Love Note – Rise Above and Be Strong


Hey Self-Lover!


Do you ever feel as if you are being walked over? Perhaps you feel victimized in some way? Maybe powerless and frustrated?


Oh my love, I hear you. I have known that feeling so well.


I remember journaling one day about how one person was ‘making me feel that way’. I felt downtrodden and weak. I allowed myself those feelings because they were valid. Then I hooked into the truth that no-one can MAKE me feel anything because I alone am responsible for how I feel.


I asked myself, “How do I desire to feel instead?”


I wrote, “To have risen above and to feel strong.”


Then I asked myself, “What do you need to do to rise above and be strong?”


And my Spirit answered, “Forgive. Be grateful. Remember who you are. Be love.”


And BOOM! Liberation. I instantly got my power back.


It’s so easy to give away our power and perceive it to be because of someone else. Like, we didn’t have a choice in the matter.


Of-course you have a choice! You always have a choice. You are NOT a victim. Ever.


Forgive yourself. Forgive them. Remember what you have to be grateful for rather than focusing on what you don’t have. And connect with your truth – remember your power and BE that woman.


Step up and away from ego (which determines your value in comparison to someone else) and rise into your Spirit where love will guide you back into your power. And, by power I don’t mean that you are better than anyone else. I mean that you are hooked into the energy of all that is true. Strength is found there.


So, rise up my love and be strong.


Big love,
Katie xx


P.S. If you have the experience of being walked over, ask yourself why you are available to feel that way and do the work to clear it. As always, I am here to guide you, if you desire the support.I have two slots available every week for a 1:1 conversation with women that are serious about creating transformation in their life. You can apply for one of these special calls by CLICKING HERE.



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