    A life-changing experience!

    I ticked all the boxes that proved I was co-dependant. It was like this class had been written especially for me. How did Katie know?!

    Katie’s teachings meant the penny finally dropped for me and explained the reasons why I had suffered from depression and OCD and why, most importantly, I didn’t love myself. With Katie’s positive, understanding and enthusiastic approach, I always felt supported on my journey – which was a challenge and I am so happy to finally discover myself at 46 years old!

    I highly recommend this course and if you have the opportunity to work with Katie, take it!

    San San

  • Judy

    I now fully love and believe in myself!

    Since completing the People Pleasing Tele-class I have experienced massive changes in all aspects of my life.

    I had tried several forms of counselling in the past with levels of success. The People Pleasing Tele-class has been more transformational for me than I could have imagined. Everything has fallen into place.

    The weekly lessons and homework encouraged me to dig even deeper and truly get to know myself. I never felt like it was work. The content was far greater than anything before and the style of teaching and support ticked every box for me. The tools provided, particularly the 3 steps are now part of my daily life. In fact everything is part of my daily life.

    I am not second in my relationship and my values and boundaries are now paramount to me. This is causing ripples in my life and I observe these but hold firm as my life, values and needs have to come first whatever the outcome. I will be safe and trust in the process. I finally love myself first and foremost. I am determined to lead a happy life with ease and joy. Trusting in the process and myself gives me profound peace. It is life work and I can’t wait to keep going.


  • Polly

    I am no longer afraid!

    Before I worked with Katie, I was one of those people who just rode that ‘life wave’ and I found myself pushed and shoved around, by life events and other people. I thought that was normal.

    I watched the People Pleasing videos and something struck me like a bolt of lightning. This way of living was understood by someone and it was NOT NORMAL! The more I watched the more I realised that I had been struggling through life for so many years…It was like an awakening!

    Now, I am always conscious.

    I am much calmer and SO MUCH happier. I have a much deeper connection to ME and have an inner strength which will allow me to reach my dreams and be of better service to me and my family. Above all else, it’s fun!

    I am so grateful to Katie for helping me – I really did think life was hard and it was due to get harder, but now I know that life gets better and better. Thank you from the deepest place in my heart, I am so grateful to you. The way you bring these programmes together is incredible and in terms of value, there is nothing quite like it. There is not one female in my life that I would not recommend you to. Everyone needs Katie!


  • Lynsey

    I now live consciously

    Whilst watching the People Pleasing Videos, I thought Katie had created the videos specifically for me! It was so ‘spot on’ about how I have lived my life for the past 40 years!!!

    So much so, I was hit with a realisation that I had been a massive People Pleaser in all past relationships, so much so I had completely lost who I was, what I was passionate about and what I required within a relationship. So many failed relationships purely down to the fact that I didn’t put myself, my wants or needs first.

    I cannot thank Katie enough for creating such an outstanding teleclass! Had I not started the People Pleasing course, I wouldn’t be where I am now… a conscious life, growing spiritually on a daily basis and loving myself at all times.

    The tools and techniques provided on the course, I use on a daily basis and will continue to use throughout life.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart Katie. The outstanding content, value and tremendous support throughout the course I am entirely grateful.

    If Katie’s videos even remotely speak to you, then I would highly recommend you get on the People Pleasing Bandwagon because trust me, you will NEVER LOOK BACK.


  • Janet

    Allowing myself to meet myself was a huge shift

    I started the course with the intention to find out who I am. I have always played into other people’s goals and agendas and had lost sight of me.

    I was waiting for a eureka moment when I would just ‘know who I am’ but disappointingly that didn’t come. What I realised instead (which I suppose you could say was a eureka moment) was that there was a more gentle yet more powerful awareness of myself that was opening up.

    First I had to embrace the idea of surrender, allowing and not having to make it happen. That my relationship with me was an unfolding - an emotional experience - and something that couldn’t be time-lined, easily explained or deadlined! For me, choosing to ‘go with the flow’ and ‘allow’ myself to meet myself was a huge shift.

    I am coming to see that who I am is less about a definition that I can explain - I am more complicated and beautiful and miraculous than that. I am starting to see that I am a woman who is committed to learning how to put herself first. I am a woman who loves herself enough to prioritise her personal growth which fills me with pride. I am a woman who is determined and resilient and resourceful.

    Because of this course I am coming to know who I am and I am enjoying how multi-faceted and ever changing that is!


  • Katrina - London, England

    Its safe to be me and to trust myself

    Katie has taught me lessons that every woman should know. I now know who I am, how I feel and why, which makes me feel so light and free! I have finally started to stop worrying about what other people think. Katie has changed my life forever. My business has improved as a result of this work and my relationships are so much stronger.

    Katrina - London, England

  • Jude - Brighton, England

    My relationship with finances, wealth and security has changed

    I no longer worry about it the way I used to. One of Katie’s greatest strengths is in her ability to get right to the heart of an issue and help you see it in a completely different light. All of Katie’s gifts as a coach are complemented by the most sunny and radiant countenance, and you just know that she means every word she says.

    Jude - Brighton, England

  • Helen - Sussex, England

    Now I feel free to shine my light and be totally ME

    Having released the negative beliefs that don’t serve me, I have found more room for JOY, laughter, connecting deeply with authentic, awesome people and having amazing fun new experiences all because I am being more ME and I finally know in my heart that I deserve to feel good. How liberating!

    Helen - Sussex, England

  • Joanna - Brighton, England

    I am free of the burdens from a previous life

    Never did I imagine that through all the previous years of counselling, courses and searching that I could be guided in such a deep and meaningful way. Words cannot express my tremendous gratitude to Katie for her true faith and professionalism. She has provided me with tools for this continuing journey and now I am free of the burdens from a previous life.

    Joanna - Brighton, England

  • Judy - Sussex, England

    I finally love myself first and foremost

    I have experienced massive changes in all aspects of my life. I now fully love and believe in myself with trust and strength and the most amazing sense of self for the first time in my life! I cannot thank you enough. I am transformed.

    Judy - Sussex, England

  • Kellie - Hertfordshire, England

    I am free of the approval of others

    I now have the awareness, knowledge and tools I need to be able to validate and express my negative emotions, connect to my truth, seek support and be utterly compassionate towards myself. Knowing and loving myself more deeply has had a healing effect on my relationships; I am free of the approval of others and have an increased capacity to love unconditionally.

    Kellie - Hertfordshire, England

  • Kate - Sussex, England

    I am more confident

    I am now more confident in myself and my decisions and I have a renewed vigour for life! I have learned way more about myself than I thought possible and I am finally able to forgive myself and others. I have learned methods to stop beating myself up and to let go of co-dependency! I feel lighter and stronger and I can now look at the world of endless possibility with excitement rather than fear.

    Kate - Sussex, England

  • Yvonne - London, England

    I love myself again!

    Tackling my self-limited beliefs so they no longer control my life has allowed me to succeed further in business and has increased my self-confidence. It has been WORTH EVERY SINGLE PENNY!!! Katie helped me identify all of my deep-rooted limiting beliefs that go right back into early childhood and gave me tools to overcome and manage these beliefs so that they no longer control my life.

    Yvonne - London, England

  • Katy - Sussex, England

    Better than a self-help book!

    Doing this course was way better than reading just another self-help book – as had become my addiction – because it made me actually DO things, rather than just reading about an exercise and thinking ‘oh I’ll do it later’. Also, I loved the community aspect of supporting the other ladies in my group as it made me want to do the work so as not to let them down as much as myself.

    Katy - Sussex, England

  • Melissa - Sussex, England

    Things are changing - thank you!

    This is exactly the right way to run a course – normal courses last a weekend or whatever and it motivates you for about a week, but this one is brilliant because it keeps you doing it even when it’s hard, when you want to give up, when you don’t want to believe any of this ‘rubbish’. It keeps you going, motivates you, encourages you and shows you how things are changing – thank you!

    Melissa - Sussex, England

  • Anna-Marie - Sussex, England

    To discover my self-worth has been priceless!

    Katie is skilled at what she does. She is there with you every step of the way, encouraging you, inviting you to explore the parts of you that you may have buried, discounted or at worst disowned, and then celebrating your discoveries with you. I’ve changed, my life is changing and my anxieties don’t dictate my days! I am doing things and taking action in a way that 6 months ago I would have found impossible. I’m excited about my future and I am quite literally carving out a new path – personally and professionally.

    Anna-Marie - Sussex, England

  • Alison - Sussex, England

    I am now really living every day!

    I truly know who I am and what I stand for and am able to stand up and voice my thoughts and opinions without fear. Having awoken this in myself, my family life, home life, business life, financial life, travel aspects and relationships have all benefited and I am absolutely elated! I have truly learned to Love myself and enjoy life my way without compromise or self-sacrifice. I am 100 times happier than I have ever been.

    Alison - Sussex, England

  • Claire - Sussex, England

    Inner calm stays with me day to day

    I have learnt how to be kind to myself and nurture both my soul and my physical body, ensuring that I have the true inner strength to love, cherish and support others around me. Katie showed me how to achieve an inner calm that stays with me day to day even though the problems I face are still as real as ever. My husband, family and work colleagues have noticed a difference in my attitude towards situations that once would have had me losing my temper and failing to be productive.

    Claire - Sussex, England

  • Annie - Sussex, England

    I feel much more inclined to nuture myself

    As a result of the programme, I feel much more inclined to nurture myself which has a knock-on (positive!) effect on my family and those around me. It has made me think more seriously about what I aim to achieve in life and I feel empowered about the future and so grateful that the universe is on my side.

    Annie - Sussex, England

  • Christina - Sussex, England

    I feel like a weight has been lifted

    I have an immense amount of gratitude for Katie, and the other girls for taking their own journey along side me. My wish is that many more women discover Katie and get the benefit that I have had. It feels like a weight has been lifted and people have been noticing and complementing me on the change they see in me, which is a gift in itself.

    Christina - Sussex, England

  • Zoe - Bath, England

    I gained the inner knowledge I had been searching for

    Katie’s combination of well researched mental, physical and spiritual techniques give individuals the permission to breathe … and sometimes this feels like the first time for a very long time. The result was that I gained the kind of inner knowledge I had been searching for many years; I found that I had the inner strength to address insecurities, the kind of mental clarity and strength of mind to make decisions and I was able to LET GO.

    Zoe - Bath, England

  • Lauren - London, England

    I have the power to decide my life!

    I was always so affected and caught up in other peoples emotional responses to my behaviours and desires. I allowed others to affect my emotions so was exhausting and I felt completely out of control all the time. However, once conscious to this behaviour, I realised I had the POWER to decide what was going to happen, better yet- having the courage to take ACTION day has meant that I’m conquering my co-dependency every single day.

    Lauren - London, England

  • Sarah - London, England

    Every day I get to know myself better and loving what I discover

    I discovered the key to everything for me is loving myself enough to make time for me – because I’m worth it. It’s naturally lead me to a state of happiness and wellbeing. The impact on my kids and husband is profound.

    Sarah - London, England

  • Sophie - London, England

    A powerful force of love, support, guidance and understanding.

    I’ve spent most of my adult life dipping in and out of various self help manuals but never quite staying the course. I read Katie’s book and FINALLY realised that here was a healing programme that I could totally commit to. I joined her membership and was met with such a powerful force of love and support, guidance and understanding from everyone that at times it has felt overwhelming - in a wonderful way.

    Experiencing Katie’s wisdom drew me closer to admitting that I craved the guidance needed to confront my self sabotaging patterns of behaviour and start to heal certain areas of my life.

    The amazing ongoing support from Katie and the group means that I have the courage and belief to pursue and share my journey - with all its bumps, bends and blind curves.

    I am at the beginning of my journey but I know I’m on my way and I know I’m looking forwards.

    Sophie - London, England

  • Sandra - Sussex, England

    I am now in the driving seat in my life

    Now I know what I want, I care less about what other people think and I judge myself and others less harshly. I can connect better with the people around me and the end result is that I love myself a whole lot more. I am now in the driving seat in my life. I know what’s important to me and I am letting that purpose guide my decisions.

    Sandra - Sussex, England

  • Pippa - London, England

    My income increased by 40%

    I have developed my relationship with myself which has given me access to so much power within myself to create my future. My honesty and integrity in my relationship with my partner is really present now and a future for us is unfolding that I had only dreamt about. My income has increased by 40% and will reach 50% higher by next month.

    Pippa - London, England

  • Rebecca - London, England

    I am a nicer person to live with

    I am more in touch with who I am and am starting to create my own new rules. I am looking after myself in a more loving way. I am learning to heal myself. I am building faith in myself. I am able to ask for what I want, let things go and I am growing as a person. I actually feel so much lighter and free which has made me healthier and my sleep has improved. I am a nicer person to live with!

    Rebecca - London, England

  • Lynsey - Edinburgh, Scotland

    I feel so incredibly positive!

    I have finally let go of my past and feel so incredibly positive and optimistic about my future.

    Lynsey - Edinburgh, Scotland

  • Helen - Brighton, England

    Katie dramatically transformed my life

    My dreams became big and I was fuelled with such passion and purpose, there was nothing else to do but relaunch my career doing what I loved and charging my worth! I am now uplevelling in EVERY part of my life and am already seeing the results which are absolutely incredible.

    Helen - Brighton, England

  • Hattie - London, England

    Business is flying

    I have managed to get a much better work life balance without feeling the guilt. I have been putting myself first and also spending more time on ME! This initially all felt a bit self-indulgent, but now I feel fabulous and it has been noticed by friends, family, colleagues and clients. As a result, my business is flying and my family is happy.

    Hattie - London, England

  • Lynsey - United Kingdom

    I now live consciously

    I am so delighted to say I NOW LIVE CONCIOUSLY listening truly to my heart and soul. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Katie. The outstanding content, value and tremendous support throughout the course I am entirely grateful.

    Lynsey - United Kingdom

  • San San - Sussex, England

    A life changing experience

    The penny has finally dropped and explained the reasons why I had suffered from depression, OCD and most importantly, I didn’t love myself. With Katie’s positive, understanding and enthusiastic approach, I always felt supported on my journey, which was a challenge but I am so happy to finally discover myself at 46 years old!

    San San - Sussex, England

  • Polly - Sussex, England

    I had no idea life could be like this

    I feel joyful by default the majority of the time and I now know true happiness … and it is absolutely beautiful. Having found this place, life will never be the same. I am following my dreams, creating my life, confident, joyous, happy, grateful, a better mother/wife/friend and I look at my future and know I have tools to see me through.

    Polly - Sussex, England

  • Isabelle - UK

    Benefiting from Katie's personal support was an opportunity not to be missed!

    Being part of Katie's membership is one of the best things I have done for myself this year. Not only because the community is filled with inspiring, authentic, kind, supportive, and encouraging women but also because of Katie's incredible generosity. She is present, answers questions, offers practices, puts on extra masterclasses, and makes sure she gives everyone on the coaching calls an opportunity to benefit from her personal coaching. And if you know Katie, you will know that her coaching is powerful. It's as if she was seeing through the depth of your soul. She will reveal things to you that you don't know about yourself in the most compassionate and caring way. And she always finds the words you need to hear. Katie's support has been absolutely invaluable to me this year.

    Isabelle - UK

  • Lorraine - UK

    I just knew intuitively that Katie was the right person to help me on this journey.

    I'd met Katie 18 months earlier at an in-person event in Brighton and loved everything about her presence, energy and innate ability to help us challenge our own fears to achieve transformation, clarity and freedom. Joining the group was a complete no-brainer!

    Three things that stand out to me about the Membership are:

    * Katie's commitment, energy and presence within the group. She's an amazing role model who is honest, loving and operates with complete integrity.

    * The guest speakers. By opening the space to vibrant, knowledgeable experts, Katie offers a level of resources and support that are worth far more than the monthly fee.
    * The women in the group. Each brings their own beautiful unique gifts to the floor each month on our Zoom gatherings and there's a gorgeous sense of collective support and genuine cheerleading that bonds each woman in the circle.

    Lorraine - UK

  • Lindy - UK

    This is my safe place.

    It is now my place of support, care, and an amazing source of information.

    The monthly coaching sessions from Katie are wonderful and we all benefit from those brave enough to take the lime-light. Katie has a very safe way of asking questions and getting you to find your answers. There has been laughter and tears and it is a place of love and kindness.

    The masterclasses have been a revelation. Each and every month we have had one or two experts share their wisdom and knowledge. Each time you find yourself digging deeper and realising your own worth and value.

    I am so thankful to have had this resource during the unprecedented times of Covid isolation. I hope one day many of us will meet up as I'm sure I know have made lasting friendships within this community.

    Lindy - UK

  • Sophie - UK

    Awareness & Support

    With all the wobbles, doubts and sabotaging thoughts that want to creep into my mind, you’ve given me the awareness and the support to keep pulling myself up and out of that way of thinking...I’m NOT going back!

    Thank-you Katie - You’re a gift to me and all of us who meet you.

    Sophie - UK

  • Pippa - UK

    My growth is my priority!

    What I loved about the membership was how it served as a constant reminder that it is my priority to learn and grow.

    I loved connecting with women who feel the same and are actively leading in their lives to experience a life that conscious and fully expressed!

    Katie leads the group with so much love, and attention. If you’re considering it don’t hesitate, just do it! Commit time to it and you won’t regret it.

    Pippa - UK

  • Helen - UK

    This space means an awful lot!

    It gives me the ability to be able to share who I truly am in a loving supportive space.

    Katie is an amazing facilitator who spends a lot of time helping women to feel good about themselves.

    Helen - UK

  • Zoe - UK

    I am a longtime fan of Katie and her 'from the heart' approach to supporting, mentoring, nurturing and genuinely caring about women the world over.

    I was instantly attracted to the monthly thematic approach, the opportunity to hear from specially sought out expert speakers as well as the offer of a closed Facebook group where thoughts and musings could be posted in what felt like a safe environment. The price tag was irresistible too - it felt like an amazing value for money bargain that was too good to be true. But it has been better than good!

    You can’t go wrong with an offer like this. The membership offers women the chance to pause for thought, take stock, feel connected, supported, cared about and is a source of constant useful information in an ever changing world.

    Zoe - UK

  • Kelly-Anne - UK

    I was coasting along my self help journey for around 2 years.

    I was following a few coaches and psychologists on Instagram, I was making some progress in some aspects of my life but I felt I was stagnant in others.

    This Membership is an invaluable ongoing support system of wonderful women.

    My self limiting beliefs are being smashed continuously, my confidence and self worth are soaring I couldn’t be happier with my decision to take the leap and commit to working with Katie. If you’re mulling it over, I highly recommend you just go for it. I guarantee you won’t regret it.

    Kelly-Anne - UK

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    I was was stuck, stuck for years. I saw everything as a burden, a barrier. My life was driven by fearful thoughts - Fear of losing my job, losing my home and being single forever. The list was long...

    I was confident on the outside but inside I was full of self-doubt, I had low self-esteem, could not be myself in a relationship. I feared that being me wasn’t good enough or loveable.

    Working with Katie was a game changer for me. I realised I held so many negative and limiting beliefs about myself. These beliefs were deeply rooted in my childhood and became lifelong limiting beliefs.

    This work has genuinely changed me. I now feel so happy. I’m no longer playing the victim; but instead making decisions and taking action towards my dreams. I just can’t believe how quickly this has all happened.

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    - ANON

    We are engaged and have a gorgeous baby boy!

    I am so happy.

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    Although I felt I had so much in my life - a creative business, loving and supportive network of friends and family, a happy up-bringing and a pretty fulfilled life - there still seemed to be a void. I had a persistent inner critic that nagged that I was a bad person, not attractive enough, didn’t deserve to be loved, should be earning more and I was constantly reminded of my failings with past relationships.

    I have not been able to find and keep the love and support of a man in my life and I’ve blamed this on myself.

    Working with Katie has been enlightening! She has helped me to create such a sense of clarity and happiness.

    Unpicking my past enabled me to heal pieces that were still so evidently effecting my present behaviour. Identifying, releasing and changing destructive belief systems has given me such a sense of clarity.

    I feel more accepting, prepared and clearer in my life’s direction.

    I am making conscious decisions which is a huge comfort. For the first time in a long time I find myself in the present and looking forward, excited about the next chapter!

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    I have learnt to understand my feminine, to embrace my gifts, to feel genuine confidence and most importantly, I have now grasped that I am loveable just as I am. My imperfections are my vulnerabilities and they are beautiful.

    I can now stand in my own power and lead my life without the worry of others opinions, which is a true feat for me.

    Katie leads me to the parts of myself I may never have known needed healing.

    She's a true light, an inspiration and I admire her honesty, focus and care for all her clients.

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    I called in love!

    Directly on the back of working with Katie, I called in love!

    We have something very special that we both cherish.

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Your One Stop Self-Love Shop

Here's a breakdown of what you get in the Self Love Essential Collection :

> 2 In Depth Home Study Courses

* Self Love 101

* Love Yourself Free From People Pleasing

These courses come with video and audio trainings, downloadable worksheets, music playlists, meditations and affirmations.

> 4 Meditation Albums

* Living Consciously

* Living Connectedly

* Living Courageously

* I Am Daring & Mighty - for kids

These are all downloadable MP3 tracks.

> 1 Mini Course

* Abundant Love Manifestation Series

A 10 day programme that will move you from scarcity to abundance in life and love.

> 2 Expert Interview Series

* Next Level Love

* My Menopause

Learn from world renown experts and be inspired by women who beautifully role model what you desire.

> 100's of hours of life changing content

Video topics include :

* Self Love

* Masculine / Feminine Energy

* Healing From People Pleasing

* Dating & Relationships

Stream any time, any place.

> Daily Self Love Plan

Create your own self love action plan with :

* PDF's

* Check-lists

* Videos

Download and print to create a bespoke support package.

Plus this bonus!

1 month free in The Love Lounge

Get Katie's expert coaching and the support of other women doing this work for 4 whole weeks at no charge!

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    As a coach myself, over the years I had done a ton of personal development work, however one piece of feedback that I continuously got was that I needed to “love myself more.” Friends and coaches would observe “you’re too hard on yourself.” Because I had come so far from where I started, I was at a loss of how I could love myself MORE. Enter Katie with her teachings around the inner child, boundaries, self love and getting your needs met…at first, I thought it sounded a bit too touchy feely and unnecessary. Hadn’t I done enough? The answer was a resounding NO. Not even close.

    I now have way better boundaries, no more settling in my love or professional life and a sense of freedom that I hadn’t felt before. Katie is THE premiere expert in self love. If you find that you need to learn to love yourself more, to set better boundaries, to stop settling in any area of your life, Katie is the woman for you!

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    My new man has just moved in with me and we are looking for a bigger home. He is everything I think I ever wanted in a man! So kind and caring.

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    For me this was the most incredible in-depth “degree” in me.

    The place I was in before compared to now is unrecognisable. I feel I’ve shed the skin of a person who was doubting the possibilities of the future, disbelieving her power, personal convictions, values and desires.

    I learned so much about myself but more than that I learned how to empower myself when difficulties crop up, stay true to my values and continue on the path of gaining all I desire. I also learned how to bring in love, spirituality and self care into my day.

    Before this work I couldn’t even imagine dating again. Now I am enjoying dating in a way that feels really light, easy and fun for me. I am in awe of myself!

    All the life skills I learnt on the course give me an empowerment that encourages me to make the right decisions on everything from money … to love … to career… to health.

    It’s the best investment I’ve made ... and it continues to give.

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    This work has been nothing short of revolutionary!

    What I wanted more than anything in the world was to truly belong to somebody. I was done waiting and felt that I was ready for love. What I didn’t realise at that point was that what I really needed to work on was belonging to and loving myself!

    This work was a journey of TRUE self-discovery.

    I have healed some very painful blockages that were holding me back from truly connecting to others and re-written many of the old beliefs that were not serving me. I have found a sense of belonging within that I never knew was possible and have finally embarked upon a beautiful relationship of true love with myself.

    I cannot recommend Katie and her work enough. If you feel that you are ready to put yourself first, do the work and dig deep, you will not regret embarking on this journey. Working with Katie has been the best investment I have ever made in myself and worth each and every penny!

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    This course came at the perfect time for me. Each module is chock full of transformational truth and I see clear and concrete results show up in my life every time I do the work she suggests.

    Doing this work has answered so many of my heart’s secret questions about love. Before this course, I felt desperate to find a man, worried there was something wrong with me, frustrated that I was not getting what I want, and fearful of ending up alone forever. Now, I’m a woman who knows her value, who’s aligning her life and actions with her truth, who’s blossoming into a greater version of herself every day, and who loves and respects every part of herself. I’m on my way to finding the love of my life. Its just a matter of time.

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You're about to get everything you need to begin your journey home to you! All that's required is a choice.

It’s time for you to make a decision.

To trust me and invest in you, or not.

To get a month free access to The Love Lounge, or not.

Choose between paying in full or monthly payments by clicking the button below.

Everything is a choice.

Some choices are literally life changing and this is one of them.

With love, Katie x

Founder of The School of Self Love

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    I was feeling blocked about finding a relationship. This work was so much more valuable than I expected. I not only removed blocks and healed my heart but have clarity in what I desire and truly believing that I am worthy of a healthy and committed relationship.

    I now feel confident and skilled up to get out there and date!

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    I felt so detached and as a result of this work I have come back to life and am living bigger and better than ever before.

    I felt lost before doing this work. I knew I had so much love to give and receive but for various reasons it felt so out of reach. Every day felt like a chore and I couldn’t understand how I would ever get out of the hole I was stuck in. If someone said to me 5 months ago that I would feel like the real me again, I wouldn’t have believed it.

    Life is clearer than it has ever been. I’m getting better at not knowing the answers and trusting in the process. I see my worth more and more every day and I feel so much more comfortable in receiving - mentally, physically and emotionally.

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    This work has been an evolution for me as well as a revolution. I have really started to respect and allow myself to be open to possibility without being a victim to circumstance or a martyr to my own belief systems. And I have started the crucial work in dismantling those belief systems. I genuinely know, feel, and believe that this work has given me the tools, strength and awareness to swim into my next chapters, and to know the work is there for me to revisit and expand on as and when I will and must.

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    I was frustrated at still being single and I had an overriding feeling that finding love shouldn’t be so difficult.

    I’ve gained much from the work but most importantly :

    * Getting in touch with my inner child
    * Recognising a habit of playing small & not wanting to ask for too much
    * The importance of being feminine & playful
    * Owning my vulnerability & feelings
    * Exploring my attitudes around men & women (their roles etc)
    * Appreciating that acceptance/receiving/surrender can be just as useful as action - it’s a balance

    I’m glad that I committed to the work of understanding myself better & showing up a little differently in life so that I can receive my desires!

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    As a stressed out single Mom, building a business, I had already done a lot of the work to lead a life "on purpose", but I still had barriers keeping me from having everything that I desired… in love, in my business, and in life.

    I was able to let down the barriers and explore everything it is to be authentically me!

    Katie is knowledgeable, experienced, and tapped into her intuition, and because of it she is able to lead her clients in a way that is gentle, honest, and tailored.

    Katie has created a body of work for powerful personal growth. This is an investment in yourself, and as in life, you get out of it what you put into it. If you allow it, this program will open you up to calling in everything you desire for yourself. Come ready to do the work!

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