Note to self…(because sometimes we all need a reminder!)
I run a self-love masterclass for graduates of my work. It’s a small group of women who are determined to live Daring & Mighty lives and they are committed to their continual growth and evolution.
A daily practice they are undertaking is to post a message in our private Facebook group every morning that says:
Today I feel…..
Today I am grateful for…..
Today I intend to…..
My affirmation today is…..
Choosing to start your day in conscious awareness is KEY to succeeding at anything you desire.
That awareness must start with tuning in and noticing how you feel.
Sounds simple, right?
Yes, it is! And it’s so powerful.
So why do you rarely stop to check-in with your emotional self??
Having a relationship with your authentic self and a strong sense that you know who you are starts with knowing how you feel.
Being your own best friend means you allow all of your feelings with compassion and understanding and respect.
When you take a few moments in the morning to listen to your heart and notice your feelings (I love to do this at my 7am yoga class when I am in child’s pose) a sense of empowerment will wash over you because you are in charge of you.
Being vulnerable with yourself in this way is such a self-loving act.
Honoring your feelings has you feel so proud. So authentic. So true.
It’s the first step to feeling confident and in charge.
When you know how you feel you can choose how you desire to direct your day.
It’s a beautiful and very simple practice that can change your life.
I hope today’s message has been a helpful reminder for you.
Katie xx
PS. The gratitude meditation on my album of Guided Visualizations is gorgeous. You can grab it on Amazon by clicking HERE.