Feeling moody, flat, tired?? Read on….

Hello fellow self-lover!


I felt like sharing with you today. I want to share being human, if that’s ok?


Being a Self-Love mentor with a successful business and healthy work/life balance has many people presume that I am always firing on all cylinders. Sure, I am a lot of the time.


And, I am just like you.


Life throws curve balls and challenging characters my way – there’s nearly always an assignment at hand in terms of my Spiritual growth – which is usually pretty uncomfortable and often downright bloody painful.


I can often be found down in the trenches, doing the inner work, committed to my evolution by loving myself fiercely through the assignment at hand.


Just because I put myself out there as a Self-Love Mentor, doesn’t mean I have arrived and am ‘fixed’ and all shiny and perfect. OMG! Far from it! (I mean, is anyone!?!?)


It means that I am committed to the journey and often that commitment really bloody hurts and I would love nothing more than to hide out in my comfort zone of a box set and a bottle of wine…..hoping the annoying person or emotional pain will go away….!! Except….I know that doing the inner work and remaining steadfast in loving and appreciating myself is ALWAYS worth the persistence. Self-Love is self-responsibility, after-all!


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Recently I have been called to go deeper with my self-love practices.


The calling card?


Irritability, tiredness, mood swings and generally feeling flat.


I resisted the desire to retreat to the couch with a glass of wine and got out my journal and wrote about my feelings. As I wrote, I re-connected to me and I realised that I was out of sorts because I was out of touch with my desires.


It was time to get re-connected to my truth and my vision because my vision was ready to expand. I’d got distracted in the ‘doing’ of life and hadn’t noticed that my Spirit was dissatisfied. I felt edgy because my Spirit was ready to go to her next edge!!


Here’s what I have learned….(and I hope this helps you too)…..


When I am not connected to my desires I have little or no focus or direction.


Without a vision, I forget my hearts desires and am simply running on the treadmill of life.


Conscious connection with my vision has me feel purposeful and in control which is empowering.


Hooking into my desires lifts my Spirit because I am listening to it! When I forget to listen, it feels soul destroying.


I must remember, EVERY SINGLE DAY, who I am and take a stand for me and the callings of my heart. If I don’t, what is the point of this life?


I know that connecting to me feels good and feeling good is the juice of creation. It’s the fuel of manifestation.


When I feel true, authentic and connected I easily bring about the desires of my Soul. It’s easy and it’s graceful.


And….the more I hook into my desires, the more I need to because my Spirit is constantly on the look-out for an up-level. She just aint satisfied to stand still for too long. She’s up for the next adventure because she so desires to suck the marrow out of life!! And, I have learned to take part.

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The route to feeling good is a Daily Dedication.


So, I thought I would share my practice with you, if you are interested?? Basically, it’s a commitment to loving myself in a way that feels good for me and it looks like this….




* Brain dumping thoughts, feelings, plans, ‘to-do’ lists into my journal and clearing out my congested, tired mind;


* Stream of consciousness journalling (this is a steady flow of writing that often starts with a question);


* Wrtiting my gratitudes (at least 10);


* Reading over old journal entries and re-connecting to my endless lists of desires;


* Practicing forgiveness (sometimes this is a visioning exercise, sometimes it’s a mantra, sometimes it’s reflective journalling);




* Listening to a recording on my IPhone of my life vision (which I made some time ago and is still relevant today….because this vision is audaciously massive and exciting!)


* Diarising action steps towards my desires;


* An Abundance Meditation (Tantric Har Too by Simran Kaur Khalsa & Guruprem) or


* A Guided Meditation (at the moment I am loving the ‘Body Calm’ guided visualisations by Sandy Newbigging);


So, feel free to take from this what works for you and apply it in a way that suits you and your lifestyle. There is no one prescription when it comes to self-love and it has to feel good for you.


I mix it up all the time. Sometimes I will meditate and do gratitudes to start the day. Sometimes to end the day. Sometimes my gratitudes get said aloud while driving. Sometimes I just don’t feel like meditating and know that a good work-out would serve me better (especially when I need to release pent up emotions). I don’t journal every single day and sometimes I just like to read over my journal. Sometimes playing some banging tunes and dancing around the kitchen is all I need to feel connected to my joy!


The key is to listen to your body, your heart, your mind, your soul and your feelings and give them what they need. You are not a robot, so tuning in to what is right for you is key and it’s super self-loving.


Just love yourself enough to commit to a Daily Dedication. DO SOMETHING!


It’s a total game changer. I promise!

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Remember, your Soul is ALWAYS desiring to go to her next level.


Do what you know to do to stay connected with the desires of your heart because what I know for sure is that when you are feeling edgy, you are ready to discover your next level!


It’s soul destroying not to go there. And, if you need some support and a re-assuring, loving hand to guide the way with you, you know where I am!


Big love,
Katie xx



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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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