When you embark on your Self-Love Affair, you are signing up to doing life in a totally new way. So as much as we refer to women who have completed programmes with us as ‘graduates’, they would agree that their journey has only just begun!

These women met their soul mate >

  • Sandra - Sussex, England

    I am now in the driving seat in my life

    Before working with Katie, I was stuck. I knew things weren’t right and I wasn’t living life in a way I knew was right for me. I had a successful career and was working hard and ‘achieving’ but was desperately unhappy and had no time for myself and felt so lost.

    I decided enough was enough and left my high powered job – that decision in itself was incredibly empowering – however I knew I needed to go deeper, which required an investment in myself.

    My private coaching began with an intensive full day together. The day itself was so powerful and by the end I felt a whole lot lighter – like something I had been carrying with me for a very long time had been shed and I felt like I was seeing the world in a different way for the first time.

    Katie’s intuitive approach to coaching really worked for me. She pushes gently (in a way that is caring and considered) to ensure I got to the root of the issue myself.

    Now I know what I want, I care less about what other people think and I judge myself and others less harshly.

    Through this experience, I’ve discovered that being honest and open makes me happier. I can connect better with the people around me and the end result is that I love myself a whole lot more.

    I am now in the driving seat in my life. I know what’s important to me and I am letting that purpose guide my decisions. I have now set up my own business to help brands to better understand & engage with women. I am better connected with my family. Best of all, I am better connected with myself. I am less concerned about what other people think and as a consequence I feel I have a whole lot more to give.

    My coaching experience with Katie was worth every penny but you have to be ready to do the work. So, if you’re ready to dig deep and address the root causes that are holding you back, I can highly recommend coaching with Katie.

    Sandra - Sussex, England

  • Pippa - London, England

    My income increased by 40%

    Working with Katie was not a decision I took lightly – I debated it for a good 6 months.

    I had read Katie’s book and started one of her online home-study classes but found it hard to complete on my own.

    I wanted to take my career and relationship to new heights.

    I knew if I was going to achieve my goals I was going to need expert support and 100% accountability – and that is exactly what I received from the Live Louder programme.

    With Katie’s wisdom, intuition and guidance, I have navigated a very challenging 6-month period of my life and have come out of it with a far stronger and deeper knowledge of my true self. To put that in real terms, for me that means:

    – I have developed my relationship with myself and have found a new level of understanding of my deepest beliefs and fears. For me this knowledge has given me access to so much power within myself to create my future. – my honesty and integrity in my relationship with my partner is really present now and a future for us is unfolding that I had only dreamt about. – I have created a peaceful and supportive friendship with both my parents, where previously there had been a lot of ups and downs. – My income has increased by 40% since I joined Live Louder and I made back the money for the course within the first 3 months through additional new business. My income will reach 50% higher by next month. It is amazing how money appears when you need it and take action!

    I couldn’t have foreseen these amazing, wonderful things being a reality before I signed up to Live Louder.

    On top of all of this I had the pleasure of sharing the experience with 5 brave, honest and inspiring women. From each of them I learned what it means to be a woman who is committed to creating a deep connection with who she is and why she is here in the world.

    Live Louder was a process of self-exploration that I will never forget.

    Pippa - London, England

  • Sophie - London, England

    I found the key!

    I’ve spent most of my adult life dipping in and out of various self help manuals but never quite staying the course.

    I read Katie’s book and FINALLY realised that here was a healing programme that I could totally commit to. I joined Katie’s Evolution Membership and was met with such a powerful force of love and support, guidance and understanding from everyone that at times it has felt overwhelming - in a wonderful way.

    Experiencing Katie’s wisdom drew me closer to admitting that I craved the guidance needed to confront my self sabotaging patterns of behaviour and start to heal certain areas of my life. So I jumped - into the unknown and booked a private RESET call with Katie.

    Katie’s style of coaching is clear and profoundly nurturing. She is entirely focused on caring for her client and their needs so the session unfolds in a place of deep support and trust. At the end of the session I realised Katie had led me safely through patterns of behaviour and triggers that were buried way down inside me. Katie led me to my own key that has the power to unpick these deeply ingrained behaviours. In a word, Katie RESET me.

    Before the session, it was as though I was stuck on an endless roundabout not knowing which direction to take in life. Katie’s session showed me the direction I want to take. Not only that, the amazing ongoing support from Katie and the group means that I have the courage and belief to pursue and share this journey - with all its bumps, bends and blind curves. I am at the beginning of my journey but I know I’m on my way and I know I’m looking forwards.

    Sophie - London, England

  • Rebecca - London, England

    I am a nicer person to live with

    Before I worked with Katie I was a people pleasing, co-dependent workaholic without any awareness of what my beliefs and behaviours were doing to me and those around me. I had dipped into books, various classes and counselling for short periods of time but was unable to sustain looking after myself through shame and guilt and a lack of real understanding of what wasn’t working for me.

    Having done RESET – The Breakthrough Transformation Experience – with Katie I have begun the journey of truly getting to know myself and examine what isn’t serving me and start to ask for what my heart desires. I had picked up so many behaviours from my parents that are not the real me. I can see how patterns of learnt behaviour in my life were keeping me distant from people, stressed and at times depressed and frustrated.

    I am more in touch with who I am and am starting to create my own new rules. I am looking after myself in a more loving way. I am learning to heal myself. I am building faith in myself. I am able to ask for what I want, let things go and I am growing as a person. I actually feel so much lighter and free which has made me healthier and my sleep has improved. I am a nicer person to live with!

    I put off working with Katie to start with believing I didn’t have time but I am so glad I did RESET with her. Quite simply it has changed my life in so many ways that I would recommend you don’t put off your own work with Katie any longer! Life is too short to not be living wide awake and fulfilling your potential.

    Find your light with Katie and shine!

    Rebecca - London, England

  • Lynsey - Edinburgh, Scotland

    I feel so incredibly positive!

    I committed whole-heartedly to the work with Katie and admit it wasn’t easy, battling with my ego was a challenge let me tell you but eventually my Spirit shone through and have never looked back.

    I realise now that I didn’t know who I was. I was just striving to be what I ‘thought’ was the best way to be!

    Katie provides the safest environment to really hit the depths of your soul and coaches you in the most heartfelt, supportive and empowering way possible. I would NEVER have been able to connect with myself on such a deep level without Katie!

    I have finally let go of my past and feel so incredibly positive and optimistic about my future.

    Thank you so much for this incredible experience, I will never forget what you have helped me release during Live Louder.

    You are an incredible lady and I’m so entirely grateful.

    Lynsey - Edinburgh, Scotland

  • Helen - Brighton, England

    Katie dramatically transformed my life

    I can honestly say that Katie is responsible for dramatically transforming my life!

    Before I met her, I was in the midst of a marriage breakdown. I had a new born baby and didn’t have a clue who I was anymore.

    I was attending couples therapy with my husband and was becoming aware that I had been co-dependent for a very long time.

    I then saw an advert from Katie on Facebook (divine timing at its best!) and signed up to her free People Pleasing Training series. It was like a huge light had instantly shone down on me and I felt myself waking up.

    After speaking to Katie I knew I had to work with her, she just got me!

    I signed up to her People Pleasing teleclass and It was the BEST thing I ever did. Through six in depth tele classes and worksheets, Katie taught me how to expose my co-dependent behaviours and negative beliefs and to transform them into beliefs that served me.

    I realised that I was pushing all of my emotions and needs WAY down. This made me passive aggressive, unhappy and awkward.

    I wasn’t charging my worth in my business, and I had run away from my life passion (funnily enough as a transformational executive coach) because I had lost my confidence and identity.

    Each week I was so excited to work through the material and experience more light bulb moments.

    My awareness cranked up and I started drinking in life in a way I hadn’t ever done before! I started reading self-help books again, connecting with like-minded people, and completely re wrote my money story.

    My dreams became big and I was fuelled with such passion and purpose, there was nothing else to do but relaunch my career doing what I loved and charging my worth!

    I am now uplevelling in EVERY part of my life and am already seeing the results which are absolutely incredible.

    If you are feeling stuck, lost and confused, out of love with yourself and want more out of life but don’t know how to get it then you simply must get in touch with Katie. Her programmes are fantastic and you will reap the rewards.

    I also recommend reading Katie’s book, a practical guide to loving yourself which is so well written I have read it three times already! Katie’s story is powerful and she is a very special person with amazing gifts.

    I am so glad I met her. I know that I will be working with her again soon in a 121 or group programme.

    Thank you Katie!

    Helen - Brighton, England

  • Hattie - London, England

    Business is flying

    Business is flying & my family is happy

    I sat next to Katie at a dinner party about 5 years ago. I instantly clicked with her and started following her blog and inspirational emails.

    Over the years my life evolved – I moved out of London, had a baby, my business went up and down and I was doing the exhausting commute to London on a regular basis.

    After a while it all got too much! Whilst searching for what to do, an email from Katie dropped into my inbox and something inside said it was time to book a call with her.

    My journey with Katie has meant that I have managed to get a much better work life balance without feeling the guilt. I have been putting myself first and also spending more time on ME!

    This initially all felt a bit self-indulgent, but now I feel fabulous and it has been noticed by friends, family, colleagues and clients. As a result, my business is flying and my family is happy.

    I have already recommended Katie and will continue to do so. I have learnt so much about myself and am excited about working further on my development. I just wish I had started sooner!!

    Hattie - London, England

  • Paul - London, England

    I have discovered a different way to live!

    I was chatting with my family over Christmas and we spent some time discussing you and in particular the ‘help’ you have given us. My English fails me there because ‘help’ I don’t think does the ‘Katie Work’ (as we call it) justice.

    We feel that you have transformed our lives and shown us a different way to live which we could not unscramble ourselves, so, and this is probably not said enough, we have tremendous feelings of gratitude for having you in our lives and also in my case certainly the utmost respect for what you have done for me, or together with me.

    Frankly I could not figure it out until you unlocked it for me.

    I felt like a weight has lifted and I am enjoying planning the things I am going to do this year and specifically ACTION that I am going to take towards projects that light me up, and also push me outside of my comfort zone.

    Paul - London, England

  • Lynsey - United Kingdom

    I now live consciously

    Whilst watching the People Pleasing Videos, I thought Katie had created the videos specifically for me!

    It was so ‘spot on’ about how I have lived my life for the past 40 years!!!

    So much so, I was hit with a realisation that I had been a massive People Pleaser in all past relationships, so much so I had completely lost who I was, what I was passionate about and what I required within a relationship.

    So many failed relationships purely down to the fact that I didn’t put myself, my wants or needs first.

    I am so delighted to say I NOW LIVE CONCIOUSLY listening truly to my heart and soul.

    Even although this work requires lifetime change but knowing you can achieve and get better results in not only your life but in all relationships then it’s a win win for everyone.

    I cannot thank Katie enough for creating such an outstanding teleclass! Had I not started the People Pleasing course, I wouldn’t be where I am now…..living a conscious life, growing spiritually on a daily basis and loving myself at all times.

    The tools and techniques provided on the course, I use on a daily basis and will continue to use throughout life.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart Katie. The outstanding content, value and tremendous support throughout the course I am entirely grateful.

    If Katie’s videos even remotely speak to you, then I would highly recommend you get on the People Pleasing Bandwagon because trust me, you will NEVER LOOK BACK.

    Lynsey - United Kingdom

  • Sarah - London, England

    Every day I get to know myself better and loving what I discover

    Before I worked with Katie I was stuck in a very deep hole.

    Trying to be superwoman had me in complete overwhelm and constantly putting myself last meant that I had gone flat.

    I was aware that a breakdown was on the horizon and that I needed to change fast!

    I watched her videos and was moved by her happiness. Her true self and freedom reminded me that I was once that person….and needed to find her again!!

    I am a mum of two amazing young kids and was juggling so much – not least, the desire to be the perfect wife and mother while running my own retail shop on a high-end London high street (which in itself was a juggle – being the jewellery designer, maker, manager, boss…!). The multi-tasking of roles was not working. Infact, it was financially crippling and physically testing.

    Working with Katie helped me feel supported while I took some big and bold moves to take back control and get rid of key pieces holding me back from my desires.

    Every day I continue my journey to get the life I desire but now it’s an exciting journey!

    I discovered the key to everything for me is loving myself enough to make time for me – because I’m worth it. It’s naturally lead me to a state of happiness and wellbeing.

    The impact on my kids and husband is profound.

    It’s not even been a full year since we begun our work together and I have bravely closed my retail shop, re-branded myself, reduced my debt, started going to the gym regularly and am loving my balance! I have also discovered a new passion for a career that will change the health and wealth of so many.

    Katie is a nourishing soul…her energy, enthusiasm, professionalism, honesty and mostly her kind and comforting voice ensured that she made every coaching call count. She equipped me with the right advice, tools and homework to get results!

    Every day I am getting to know myself better and loving what I discover!

    Sarah - London, England

  • San San - Sussex, England

    A life changing experience

    I signed up for Katie’s 6 Week ‘Love Yourself Free from People Pleasing’ Teleclass in August 2015.

    It has been a life-changing experience for me. From Day one, I ticked all the boxes that proved I was co-dependant. I didn’t even know what it meant let alone think that I was. It was like this class had been written especially for me. How did Katie know?

    The penny had finally dropped and explained the reasons why I had suffered from depression, OCD and most importantly, I didn’t love myself.

    With Katie’s positive, understanding and enthusiastic approach, I always felt supported on my journey, which was a challenge but I am so happy to finally discover myself at 46 years old!

    I highly recommend this course and if you have the opportunity to work with Katie, take it!

    San San - Sussex, England

  • Polly - Sussex, England

    I had no idea life could be like this

    Before I worked with Katie I was really struggling, but I thought that was normal. I was like a duck on water…seemingly calm and serene, yet peddling like mad under water. I was up and down like a yoyo, cried a lot and everything was everyone else’s fault. I was miserable, had low self esteem, was moody, neurotic, argumentative and confused. Deep down I was never happy, I never felt quite right, even when I was having a nice time I would put a damper on it thinking that I shouldn’t be! My mind was a monkey mind – a self sabotaging, people pleasing knot of a mind. I thought that was normal.

    Now, having worked with Katie, I can honestly say that I am a different person.

    The Live Louder programme was a surreal experience! We stripped my mind back to the bare cogs to see what was going on and I was shocked by what we discovered. With Katie holding my hand, I stared my fears in the face, rebuilt my mind and now I am a changed person. I actually cannot believe I was carrying all that on my shoulders for my lifetime!

    The retreat which was included in the Live Louder programme was epic. We had an absolute blast. I met my soul…and the souls of the other ladies. It was absolutely incredible and I have never experienced anything like it. Katie provided the safest place I have ever known and allowed me to delve in and truly find out who I am.

    Live Louder was undeniably the most important programme I have ever completed.

    Having done this course, I feel joyful by default the majority of the time and I now know true happiness … and it is absolutely beautiful. Having found this place, life will never be the same. If something annoys or upsets me, I am able to override my fears and dominate my thoughts with ‘that doesn’t matter move on’ whereas before I would crumble, spiral and end up with a duvet over my head…playing the martyr.

    I had no idea life could be like this. I would say that 98% of everyone I know needs to do this work.

    I have changed my life around.

    I am following my dreams, creating my life, confident, joyous, happy, grateful, a better mother/wife/friend and I look at my future and know I have tools to see me through.

    I have looked everywhere for answers (therapy wise) and I never found any until I embarked on this work.

    What Katie offers is so totally unique!

    Working with Katie, I can honestly say that I have witnessed miracles. I cannot recommend her enough. She is an extraordinary being who genuinely has the capacity to help you live a life you could only dream of. Without a shadow of a doubt, you will be so thankful you did.

    Polly - Sussex, England

  • Jude - Brighton, England

    My relationship with finances, wealth and security has changed

    My first call with Katie was nothing short of comical! My head was literally all over the place and that was reflected in the torrent of disorganised thoughts and narrative that spilled out of me over the following hour.

    Over the course of the past few months, working through Katie’s Online Self-Love Affair programme, I have learned so much about myself and my old and completely redundant belief systems. I have learned how to drop inherited beliefs and how to create my own, that serve me.

    I had some negative feelings and beliefs around money that really needed to be changed as they were causing me deep anxiety. I had one call with Katie, and now my relationship with my finances, wealth and security has completely changed and I no longer worry about it the way I used to.

    One of Katie’s greatest strengths is in her ability to get right to the heart of an issue and help you see it in a completely different light.

    She’s also extremely practical when a situation calls for clear, practical steps. When you literally cannot see the wood for the trees it’s enormously helpful to have someone break down the situation for you and help you develop a plan for how you might get beyond it.

    All of Katie’s gifts as a coach are complemented by the most sunny and radiant countenance, and you just know that she means every word she says.

    Jude - Brighton, England

  • Helen - Sussex, England

    Now I feel free to shine my light and be totally ME

    I had read ALL the books, and knew it all in my head – how to love myself and feel peaceful, but I didn’t feel it and needed to put it into action. Then I met Katie!

    Connecting with Katie is like having a heart to heart with a best friend who doesn’t judge you but who has been there!

    Katie is highly intuitive and is so heartfelt and deeply genuine.

    She is a ninja in getting to the root of an issue, shining light on it, and helping you to make conscious actions to create new beliefs which bring profound change.

    Before, my life was run by negative childhood programming around fear, lack and struggle. I was a muted down version of me, fitting in and afraid that others would judge me and not like me if they saw how funny, radiant, talented and kooky I was.

    Now, I feel free to shine my light and be totally ME. Because by doing so I honour my Spirit and allow others to shine too. I attract more people to me who get me, and those who don’t aren’t meant to be around. Major awakening for me! Wahoo!! I love myself more and want the best for myself.

    Having released the negative beliefs that don’t serve me, I have found more room for JOY, laughter, connecting deeply with authentic, awesome people and having amazing fun new experiences all because I am being more ME and I finally know in my heart that I deserve to feel good. How liberating!

    I make conscious heart led choices on a daily basis and “feel” into my decisions so I am more in flow! It’s a revelation and I am so grateful to you, Katie.

    I spent a lifetime not loving myself and replaying old patterns like feeling ‘less than’, that I just didn’t know how to break. Katie has put me back in touch with my true beautiful self and I can’t thank you enough.

    I don’t need any more books. I know I have all the answers I need in me.

    Katie, you are a gift to the world and I feel very blessed to know you.

    Helen - Sussex, England

  • Joanna - Brighton, England

    I am free of the burdens from a previous life

    How many times have you felt down, lost, frustrated, searching for answers, angry, tearful, misunderstood?….. I know because I have been that girl.

    Years and years of negative behaviour led me to thinking, no matter how much counselling, therapy, eating, shopping, holidays, things to fill the gap, I would never be rid of this sabotaging belief that I would never be truly happy!

    No matter how I tried to push aside this damaging terrorist in my head it just would not go away!!

    I read about Katie’s work and immediately booked a call with her. I was relieved to be connected with another being who really understood and had empathy for my situation. The questions Katie asked resonated in a way that I had never experienced and dug deep into my very soul.

    Never did I imagine that through all the previous years of counselling, courses and searching that I would be guided in such a deep and meaningful way.

    Words cannot express my tremendous gratitude for her true faith and professionalism.

    Yes, I have worked hard – incredibly hard – and it has been an arduous journey at times, yet she has been there, patient and giving, every step of the way.

    Katie has provided me with tools for this continuing journey and now I am free of the burdens from a previous life.

    Joanna - Brighton, England

  • Judy - Sussex, England

    I finally love myself first and foremost

    Since completing the People Pleasing Tele-class I have experienced massive changes in all aspects of my life.

    I had tried several forms of counselling in the past with levels of success. The People Pleasing Tele-class has been more transformational for me than I could have imagined. Everything has fallen into place.

    I now fully love and believe in myself with trust and strength and the most amazing sense of self for the first time in my life!

    The weekly lessons and homework encouraged me to dig even deeper and truly get to know myself. I never felt like it was work. The content was far greater than anything before and the style of teaching and support ticked every box for me.

    The tools you have given me – particularly the 3 steps – are now part of my daily life. In fact everything is part of my daily life.

    I am not second in my relationship and my values and boundaries are now paramount to me.

    I finally love myself first and foremost.

    I cannot thank you enough. I am transformed.

    Judy - Sussex, England

  • Kellie - Hertfordshire, England

    I am free of the approval of others

    Before I worked with Katie I felt numb inside. This sounds extreme but the pain of not feeling able to speak my truth and live to purpose was debilitating, soul destroying and affecting my most valued relationships including with myself.

    Something had to change. It was a big stretch in committing to work with Katie but after speaking with her I knew that by investing in her support I could make the internal shifts required to feel the sense of freedom and ease I craved and embody them as my truth.

    By the end of the SLA programme I had learnt to love myself in the way that I know my parents had hoped to instil in me, as I now do for my own children.

    I now have the awareness, knowledge and tools I need to be able to validate and express my negative emotions, connect to my truth, seek support and be utterly compassionate towards myself.

    Knowing and loving myself more deeply has had a healing effect on my relationships; I am free of the approval of others and have an increased capacity to love unconditionally.

    The Self-Love journey was the necessary foundation to allow my truth and desires their voice and develop the courage to take inspired action in my life and business; the reasons for subsequently extending my work with Katie.

    Working with Katie is fun, supportive, insightful and suitably challenging! Katie lovingly holds the space for you to find strength in your vulnerability. I feel grateful and privileged to know and have worked with her.

    If you too desire to fundamentally transform your life, you need to love yourself 100%.

    To know how, you need to work with Katie.

    Kellie - Hertfordshire, England

  • Kate - Sussex, England

    I am more confident

    For years I had found that I was unable to take action; I had become stuck and was lacking confidence in myself. I constantly compared myself to others & was so angry and frustrated as a result.

    As a direct outcome of Katie’s group programme, I am more confident in myself and my decisions and I have a renewed vigour for life! I have learned way more about myself than I thought possible and I am finally able to forgive myself and others. I have learned methods to stop beating myself up and to let go of co-dependency; what somebody else thinks is their own business! I am now able to let go of my past and work on my future, taking action and bringing me a booming business and financial stability that I could previously only have dreamed of. I feel lighter and stronger and I can now look at the world of endless possibility with excitement rather than fear.

    If you are considering taking the leap to working with Katie I can’t recommend it highly enough – without Katie’s guidance, support and dynamic course material I know I would still be in the same position today as I was a year ago, and I would be more frustrated than ever

    Kate - Sussex, England

  • Yvonne - London, England

    I love myself again!

    I was in a downward spiral of depression and desperation for more than ten years. I read a D&M newsletter that made me cry, like it had been written for me! I booked a complimentary call and have never looked back!

    Tackling my self-limited beliefs so they no longer control my life has allowed me to succeed further in business and has increased my self-confidence. It has been WORTH EVERY SINGLE PENNY!!!

    Katie has been my friend, my counselor, my life coach, my business coach, my sounding board and someone to run ideas by. She helped me identify all of my deep-rooted limiting beliefs that go right back into early childhood and gave me tools to overcome and manage these beliefs so that they no longer control my life.

    The Facebook Self-Love Affair Community is also incredibly supportive. I wish you love and luck on your own Daring and Mighty journey.

    Yvonne - London, England

  • Kerry - London, England

    I can achieve anything now!

    I can honestly say Katie is one of the most insightful and motivating people I have ever worked with. She has a real passion for what she does and really cares for the people she works with.

    I now feel like I can really achieve my potential….or achieve anything really!

    I would really recommend that you consider working with Katie if you feel lost, that life has no joy in it and that you are not sure which way to go next. If you feel like life is a struggle rather than an absolute joy or if you just feel like you need a deep change in your life. Katie will help you understand why you feel that way and how to get out of it and move into a life you love.

    Kerry - London, England

  • Katy - Sussex, England

    Better than a self-help book!

    I invested in Katie’s group programme because I was feeling frustrated that I never got anything started and I wasn’t loving myself at all.

    I had a sense of sadness at not being able to follow my dreams while also sabotaging my happiness with thoughts of the past.

    I have come away from this work with so much!

    I am re-programming my beliefs by listening to my bespoke money affirmations almost daily.

    I now understand the importance of daily meditation and I enjoy lots of Katie’s guided meditations.

    I have experienced the importance of emotional expression. I can now let go of pent-up emotions like anger by punching and kicking it out!

    I have learned to say ‘enough’ when my mind is on a negative spiral.

    Doing this course was way better than reading just another self-help book – as had become my addiction – because it made me actually DO things, rather than just reading about an exercise and thinking ‘oh I’ll do it later’.

    Also, I loved the community aspect of supporting the other ladies in my group as it made me want to do the work so as not to let them down as much as myself.

    Katy - Sussex, England

  • Melissa - Sussex, England

    Things are changing - thank you!

    This is exactly the right way to run a course – normal courses last a weekend or whatever and it motivates you for about a week, but this one is brilliant because it keeps you doing it even when it’s hard, when you want to give up, when you don’t want to believe any of this ‘rubbish’.

    It keeps you going, motivates you, encourages you and shows you how things are changing – thank you!

    Melissa - Sussex, England

  • Anna-Marie - Sussex, England

    To discover my self-worth has been priceless!

    When I met Katie I had just left a career that had quite literally run me ragged with no idea what I was going to do next, but in the knowledge that surely there had to be something more. I’d suffered lifelong anxiety and was so tired of facing the world with a smile on my face when inside I felt fearful, defeated, limited and disengaged from my authenticity. I wasn’t even sure who I was!

    Reading self-help books and applying basic mindfulness were not enough. It was time to get proper support! I was terrified to face my demons but the thought of deciding NOT to work with Katie brought an even greater fear – of staying where I was.

    My Self-Love Affair has been the most monumental and positive experience in every respect. Katie isn’t trying to teach you a new way to live, she is instead gifting you a safe space in which to discover who you are, in all your glory. Katie is skilled at what she does. She is there with you every step of the way, encouraging you, inviting you to explore the parts of you that you may have buried, discounted or at worst disowned, and then celebrating your discoveries with you.

    The bottom line? I’ve changed, my life is changing and my anxieties don’t dictate my days! I am doing things and taking action in a way that 6 months ago I would have found impossible. I’m excited about my future and I am quite literally carving out a new path – personally and professionally.

    I could not have achieved this alone! And it has been a magical journey.

    To discover my self-worth has been priceless!

    Anna-Marie - Sussex, England

  • Katrina - London, England

    Its safe to be me and to trust myself

    I chose to work with Katie because I was frustrated by the disconnect between being able to run a very successful business while being in constant struggle with my personal life. It was one of the most powerful decisions I have ever made. She has taught me lessons that every woman should know.

    I now know who I am, how I feel and why, which makes me feel so light and free! I have finally started to stop worrying about what other people think.

    I’ve stopped being so hard on myself and am able to better care for myself. I no longer give all of my time and energy to others and miraculously that has helped to heal relationships with the people I care about most!

    Katie has changed my life forever. My business has improved as a result of this work and my relationships are so much stronger.

    I have learned that it’s safe to be me and to trust myself. I am so grateful to feel so liberated!

    Katrina - London, England

  • Alison - Sussex, England

    I am now really living every day!

    I was carrying around huge emotional baggage and resent and had a dangerously low opinion of myself. Life was a continuous struggle. Everyday negative thoughts consumed me and I was just going through the motions of life. I honestly believed I was ‘OK’ and this was just ‘how life is’ but how wrong I was! I really had no idea what I was hoping to change as I was ‘in the thick of it’ and couldn’t see the woods for the trees!

    Working with Katie has truly opened my eyes to life and how precious it is. I am now really LIVING every day. I have been able to shake off and release much of the unnecessary ‘baggage’ I had been carrying for a horribly long time.

    Katie is a brimming fountain of knowledge who has helped and supported me every step of the way and really drawn out honesty in me at times when I wasn’t being honest with myself. This can only come with expertise and I am so grateful Katie is gifted in this way otherwise I would still be living a chaotic and miserable life filled with worry and depression.

    I truly know who I am and what I stand for and am able to stand up and voice my thoughts and opinions without fear. Having awoken this in myself, my family life, home life, business life, financial life, travel aspects and relationships have all benefited and I am absolutely elated! I have truly learned to Love myself and enjoy life my way without compromise or self-sacrifice. I am 100 times happier than I have ever been.

    Alison - Sussex, England

  • Claire - Sussex, England

    Inner calm stays with me day to day

    Before I worked with Katie my life was off kilter. With a busy job, young family and a sick Mum I felt like I was on a treadmill of stress, pain and never ending anger. I was supporting everyone around me but often asked the question “who is supporting me”?

    Having completed the course with Katie I have learnt primarily how to be kind to myself and nurture both my soul and my physical body, ensuring that I have the true inner strength to love, cherish and support others around me. Katie showed me how to achieve an inner calm that stays with me day to day even though the problems I face are still as real as ever.

    My husband, family and work colleagues have noticed a difference in my attitude towards situations that once would have had me losing my temper and failing to be productive. I Now approach life from a very different angle – one of love, calm and without stress.

    If you want to turn your life around then I would recommend you invest some time and energy by taking Katie’s course.

    Claire - Sussex, England

  • Lauren - London, England

    I have the power to decide my life!

    I was always so affected and caught up in other peoples emotional responses to my behaviours and desires. I allowed others to affect my emotions so much...it was exhausting and I felt completely out of control all the time. However, once conscious to this behaviour, I realised I had the POWER to decide what was going to happen, better yet- having the courage to take ACTION day has meant that I’m conquering my co-dependency every single day.

    Thank you Katie for shining a light on these gifts that were within me!

    Lauren - London, England

  • Izi - UK

    Working with Katie has opened my eyes up to the real me.

    I felt so detached and as a result of the coaching I have come back to life and am living bigger and better than ever before.

    I felt lost. I knew I had so much to give and receive - so much potential and so much love to give myself - but for various reasons it felt so out of reach. Every day felt like a chore and I couldn’t understand how I would ever get out of the hole I was stuck in.

    If someone said to me 5 months ago that I would feel like the real me again, I wouldn’t have been able to accept it. Now I’m excited to keep growing and seeing my full potential.

    The list of things that I have learnt are endless but mainly that I have the power in me to choose how I feel and the real me is in there and she has so much going for her. All in a way in which I could never have imagined.

    Katie works in such a gentle and caring way. I felt (and still feel) nurtured when I work with her. I feel safe and listened to. The power of her words is incredible. I was doing something SO out of my comfort zone when I first approached Katie. Now I can’t wait to receive more and more guidance along my journey.

    Life is clearer than it has ever been. I’m getting better at not knowing the answers and trusting in the process. I see my worth more and more every day and I feel so much more comfortable in receiving - mentally, physically and emotionally.

    Working with Katie has been one of the biggest and best investments for me and is worth every single penny. I’m loving the real me.

    Izi - UK

  • Annie - Sussex, England

    I feel much more inclined to nuture myself

    As a result of the programme, I feel much more inclined to nurture myself which has a knock-on (positive!) effect on my family and those around me.

    It has made me think more seriously about what I aim to achieve in life and I feel empowered about the future and so grateful that the universe is on my side.

    Annie - Sussex, England

  • Christina - Sussex, England

    I feel like a weight has been lifted

    This programme has changed me, little by little over the three months, and I feel amazing for it! I have an immense amount of gratitude for Katie, and the other girls for taking their own journey along side me. My wish is that many more women discover Katie and get the benefit that I have had. It feels like a weight has been lifted and people have been noticing and complementing me on the change they see in me, which is a gift in itself.

    Christina - Sussex, England

  • Zoe - Bath, England

    I gained the inner knowledge I had been searching for

    I first came to Katie as I knew in the back of my mind I was fighting “a fear” and I had come to realise that I had a huge propensity to “hold back”.

    The workshops were very challenging but the benefits manifested themselves within days for me. They exposed some raw feelings but Katie’s techniques for doing this were so gentle and nonintrusive. She has the ability to understand with compassion and kindness. Katie’s combination of well researched mental, physical and spiritual techniques give individuals the permission to breathe … and sometimes this feels like the first time for a very long time.

    The result was that I gained the kind of inner knowledge I had been searching for many years; I found that I had the inner strength to address insecurities, the kind of mental clarity and strength of mind to make decisions and I was able to LET GO.

    Zoe - Bath, England

  • Rozynna - Sussex, England

    Gave me the time and space to really connect

    The awakening workshop gave me the time and space to really connect with my true spirit and to better understand the emotions of love and fear. I left feeling truly refreshed and connected, highly recommended.

    Rozynna - Sussex, England

  • Tracy - Bristol, UK

    I am finally free from People Pleasing (amen) because I am so worth investing in.

    The path ahead is definitely so much clearer and extremely brighter.

    I now know what it really feel’s like to put my own needs ahead of other people’s need’s. I’ve learnt and embodied it’s not actually selfish at all it’s selfless to put myself first. I have displayed so many acts of kindness, compassion, self care and self love to name a few attributes towards myself, and as a result I am a much more empowered and well balanced woman who understands the importance of giving and receiving to herself and other’s.

    Everything starts with our very own self care and self love. I realise that now more than ever thanks to Katie’s help and support along the way. I am taking care of my self and my own needs in order to be of higher service to people and animals going forward.

    If I can free myself from People Pleasing (it’s been a life long habit that was so ingrained) then you can do it too with Katie by your side holding your hand. What an incredible gift I have given myself.

    Tracy - Bristol, UK

  • Isabelle - London, UK

    Benefiting from Katie's personal support was an opportunity not to be missed.

    Being part of Katie's Evolution Membership is one of the best things I have done for myself this year. Not only because the community is filled with inspiring, authentic, kind, supportive, and encouraging women but also because of Katie's incredible generosity. She is present, answers questions, offers practices, puts on extra masterclasses, and makes sure she gives everyone on the coaching calls an opportunity to benefit from her personal coaching. And if you know Katie, you will know that her coaching is powerful. It's as if she was seeing through the depth of your soul. She will reveal things to you that you don't know about yourself in the most compassionate and caring way. And she always finds the words you need to hear. Katie's support has been absolutely invaluable to me this year.

    Isabelle - London, UK

  • Rachel - Los Angeles

    I have a sense of freedom I've never felt before!

    Over the years, I had done a ton of personal development work, however one piece of feedback that I continuously got was that I needed to “love myself more.” Friends and coaches would observe “you’re too hard on yourself.” Because I had come so far from where I started, I was at a loss of how I could love myself MORE. Enter Katie with her teachings around the inner child, boundaries, self love and getting your needs met…at first, I thought it sounded a bit too touchy feely and unnecessary. Hadn’t I done enough? The answer was a resounding NO. Not even close.

    Working with Katie both in the 1:1 setting (and also with the perfect group of women she called in) was miraculous. She was able to hold the space for me to really dive deep into the blocks I was still facing. She dug in and did the work with me to help me figure out how to unravel the very old twisted beliefs we found together. The result was way better boundaries, no more settling in my love or professional life and a sense of freedom that I hadn’t felt before. Katie is THE premiere expert in self love. If you find that you need to learn to love yourself more, to set better boundaries, to stop settling in any area of your life, Katie is the woman for you!

    Rachel - Los Angeles

  • Lorraine - UK

    I just knew intuitively that Katie was the right person to help me on this journey.

    I'd met Katie 18 months earlier at an in-person event in Brighton and loved everything about her presence, energy and innate ability to help us challenge our own fears to achieve transformation, clarity and freedom. Joining her Evolution Membership was a complete no-brainer!

    Three things that stand out to me about the Membership are:

    * Katie's commitment, energy and presence within the group. She's an amazing role model who is honest, loving and operates with complete integrity.

    * The guest speakers. By opening the space to vibrant, knowledgeable experts, Katie offers a level of resources and support that are worth far more than £39 a month.

    * The women in the group. Each brings their own beautiful unique gifts to the floor each month on our Zoom gatherings and there's a gorgeous sense of collective support and genuine cheerleading that bonds each woman in the circle.

    Lorraine - UK

Emma & Kate's Experience >

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    - ANON

    We are engaged and have a gorgeous baby boy!

    I am so happy.

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    I was was stuck, stuck for years. I saw everything as a burden, a barrier. My life was driven by fearful thoughts - Fear of losing my job, losing my home and being single forever. The list was long...

    I was confident on the outside but inside I was full of self-doubt, I had low self-esteem, could not be myself in a relationship. I feared that being me wasn’t good enough or loveable.

    Working with Katie was a game changer for me. I realised I held so many negative and limiting beliefs about myself. These beliefs were deeply rooted in my childhood and became lifelong limiting beliefs.

    Katie’s ‘Daring and Mighty Love’ has genuinely changed me. I now feel so happy. I’m no longer playing the victim; but instead making decisions and taking action towards my dreams. I just can’t believe how quickly this has all happened.

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    Although I felt I had so much in my life - a creative business, loving and supportive network of friends and family, a happy up-bringing and a pretty fulfilled life - there still seemed to be a void. I had a persistent inner critic that nagged that I was a bad person, not attractive enough, didn’t deserve to be loved, should be earning more and I was constantly reminded of my failings with past relationships.

    I have not been able to find and keep the love and support of a man in my life and I’ve blamed this on myself.

    Working with Katie has been enlightening! She has helped me to create such a sense of clarity and happiness.

    In the beginning the coaching felt indulgent and unjustified. Now I see it was essential!

    Unpicking my past with Katie’s support enabled me to heal pieces that were still so evidently effecting my present behaviour. Identifying, releasing and changing destructive belief systems has given me such a sense of clarity.

    I feel more accepting, prepared and clearer in my life’s direction.

    I am making conscious decisions which is a huge comfort. For the first time in a long time I find myself in the present and looking forward, excited about the next chapter!

    This work has honestly guided me to a kinder and happier place in my mind and I am so grateful to Katie. She is brilliantly intuitive, kind and patient – a real inspiration and a beautiful soul to follow. A HUGE thank you!

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    I’ve learned so much about myself during the 'Daring & Mighty Love' course and am truly grateful for how Katie has supported me. She’s an incredible coach and I can’t recommend her highly enough.

    My main takeaways:

    ❤️Clean up your side of the street.
    If someone has triggered you, ask yourself ‘what is it that I need that I feel I’m not getting?’ Then work on giving yourself just that. A biggy for me because I do have a bit of fire inside me but checking in on myself with this hugely helps.

    ❤️’Every act is either an expression of love or a call for love regardless of how unskillful it may appear.’ Quote @daringandmighty
    If relationships with family, friends, partners are tricky, ask yourself if the behaviour is being driven by love or fear. Either way it’s ok.

    ❤️What other people think of you is none of your business.
    It really isn’t! Stop worrying about what people think and just do you. If they don’t like it? That’s their business not yours.

    ❤️Understanding masculine/feminine dynamics is game changing. I’ve learnt so much from Katie about my masculine and feminine energy and how to harness both from an empowered space. Always more to learn but it’s been eye opening so far.

    ❤️Get super clear on what you desire then let go of the ‘how’.
    It’s so easy to get stuck on how we achieve our big dreams and desires. Letting go of the how and taking guided rather than forced action has been pretty life changing.

    ❤️Facing what you are avoiding leads to a much happier healthier life.
    I recently faced something I’d been avoiding for a long time and can’t tell you how much healthier, happier, motivated and zingy I feel now I’m moving out the other side.

    ❤️Work on yourself every day. For me it’s giving myself what I need in exercise, meditation, sleep, processing thoughts and emotions, reading, mixing. Whatever helps you work on your mindset and feel good.

    Thank you for everything Katie, you are incredible.

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    I worked with Katie in her group programme having felt inspired by the 'Meet your Soulmate' challenge and now I am a member of The Love Lounge because I don't want the journey to end!

    I had never realised that being part of a sisterhood sharing thoughts, feelings, issues and tissues would make such a dramatic difference to my life. I have learnt to understand my feminine, to embrace my gifts, to feel genuine confidence and most importantly, I have now grasped that I am loveable just as I am. My imperfections are my vulnerabilities and they are beautiful.

    I can now stand in my own power and lead my life without the worry of others opinions, which is a true feat for me.

    I have also met my man and he is everything I manifested!

    Katie has provided a unique space to share in safety and love, leading us to the parts of ourselves we may never have known needed healing.

    She's a true light, an inspiration and I admire her honesty, focus and care for all her clients.

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RISE Retreat 2018 - Sri Lanka

Client experiences >

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    I called in love!

    Directly on the back of completing the 'Daring & Mighty Love' course, I called in love!

    We have something very special that we both cherish.

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    Words cannot begin to express the wonderful experience I’ve had of Katie and her Daring & Mighty Love program.

    As a stressed out single Mom, building a business, I had already done a lot of the work to lead a life "on purpose", but I still had barriers keeping me from having everything that I desired… in love, in my business, and in life.

    Katie was able to see things in me I wasn’t able to see. She created a safe space for me to let down the barriers and explore everything it is to be authentically me!

    Katie is knowledgeable, experienced, and tapped into her intuition, and because of it she is able to lead her clients in a way that is gentle, honest, and tailored. She is beautiful not only in body, but in spirit.

    Through each of the Daring & Mighty modules, and in her commitment to her clients, Katie has created the space for powerful personal growth. This is an investment in yourself, and as in life, you get out of it what you put into it. If you allow it, this program will open you up to calling in everything you desire for yourself. Come ready to do the work!

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    I did the course after completing Katie’s 5 day challenge. I loved her authenticity and style and the inner child and masculine/feminine work really resonated with me. I just knew I needed to delve deeper into these areas and that I also wanted to work with Katie.

    The course not only delivered everything it promised and I’d expected, but it exceeded what I’d hoped to learn and achieve, and gave me so much more.

    My suspicions from the 5 day challenge were confirmed and I learnt that my original victim and masculine were running the show. It was only working with Katie and a group that I realised for the first time, I wasn’t alone in this.

    I have done work before but nothing seemed to get to the depth that doing this course did. I finally learnt to truly feel my emotions, be feminine, be vulnerable and surrender. Having always avoided and struggled with this, Katie made it all make sense, feel easy and I learnt that living this way actually made me stronger not weaker. I learnt the true meaning of joy, what my desires are and how to receive.

    Working with Katie and doing the course didn’t feel like learning, the key for me was that it gave me the tools to tap into my own intuition and trust it. I hadn’t wanted to do this before, let alone listen. Katie helped me understand that this was driven by fear and it’s actually the safest place for me to be and exactly where all the answers are for me going forward. Sounds simple, but without Katie’s guidance and the tools in the course, I wouldn’t have believed in it, let alone be able to live my life this way.

    Working in a group was key and we all remain in touch after the course. Knowing I wasn’t alone, others had similar feelings, hearing other peoples perspective and learnings from the modules and the support I received from them all was just priceless.

    The course Katie has put together is brilliant but it’s Katie that makes it exceptional. Her own life experiences, her coaching style, her understanding and her ability to offer guidance exactly where you need it is what makes working with her so special and unique.

    If I could sum it up in one sentence; Katie made a lot of things I kind of knew finally make sense and she gave me the tools to live a happier life for the rest of my life.

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SINGLE GALS Retreat 2017 - Portugal

Client experiences >

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    My new man has just moved in with me and we are looking for a bigger home. He is everything I think I ever wanted in a man! So kind and caring.

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    For me this was the most incredible in-depth “degree” in me.

    The place I was in before working with Katie compared to now is unrecognisable. I feel I’ve shed the skin of a person who was doubting the possibilities of the future, disbelieving her power, personal convictions, values and desires.

    I learned so much about myself but more than that I learned how to empower myself when difficulties crop up, stay true to my values and continue on the path of gaining all I desire. I also learned how to bring in love, spirituality and self care into my day.

    Before working with Katie I couldn’t even imagine dating again. I went on to date (and meet my guy!) in a way that felt really light, easy and fun for me. I am in awe of myself!

    All the life skills I learnt on the course give me an empowerment that encourages me to make the right decisions on everything from money … to love … to career… to health.

    It’s the best investment I’ve made ... and it continues to give.

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    As a coach myself, over the years I had done a ton of personal development work, however one piece of feedback that I continuously got was that I needed to “love myself more.” Friends and coaches would observe “you’re too hard on yourself.” Because I had come so far from where I started, I was at a loss of how I could love myself MORE. Enter Katie with her teachings around the inner child, boundaries, self love and getting your needs met…at first, I thought it sounded a bit too touchy feely and unnecessary. Hadn’t I done enough? The answer was a resounding NO. Not even close.

    Working with Katie both in the 1:1 setting (and also with the perfect group of women she called in) was miraculous. She was able to hold the space for me to really dive deep into the blocks I was still facing. She dug in and did the work with me to help me figure out how to unravel the very old twisted beliefs we found together. The result was way better boundaries, no more settling in my love or professional life and a sense of freedom that I hadn’t felt before. Katie is THE premiere expert in self love. If you find that you need to learn to love yourself more, to set better boundaries, to stop settling in any area of your life, Katie is the woman for you!

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    My coaching experience with Katie has been nothing short of revolutionary! After finding Katie and the Daring and Mighty Love (Live with mastermind) programme via Instagram, I felt an instant connection and was drawn to working with her. Aside from her warmth and light, I really resonated with her story. I remember during our first call explaining that what I wanted more than anything in the world was to truly belong to somebody. I was done waiting and felt that I was ready for love. What I didn’t realise at that point was that what I really needed to work on was belonging to and loving myself!

    Through the private coaching sessions with Katie and the online course, I have begun the journey of TRUE self-discovery.

    Katie’s style of intuitive guidance is a rare and unique talent. I love how she naturally blends spirituality and life coaching so beautifully. She also has the innate ability to shine a (very) bright light on blockages and issues that you most probably were unable to see yourself.

    The Facebook group has also been an additional blessing. During each of the group coaching sessions, I was able to connect, share vulnerably in an open and safe space, and learn from 4 other fantastic and inspiring women who I am now honoured to call friends.

    I am happy to report that I have come a long way since I began the programme. I have healed some very painful blockages that were holding me back from truly connecting to others and re-written many of the old beliefs that were not serving me. I have found a sense of belonging within that I never knew was possible and have finally embarked upon a beautiful relationship of true love with myself.

    I cannot recommend Katie and her work enough. If you feel that you are ready to put yourself first, do the work and dig deep, you will not regret embarking on this journey. Working with Katie has been the best investment I have ever made in myself and worth each and every penny!

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    Katie is such an effective coach because she is so intuitive. Within the first 5 minutes of our first call, she had identified a huge blindspot that was blocking me from being the fullest expression of my joyful and loving self. I’ve been able to transform so many areas of my life just by catching this one pattern.

    Throughout the Daring and Mighty Love (Live with mastermind) course, I could tell that she genuinely cared for each of us. I was running out of hope of ever meeting my guy, but she held the faith for me. Her certainty allowed me to believe that if a relationship is what my heart desires, then it is meant for me. The coaching and the sisterhood created such a compassionate and loving space for me, that my innermost fears, insecurities and wounds felt safe enough to crawl out of their hiding places, come into the open, and be healed.

    This course came at the perfect time for me. Each module is chock full of transformational truth, and I see clear and concrete results show up in my life every time I do the homeplay. For example, when I practiced the feminine art of 'receiving', I started getting stuff for free. Everything from dinners to lucky draw prizes. I even won a month of free yoga! This stuff works!

    Doing this work has answered so many of my heart’s secret questions about love. Before this course, I felt desperate to find a man, worried there was something wrong with me, frustrated that I was not getting what I want, and fearful of ending up alone forever. Now, I’m a woman who knows her value, who’s aligning her life and actions with her Truth, who’s blossoming into a greater version of herself every day, and who loves and respects every part of herself. I’m on my way to finding the love of my life. Its just a matter of time.

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LIVE LOUDER Retreat 2016 - Portugal

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    I met my guy 7 months after the 'Daring & Mighty Love' course!

    Katie came along at a time in my life when I really felt ready to do the inner work and start making some change.

    I was lucky enough to choose the group coaching sessions and the other girls who joined were just fabulous. All of us fully committed to engaging with Katie and jumping in to baring our true authentic selves.

    The support Katie provided not just on the calls but in the Facebook group too was invaluable and it really felt that she was totally committed to us and our journey.

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    I signed up to Daring and Mighty Love because I was feeling blocked about finding a relationship. It was so much more valuable than I expected. I left not only having removed blocks and healing my heart but having clarity in what I desire and truly believing that I am worthy of a healthy and committed relationship.

    I now feel confident and skilled up to get out there and date!

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    I felt so detached and as a result of the coaching I have come back to life and am living bigger and better than ever before.

    I felt lost before working with Katie. I knew I had so much love to give and receive but for various reasons it felt so out of reach. Every day felt like a chore and I couldn’t understand how I would ever get out of the hole I was stuck in. If someone said to me 5 months ago that I would feel like the real me again, I wouldn’t have believed it.

    Katie works in such a gentle and caring way. I felt (and still feel) nurtured when I work with her. I feel safe and listened to. The power of her words is incredible.

    Life is clearer than it has ever been. I’m getting better at not knowing the answers and trusting in the process. I see my worth more and more every day and I feel so much more comfortable in receiving - mentally, physically and emotionally.

    Working with Katie has been one of the biggest and best investments for me and is worth every single penny. I’m loving the real me.

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    The Daring and Mighty Love course has been an evolution for me as well as a revolution. I have really started to respect and allow myself to be open to possibility without being a victim to circumstance or a martyr to my own belief systems. And I have started the crucial work in dismantling those belief systems. I genuinely know, feel, and believe that the Daring and Mighty Love Mastermind has given me the tools, strength and awareness to swim into my next chapters, and to know the work is there for me to revisit and expand on as and when I will and must.

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    After completing the 5 day ‘Meet Your Soul Mate’ Challenge, I signed up for ‘Daring & Mighty Love’ - The Mastermind - as I was frustrated at still being single and I had an overriding feeling that finding love shouldn’t be so difficult.

    I’ve gained much from the work but most importantly :

    * Getting in touch with my inner child
    * Recognising a habit of playing small & not wanting to ask for too much
    * The importance of being feminine & playful
    * Owning my vulnerability & feelings
    * Exploring my attitudes around men & women (their roles etc)
    * Appreciating that acceptance/receiving/surrender can be just as useful as action - it’s a balance

    It is certainly a significant investment but that was one of the factors which made me stick with it when it felt challenging & uncomfortable. Katie is intuitive, supportive & compassionate. I am also grateful to those in the group who shared & encouraged me.

    My desires are meant for me, so I’m glad that I committed to the work of understanding myself better & showing up a little differently in life so that I can receive them!

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PRIVATE 1:1 RETREAT 2014 - Santorini, Greece

Katrina's experience >

How she found her man using self love >

Jody's experience >

Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the needs of those who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

Come home to you