Do You Trust Yourself?

Newsletter April 18

Today I am thinking about uncertainty and fear and the ways that we can use fear to our own advantage in order to achieve our desires. Tony Robbins talks about the 6 human needs and how all of our behaviour is an attempt to meet those needs. The first four needs are necessary for our survival: certainty; uncertainty or variety; significance and connection or love. The final two needs are necessary for fulfillment, these needs being growth and contribution. It’s fascinating that uncertainty or variety can be seen as a need for our survival when so often we can be risk-averse and play it small in our lives.

Sometimes we play it small in order to avoid fear. When we are on the edge of making big decisions in our lives it is uncomfortable. Should I change jobs? Should I leave my relationship? Should I start my own business? This is big stuff and vibrationally it takes us way out of our comfort zones. But I want you to consider that what you are actually doing when you are in this state of fear, when you are in the stretch zone, is that you are undergoing growth. You are developing as a person and entering a new phase which is actually a very exciting part of life. It is actually healthy for a level of uncertainty to be evident in our lives and in fact without it we would become stagnant and unfulfilled.

Ironically much certainty can be found in uncertainty. As you take those baby steps forward; as you put yourself forward for that presentation, as you get that promotion; as you begin your own blog or website or whatever, you get affirmation through your success. Those steps and successes are proof that you can trust yourself. You begin to know that you can realise what you set out to achieve. Even if you do ‘fail’, at least you will have tried. Either way, you will have experienced growth and anyway what is failure? Fear and uncertainty are exciting so embrace them. Then you will be living a daring and mighty life and I wholeheartedly encourage you to go for it. Remember the Universe will support you.

Big Love,

Katie x

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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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