The Bag List I was awoken 3 mornings ago by a ringing in my ears so loud and persistent I had no choice but to literally sit up and ‘listen’. This ringing seems to be a guidance system which I am slowly learning to understand. It is all very new to me and quite frankly, when I try to verbalise it, it all sounds rather ‘weirdy guru’. In short though, my intuition tells me that the ringing is the presence of an incredibly high vibration which wants to love and guide me. It’s my guardian angels. I know, it sounds mental doesn’t it! I can’t even believe I am writing this down with the intention of putting it out in a public domain. Thing is, I haven’t ‘learned’ anything about angels or guides or other universal spirits and what-nots. I haven’t read a book or taken a class. It has never been on my radar of interest. In fact, I have always been a little skeptical about anything that isn’t easily understood using my 5 basic senses. I simply had what I can only describe as a spiritual awakening over a period of time – triggered by experimentation with meditation – which, when I recognised and accepted it, has become part of my life that has accelerated beyond comprehension and I am trying to keep up. I am blown away every single day by co-incidences, mini miracles and bang-on guidance which confirms to me that I am part of a much bigger picture. I cannot ignore it and I feel duty bound to share it. So, be warned, future ramblings on this blog will often contain ‘spiritual’ content.

So, as I was saying, I was awoken with a flash of inspiration – no doubt fuelled by the fact that a new year was fast approaching – which resulting in me writing several pages of self inquiry and ideas. The key ‘idea’ I wrote down, or more literally the message I was given (again, I know that sounds weird…..!) was;

‘I have to do something daring and mighty every day and I have to tell people about it’.

Aaaaaahhhh! Scared? Just a bit! Excited? Definitely.

I have since been wobbling over my thoughts and ideas and have been very very close to letting it all go and ignoring my guidance system. Fairly text-book. Feeling un-inspired, spirit egging me on to grow, momentarily letting go of ego & self doubt, blue sky ideas, excitement and exhilaration, nagging doubts, fear, comfort zone, un-inspired…..


So, I am going to face the fear and bloody well get on with it. I am going to listen to my gut, trust, hold my faith and take a step forward.

What I realised that morning with absolute clarity was that to be authentic to myself and to the brand I am building, my life needs to be daring and mighty in a demonstrable way. Most people who know me well would probably tell you that I already represent that in a variety of shapes and forms. I would agree that my life has been far from dull and I have always lived by Theodore Roosevelt’s declaration that it is far better to dare mighty things than live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. BUT, is my life daring and mighty enough to REALLY inspire others? Am I properly sharing my life and the lives of others in order to motivate and capture  imaginations? After all, that was the original intention of this blog – to champion lives which are daring and mighty.

I cannot ignore the voice inside me that daily questions if I am really living to my full potential. This is all relative, by the way. What defines ‘living’ to me is likely to be quite different to others. It depends on your values and circumstances. But that is the point. Being daring and mighty is about what that means to YOU. I have reached a point whereby I know what it means for me. It is simply time to get on and do it. EVERY DAY.

There are all sorts of things I want to do. I want to spend far more quality time with my son. I want to properly deal with those fears which drive much of my life and keep me in a comfort zone. I am in the process of writing exhaustive lists of experiences, holidays, material possessions I want to have. I have businesses I want to build. Lives I want to inspire. I am fed up with having ‘mind, body, spirit’ time diarised and not honouring it. I have product and design concepts desperate to be born. I have books I want to write. Movies I want to make. People I want to meet. The love of my life to discover. And I want to perfect the beauty of just being. I want to be ‘present’ every day.

This blog is entitled, ‘The Bag List’. Let me explain.

My close friend and mentor, Jennie HK, recently insisted that I watch the movie, ‘The Bucket List’, staring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. The subtitle is, ‘Time to start living’. It is a story about two men with a terminal illness who decide to make a list of all the things they want to do before they kick the proverbial bucket. And, they go and do it. Jen and I decided to write a list – as no doubt many people are inspired to do having watched that film – but I decided we needed to call it something far more stylish and female. Hence, ‘The Bag List’. And, it isn’t simply a list of things we want to do before we die. It is a new way of life. A way to know your self and keep in touch with that identity. A way to ensure you are on track and on purpose. A series of goals that are achieved every single day to make sure that every day counts. We are even writing a goal programme around it. Watch this space…!

‘They’ say we should live each day as if it was our last. Dance like no-one is watching. That life is not a dress rehearsal and that we only get one shot. Hence, The Bag List.

I started my bag list a couple of months ago and am pleased to say that I have already ticked off some of the items. Interestingly, one of the more random items on my list was ‘to own a funky, unique, colourful piece of luggage’ and I found myself returning from a trip to Marrakech (also on the list!) with a ‘shocking pink’ leather overnight bag which I discovered in the souk. It is ridiculously bright and there is no getting away from it’s unique colour and funky style. Tick! Clearly it has to be ‘the face’ of the bag list. See above.

So, I have decided to blog every single day about my bag list. I am determined to recognise, on a daily basis, all that I contribute to making my life daring and mighty. No matter how big or small. If it is significant to me it means I am making my day count. Not only does this tick the very important box of being grateful every day for all I have but it gives me a daily goal. I will not go to bed, ever, without recognising that I have made a daring and mighty contribution to the day.

The exciting thing is that this project will also give me a platform from which to learn and witness the role of ‘god’ in my life. I feel certain that the various powers of the universe will support this quest for daily meaningful contribution. Right now I have no bloody clue what I will achieve each day. Committing to this EVERY day also sounds enormous, overwhelming and exhausting. But, I have learned enough to know that when I put it out there, the universe supports, inspires and delivers in ways I never thought possible. Now I can witness this consciously and tell you all about it. And, I may just stop feeling like a complete weirdo when I talk about it….!

I would love to see this blog and the Daring And Mighty facebook page being used by people to share their own daring and mighty stories. I hope that people will champion their friends and family who are living an inspirational life. I want to hear about other people’s adventures and conquests. Miraculous experiences. People walking their talk, determined to live authentically. I want to hear about it.

The Bag List – Day 1 – JUST DO IT!

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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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