{LOVE NOTE} Receive Yourself Fully

Good morning and Happy Sunday!

I believe Sunday’s are a day for reflection.

Us high achieving, big hearted, go-getting women are so good at setting our goals, going after them and achieving them. Once achieved we are straight onto the next thing because we want more for our lives. We love the feeling of expansion, of knowing we are creating experiences that has us sucking the marrow out of life.

Can you relate?

Except, very often there’s a price to pay for living like this. Fatigue and exhaustion spring to mind first. Then a sense that ‘I am never enough’ because you are always working towards the next achievement. The feelings of scarcity, depletion and unfulfilment become normal. You do not give yourself the time and space to acknowledge, honour and receive your achievements, one by one. If we don’t receive them we don’t get to experience feeling fulfilled and filled up, proud and delighted at what we created.

I know you desire to feel energised and abundant. That starts with creating intentional time and space to reflect and receive which is why I created my Sunday Reflections Ritual. A couple of years ago I noticed that I would forget what I had been up to the days, weeks or months just passed because I was always so focussed on what I was calling in next. By committing to a Sunday Reflections Ritual – a series of questions to ask yourself on a Sunday to reflect on the week just passed – you can remember and receive yourself in all your brilliance.

JUST CLICK HERE to check out the Sunday Reflections Ritual.

I invite you to set up special time with yourself – a date with you, if you like – every week.

The woman you are and the woman you desire to be deserves to fully receive herself.
All my love,
Katie xx

P.S. I have one space just opened up for Private Coaching with me. Click HERE to find out what that involves and how to apply.

P.P.S. Other ways to work with me, including the Evolution Membership Club, are all detailed below. There’s lots on offer this year to support you in coming home to yourself and creating a life you love while not losing yourself in the process!

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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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