A conversation I have with a lot of people is around procrastination. Seems to be an ‘affliction’ many suffer and a bloody hard habit or mind-set to break. I don’t know the answer. Growing up in Australia, I was very much taught to just get on and do it.
A phrase which I love but most of my English mates don’t get is, ‘We are not here to f*** spiders’. I think it’s hilarious and so bang-on.
I would hazard a guess that a lot of new year’s resolutions this year will be, ‘to stop procrastinating’. I guess that requires an action plan. Tough, when action is the problem. I genuinely sympathise but I honestly can’t empathise because I have the opposite problem. I find it hard to STOP! I am all about taking action and although I achieve a lot in a day, it has its downsides. Just resting and giving myself permission to ‘be’ is a tough one for me. Meditation helps a lot and is good for a ‘doer’ like me because even in meditation I feel like I am taking action because I am actively paying my spirit the attention it needs and deserves.
Something I need to be daily conscious of is the importance of stopping. I have had a massive week and it looks like I have many more ahead of me. My body is telling me to stop RIGHT NOW! I know I need to listen and I will.
I am going to spend some time being mindful of all I have achieved this week. Turn off the ‘to-do’ list in my head and focus on the successes of the week – big and small. I will thank my body for supporting me through every day and show my gratitude by running a bath and chilling out to some favourite tunes. Blissfully daring and mighty…….