The Self-Love Affair - Guided Meditations for Daring & Mighty Women – PART THREE


My Vision. My Future.
Living Courageously.

Connect to your big vision and live into the truth that you are a natural and very powerful creator.

Album delivered as an MP3 download.



1. Introduction - 4min

This is Katie's personal welcome to Part Three of your Self-Love Affair. This album is all about living courageously - that means connecting to your big vision and applying the truth that you are a natural creator so that you may call in your deepest desires.

2. Blue Sky - 17min

Connect to your deepest desires! I like to call my desires a blue sky vision because when we set goals it's important to remember we are not limited in any way. The Universe is abundant and limitless and wants nothing more than to support us in having our greatest dreams be our reality. So, why not dream big? This meditation allows you to do just that.

3. Gratitude - 32min

This is about training your mind to see the good in everything!

This guided meditation was recorded live on my PodCast so is accompanied by an introduction from me on the subject of Gratitude. I deeply believe that when we can cultivate a state of gratitude in our lives, everything shifts. In a good way!

Being in a state of gratitude is a habit to be developed because most of us are conditioned to focus on all that's tough and all that we don't have. The result is that we attract more of the same. When we focus on all that brings joy and peace, we attract more love into our lives.

4. Coaching Preparation - 12min

If you are being coached or mentored, I highly recommend you do this 12 minute guided meditation before your session to ensure you get the most from it.

This meditation will ground, relax and prepare you. You will get connected to an inner wisdom which will guide you to ask for and receive the best possible support. (If you are manifesting your deepest desires, I recommend the support of a coach or mentor to help clear out anything that could be slowing you down or getting in the way of claiming your blue sky vision.)

5. High Vibe - 13min

This meditation will lift your mood with powerful positive affirmations. Words of affirmation strengthen your mind and support your desires becoming your reality.

You get what you think about so training your mind with positive affirmations is key. Choosing positive thoughts will raise your vibe too!

Listen to this recording as often as possible and allow these words to be a beautiful reminder of all that you already are.

Your meditation album will be delivered to you as a downloadable MP3.

Full instructions on how to download your album to your chosen device will be provided with your purchase receipt.

Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the needs of those who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

Come home to you