{LOVE NOTE} Why is coaching so expensive?

I want to address the elephant in the room.

I know it’s crossed your mind.

Mine too.

Thoughts like:

“How on earth can someone charge that per hour!?”

“Who does she think she is to charge so much?”

“How can that possibly be ‘value’ for money?”

“Therapy is an eighth of the price!”

“There is no way I would put myself in such a dangerous financial position”

“I need to be making money, not spending it like that!”

“I would feel so guilty to spend like that on myself”

“The coach should feel guilty for charging that much!”

“It’s not very spiritual or caring to charge that much”

“It’s ridiculous!”

I wanted to write about this subject today because I am experiencing a major personal up-level (with the support of my high end personal coach!) and I noticed how fearful and cynical thoughts started popping into my head about the cost of coaching and how the industry charges in general. (Oh, my gorgeous mind in resistance to the prospect of yet another leap of faith. LOL!)

I have been personally investigating the subject of how coaches charge for their services and it’s interesting to notice that it ranges from the hundreds to the hundreds of thousands.

There is a ratio of sorts between the quality and expertise of the coach and the stretch needed for the client to get results. It’s not scientific data – it’s more energetic than that. The energy exchange between the two participants is what needs to make sense.

And, what is clear is that coaching is way more expensive than most therapy/counselling and I wanted to share why I think that is because if you are feeling stifled, stuck and in a holding pattern in therapy and want rapid transformation but can’t get your head around why coaching is a much larger investment, then this might help.



Paying for coaching needs to HURT a little (or a lot!). It needs to make you uncomfortable. It needs to stretch you. Let me explain why…..

When we invest we want value for money. Right!?

Of course we do!

To get value from coaching you have GOT to do the work.

You HAVE to :

prepare for your sessions;
do the homework (especially the really uncomfortable stuff!);
show up for your sessions;
be real and honest and out your ego;
get deeply vulnerable;
feel the pain you have been ignoring;
feel the anger you have been ignoring;
face your demons;
admit your dreams!
You HAVE to create time and space for this.

When you have invested and desire VFM, you will do the work and THAT will get you results.

If you paid an amount that didn’t stretch you, you simply wouldn’t be motivated to do the work.

In my experience, when I invest at a level that hurts a bit I am bloody determined to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get results and move into my next level.

>> No matter what, I am going to heal my pain, my blocks and my sabotaging beliefs.

>> No matter what, I am going to go for my dreams and reach a place of believing they truly are possible for me.

>> No matter what, I am going to make my life count!


You can be making money from every session! Every session is a route to turning on your receiving energy to effortlessly and joyfully bring in more money.

Whether you are focussing on your career and income or your relationship and emotional state – it all boils down to belief systems that are either :

* fear or love based;

* rooted in scarcity or abundance;

* victim or empowered;

* lack or gratitude;

* low self esteem or authentic self confidence;

Fear, scarcity, victim, lack and low self esteem energies are repelling money into your life. FACT.

Love, abundance, empowerment, appreciation and authentic self confidence energies are ATTRACTING money into your life. FACT.

Effective coaching moves you from the lower vibrational states to the higher vibrational states, making you magnetic to money. FACT.

For a coach to be of service she must invite her clients to stretch out of their comfort zone. That stretch usually starts with the money conversation. The investment of money will be step one to healing and improving the client’s self worth. She is doing the client a DISSERVICE not to make the investment a little scary!


There is a time and place for counselling and therapy. Totally. And then there is a place for online programmes and personal development books. Absolutely.

AND THEN there is a time and place for coaching because you are READY to FAST TRACK your life to HAPPINESS.

Powerful coaching is unapologetic. A good coach will simply not ALLOW you to waste a session by getting stuck in old stories, re-telling the same childhood wound over and over again. You dive into the heart of it and heal it and move forward. Sure, there will be layers to it and every time your coach is on a mission to support your healing so that you can MOVE FORWARD.

Enough already with sitting in the holding patterns of counselling and therapy. You are ready to get results! (I remember having counselling sessions where literally NOTHING was said….what a waste of an hour….)

An EXPERT coach pushes you (with love). She disrupts you. She constantly calls out your ego, your fear, your shame. You are not allowed to stay stuck. SHE SEE’S WHAT YOU CAN’T. She gets you speaking when you think you have no words. No more comfort zone for you, lady!

Enough already with online programmes and books that you never finish (or even start)!

An expert coach holds you accountable. She has your back. When she takes you on as a client you are signing a SACRED CONTRACT because energetically you are now linked – she holds you in the light of pure potential and possibility and THAT energy can MOVE MOUNTAINS! You don’t get THAT with a £97 home study class.

You could invest the coaching sum into a decade of counselling or 6 months of coaching. I would choose the fast track every time.

Coaching speeds up your journey to happiness. That is priceless. Life is short, after-all!


How a woman spends her money is SO reflective of her self worth and self love. When a woman spends on herself it speaks deeply to her soul that she is worth it and I believe that is a priceless experience.

I used to be stuck in a serious ‘lack’ mentality. I didn’t believe I was enough. I didn’t believe I was worth much. I grabbed what I could get, like a starved wretch. I didn’t know there was always enough for everyone. I accepted the edge of breadcrumbs rather than allowing myself the entire loaf of bread. With that mentality I ALWAYS got what I paid for – not much and a feeling of being overlooked by life. I was constantly disappointed. There was never enough for me. I was always feeling let down. I didn’t experience self-love.

Coaching healed my lack mentality. Step by step I discovered I was enough. I began to value myself and spend on myself accordingly and every time I did, my self worth increased. Investing in me was a reflection of my self worth and it ACCELERATED it. Sure, it was always a leap of faith to invest in myself because on some level I wasn’t sure I really was worth it – the leap of faith was believing that coaching would instil that value in me. Every time I leaped it was PROOF that I was valuable and I discovered that giving myself PERMISSION to spend on me was far more valuable than any external validation because it came from within. The pride I felt to put me first in SUCH a huge way was immense – every single time.


A powerful coach knows that she can only be effective and contribute to a client getting awesome results if she feels highly valued because that lights her up, fills her up and gives her the expansion and energy she needs to support her clients.

I have witnessed people in all walks of life undercharge and their clients or students suffer as a result because the service is lacking the passion, vitality and high energy required – so this concept isn’t limited to coaching.

Whenever the energy exchange is off balance, both parties suffer.

Also, as a coach values herself, she is BEING that example for her clients and that is priceless.

So, that’s the elephant exposed!

As you grow and get comfortable with investing in yourself, the motivation to get results will become less about money and more about the fire in your belly that insists you keep growing and keep investing in yourself and your next level. A part of you will be awakened and will never again be ignored!

I hope today’s message inspires you. It felt good to write it – thanks for reading.

Here’s to your continued transformation and growth.

Love you!

Katie xx

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PPS. If you are ready to fast track your life to the next level, let’s speak!

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