An Invitation To Surrender

I’ve heard it said so often recently, “2020 is a write off”. I understand that sentiment – I have a long list of things that were cancelled and continue to be cancelled. It’s disappointing for sure.

The way I have handled it has been to surrender and allow for whatever I am meant to experience to come through. Almost nothing that I expected for this year has occurred and yet with surrender other ideas, opportunities, healings and experiences have occurred instead. I wonder if you can relate to that?

When our new puppy arrived, I had to surrender into a totally new rhythm and routine, not to mention let go of the need to have a pristine home. LOL! 

Our Summer holidays (and other trips) were cancelled and so we had to surrender into finding fun and joy in our home and local area. I discovered paddle boarding for which I will be forever grateful! 

All sorts of plans for my business have been paused and yet the connection I have with my handful of private clients and the women in my Evolution Membership has deepened and been incredibly meaningful which has been such a gift for us all. 

This weekend I’ve been invited to surrender even more.

Yesterday my husband had a cycling accident and broke his arm. The same day he was advised to self isolate for 2 weeks (as a colleague has Covid) and so we are both now home, bunkered down and I am taking on the lions share of running the house. We share custody with our children on an every other week rota and our isolation means they can’t come to us as usual this coming week :(. I am gearing up for the first big and exciting launch in my business in years (literally!) and am now having to consider delaying it. I had a film crew coming to the house this week to film me for a new start-up I’ve been invited to contribute a significant amount of content to. That’s been paused.

It’s disappointing and I am allowing myself to acknowledge and feel that. I am also slightly in awe of how at peace I am too.

This year has taught me that we have zero control over anything and that peace comes from being present to the moment. It’s all we have.

I’ve learned to value the people I love in my life and this time with my husband is actually a gift and our relationship is deepening as we discover new depths of support, kindness, compassion and care for each-other.

I’ve also learned to find deeper fulfilment from basic self nurturing. To counter balance my disdain for wearing a mask I bought nourishing and moisturising masks for my face and hair so am adding a little extra self care to my routine! I will bring a retreat vibe to our home – good food, candles, aromatherapy, hot baths – all with the aim of making this time of further isolation a pleasure rather than a persecution!

A little thought and planning goes a long way to ensuring our mental and emotional wellbeing is supported.

I wonder how you might be being invited to surrender just a little more? I wonder how surrender could support your mental and emotional health? We are all moving into a new level with this Pandemic and I really believe it’s an accumulation of the little things, the small ways we can consistently and lovingly support ourselves that will make the difference.

Each of us have our disappointments at the moment. I am very aware that mine are largely superficial compared to what many others are experiencing. And it’s not a comparison game. At the end of the day, each of us is wholly responsible for ourselves.

What can you do to support yourself even more? Perhaps write a list, make a plan and take some action.

Self love is self responsibility.

I’m sending you oodles of love, 

Katie xx

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Do you dare to love yourself?

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If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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