Keep the faithWhen I started this project to write about how my day counted every single day, I looked for a sign that confirmed I was doing the right thing for the right reasons. (still not quite trusting my instincts yet…!) My ‘bible’ is ‘Life Is Calling’ by Stephanie J. King. The passage I read explained that my decision would help me to prove the existence of god…..for myself and others. That was enough for me!

I slept so well last night – no more mice! – but I awoke with a feeling of mild anxiety. It was a reminder of the time when I wasn’t in touch with my spirit self and would wake in the mornings with dreadful anxiety and panic. It was a terrible time in my life – when I felt out of control, un-safe and lost. Worries around money have always been a trigger of anxiety for me – it is what I grew up with and what I learned. This morning, my first thought was about cash flow and instantly the worry and anxiety hit.

This first week of January has had me take massive leaps of faith every single day, mostly around the business. I have committed to large production costs without quite knowing how I will pay for them. I know that the money will come because it always does and I feel strongly that money cannot be a barrier to expanding my business. Never-the-less, it is a huge mental and emotional challenge for me. I am way out of my comfort zone!

I believe with my whole heart that what is meant to be will be and I know the universe has a plan for me – as long as I keep my intentions clear and true, do all that is required to keep my vibration high, continue to work bloody hard and be grateful for all I have and every single little step forward. I promise you, I have a continual list of things to be grateful for. As every day unfolds, I am astounded by the help and inspiration that come to me in ways I could never have expected or imagined.

Before I got out of bed, I took a few moments to remind myself that my spirit is the leader of my life and that there is a bigger picture than me and my financial needs. I remembered my mantra – FAITH, TRUST, RELAX, LISTEN, CONNECT, UNIVERSE, BELIEVE, BREATHE, I KNOW ALL IS WELL.

Feeling better, I made a cuppa and opened my e-mails to a message from someone I had a business meeting with yesterday – not your normal meeting mind you….just the way I like it – at a kitchen table with a mixed agenda of ‘real life’ discussion, business and an exciting commercial alignment (watch this space…!).

This is the exact extract:

…..‘Since our meeting I have had some thoughts about expanding your work and some of the avenues that would be worth pursuing to help get you working full time on Daring and Mighty and enable you to expand the cash flow as quickly as possible’….

Thank-you Universe. It is the encouragement and optimism I needed at the perfect time.

Keep the faith my friends and may the force be with you…..x

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Do you dare to love yourself?

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