{LOVE NOTE} What’s Your Word For 2020?

I have been bombarded by emails and social media this month all geared to making 2020 my best year. Have you?

It’s January so it makes sense.

You may have heard me talk about what I call ‘transformational amnesia’ – the idea that we wake up in the morning and forget how extraordinary we are. We forget what we have learned and overcome. We forget what we are capable of. We forget that anything is possible for us – that we have the power to co-create with life/universe/god. We forget why we are here and who we came here to be.

Overcoming our humanness – that experience that has us forget our spiritual truth and nature – is a daily invitation. It’s a muscle to be strengthened and which will weaken without daily practices to keep us aligned with who we are and what we want for our life.

Something that helps me enormously to remember that I am in charge of my life, my mindset, my emotional mastery and sense of purpose is to choose one word for the year that becomes my guiding light. My north star.

This year my word is discipline and for me that means loving myself enough to honour my goals, desires and dreams. The discipline to meditate twice a day, enjoy regular yoga, nourish my body with nutrient rich food, commit to the action steps required to grow my business and inspire more women, actually book in the fun, travel and hobbies I want to experience this year….you get the idea.

In our new Evolution Membership – which is ALIVE with such a vibrant, optimistic, supportive energy – the women are sharing their words for 2020 on the back of a supremely successful ‘2020 Intentions Workshop’ and ‘Self Nurturing Masterclass’ where they have been connecting to what this year is about for them.

To inspire you to connect with your own word for 2020, here’s some words from our Evolution Members to get you thinking :

Connection, Illuminate, Strong, Support, Vulnerability, Strong, Joy, Pleasure, Boundaries, Wellness, Resilience, Freedom, Family, Abundance, Release.

Interestingly ‘connection’ was the word for several members and I remember when that was my word for the year too. Connection to myself, a spiritual community of women, my friends, my son, my business, my man (who I was calling in at that time). I had a POWERFUL year that year, including meeting my now husband!

A word can guide your year. Whenever you have a decision to make you can check-in and ensure you are honouring your word. It keeps you on track and aligned with the truth of you. It helps you to avoid transformational amnesia!!

Pop your word onto a post-it note and stick it to your laptop, make it your phone wallpaper or write it in lipstick on your mirror! Keep it visible as your daily reminder. 

I hope you will choose a word for 2020 and hit reply to share it with me?

Love ya!
Katie x

PS. It’s not too late to join the Evolution Membership and if you join before the end of January you will get access to all masterclasses, content and bonuses released in January. It’s not too late to start 2020 on the right foot, supported and connected. I’ve also extended the special Founding Member rate of just £33. In January alone there’s £2K worth of content, support and community – all for less than the price of a massage!

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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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