Have you noticed that when are in the habit of not putting yourself first, when you finally do, you can have super high expectations of it being perfect. God forbid it’s not because that’s when the victim and martyr get unleashed. Why? Because you are running on empty! You are coming from a place of lack rather than a place of fulfillment.
When things go wrong and you are fulfilled, it’s easier to accept and move on when things don’t quite go to plan.
That’s the crux of today’s video.
Today it felt good to flip disappointment into gain rather than feeling ripped off when my yoga class was cancelled without warning. Sure, it’s a first world problem and yet it’s relevant to my life and I am pretty sure you can relate.
This week I am vlogging about my mission to feel good – in the hope that it will encourage you to do the same. I will continue to post my experiences – I hope you are enjoying them!
Katie x