bees on Aliums

Day 5 of the Daring & Mighty Action Plan to take you from Head to Heart, Health & Happiness…..

Today’s tip is even more simple than yesterday’s. Get outside. Get back into nature. Simples!

It is so grounding to get into nature and it really does clear your head. The feeling of the sun on my face and the wind in my hair makes me feel that I am part of a much bigger picture; that everything that is going on in my head is not the be all and end all. Being in nature makes me feel small and yet significant. Does that make sense? I feel like my physical presence is but a tiny cog in a massive wheel. Not in a bad way. It’s a relief to feel it. It’s a relief to let go of ego – where you feel everything is all about you! – and just be. To remember that you are a spirit in a body, not the other way around. To feel held by a far more powerful force – unconditional love.

You may be thinking, ‘Wow! She get’s all that from a bit of fresh air….!?’ Well, yes, I do. Truly. Try it. Go for a walk or just sit in the garden, look up at the sky, notice your surroundings – the grass, plants, birds – and consider how significant you feel. I challenge you not to feel part of something larger and more important than what is going on in your head. If you don’t have that experience, then at least just allow the fresh air to fill your lungs and rejuvenate you. At the very least, some deep breaths outdoors will most certainly free up your head-space somewhat.

I spent today behind a computer, working under extreme deadline pressures. It wasn’t pleasant and I physically felt pretty rubbish as a result. The second I stepped outside, took some deep breaths and noticed my surroundings I felt so much better. The long to-do list in my head instantly melted away as I connected again to what is important in life and I felt excitement to get home to my son, knowing that we will spend a good chunk of the weekend outdoors doing all sorts of fun stuff. Bring it on!!

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