I have spent much of today basking in a glorious sense of achievement. I have felt truly happy and deeply myself as a result. My achievement was the trip to DisneyLand. Simple enough but it actually took quite a bit of courage and faith to book the trip, for many reasons. I had a variety of logistical, financial and work related hurdles to jump in order to make it happen. There were a number of reasons not to go but my gut was telling me that it was important to get away and have some fun. I listened to my heart and not my head. I chose to live for the moment. I am proud of myself. It very simply felt really great to do something that I really wanted to do. It is so easy to put off pleasing myself to ensure other people, other needs or commitments are satisfied first.
I am very grateful for my Bag List. It is ensuring that I act on doing the things I love meaning I am really living my life and not just going through the motions. When I do get stuck and lose my shine, the Bag List reminds me what my life is all about and helps to steer me back on track. I am inspired to add much much more to my list now and I think that is how I shall spend my evening! Oooh, where to begin……!