{LOVE NOTE} Flip It….

Flip it Final

Note to self…


One of the biggest lessons I have learned since embarking on my Self-Love Affair a decade ago was to choose to respond to life rather than react.


When we react, we are not in our power. Not at all!


It’s a knee jerk reaction and emotionally fueled. Usually our ego has been hurt and so we communicate in a less than loving way. (and yes, you can set healthy boundaries and speak your truth in an incredibly empowered way when you do it with love).


When we respond to life, we are in our power. Totally.


To respond is to check-in with your Spiritual nature (which is love) and look at the situation with perspective.


You get to ask yourself questions like:


“What can I learn from this situation?”


“What growth within me is this situation prompting?”


“Is this an opportunity for something better to come in?”


“Is there an opportunity here for mutual healing?”


When you respond you can flip the situation.


Look for the love within the situation rather than allow your ego to point out the fear.


You know what I mean when I say fear, right? It’s self sabotaging chat like:


“You see, you were always going to get let down”.


“You only deserve disappointment”.


“Nothing works out for you”.


“You’re not good enough”.


Those words hurt and when we hurt our knee jerk is to get angry (to avoid feeling the pain).


When we seek the love in the situation our Spirit takes over and reminds us that every single obstacle in life is a gift of love because as Spiritual beings, we came here to evolve and grow and we can’t do that without challenges to overcome. The challenge is a gift. It gives us what we came here for.


To evolve Spiritually is so beautiful and full of so much love.


I know it’s a tough concept. Flipping disappointment into a loving opportunity takes persistence and determination.


I am here to tell you, it’s totally worth it.


So, today I invite you to Flip it. Don’t flip out!


Katie xx



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