Grace Note VII

The Grace Notes

Have you ever had a moment in which you just feel utterly graceless? I have many in fact and they tend to sneak up on me but my most recent one was on Monday morning. I had done the school run and found myself in the supermarket buying Christmas sprinkles and decorations to donate to the school’s biscuit decorating that afternoon. Obviously I had forgotten all about it and was now on a last minute dash. I had my 18 month old son, (who refuses to sit down in the proper seat) standing in the trolley. He had swiped a foil packet of moshi monsters and was demanding “ope, ope, ope” thinking they were food. In a moment of weakness, so as not to endure the scream-fest when I took them off him, I got a packet of baby crisps and replaced the packet in his hand. He munched happily -ahhhh peace, I could now approach the checkout with dignity.

Then the graceless moment began. First there was a look from the self-checkout lady …. Yes baby is not sitting in a proper seat; yes baby is chowing-down on unpaid for crisps with no nutrients; yes it is only 9.30am and too early to be eating crisps but come on – at least they were from the baby aisle! They could easily have been the salt-ridden Hula Hoops to which he is partial – (an older sibling don’t ask). Anyhoo I had to ask said self-checkout lady to use her override card so that I could swipe the crisps and give them back to my son instead of placing them in the bagging area. Her disdain at my indulged brat was palpable. His screams at losing his crisps for that nano-second were extreme and the coins rolling all over the floor from my purse as I tried to pay was all that I needed.  As I stooped, humiliated, to pick them up I thought to myself – how utterly graceless and how utterly graceless I felt. But in thinking this, I then began to silently hum a chant that I had learned on the Daring and Mighty programme. I find it soothing and healing and we listened to a beautiful version of it on one of the workshops. It involves repeating the following:


Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung is one of the most powerful mantras known and is used for healing on the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical levels. This mantra connects you with the pure healing energy of the Universe and the words literally mean, ‘I am Thou’ – the service of God is within me.

Ra = sun energy

Ma = moon energy

Da = earth energy

Sa = infinity, universal energy

Sa (repeated)

Say = the personal embodiment of Sa

So = the personal sense of merger with Sa

Hung = the Infinite, vibrating and real


And I gotta say – I felt immediately centered. The panic that had been rising in my chest subsided and I felt better than calm, I felt uplifted and I tripped out of the shop feeling lighter. Now I know what you must be thinking – “ Sheesh you’re pretty strung out if you are losing your cool over such trifles as that” and in hindsight it does seem silly but that day my vibration was fraught yet with the help of the chant – I was back in the flow.


p.s. There is a reason I do my groceries online.


Grace notes are written on a musical score. They are tiny musical notes written next to regular notes in smaller notation. Grace notes denote sounds which are shorter than the actual note and exist to embellish the music. Alone, a grace note has no meaning but coupled with a principle note they create a richer tone. This blog exists as an adjunct to Daring and Mighty – rather like a grace note.


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