What Keeps Us On Our Path When The Going Get's ToughYou know what I am talking about. You feel niggly and emotional. Things don’t seem to be in flow. You question everything you are putting your energy into. The bills pile up. You are in a permanent existential crisis. For us entrepreneurs, we start to question if we should go out and get a ‘real’ job. The discomfort is palpable.

I hear you!

Wanna know what keeps me on track?

Well, first, I let myself feel the discomfort. It may last a day. It could last a few weeks. I accept it is happening for a reason. Some days acceptance is harder than others but I do my best. I accept it because I know it is my spirit giving me a message that it’s time to grow. It’s telling me I am ready to take the next step. I am being shown what I have outgrown or what isn’t working anymore and if I give myself some time and space and get into a headspace that is open to receiving the answer, it will be given to me. Now, that can feel like constipation or giving birth! It can feel incredibly uncomfortable. So, that’s when my next coping mechanism kicks in.


God bless George Michael for his ‘80‘s hit which is my lyrical affirmation in times like this! You gotta have faith a-faith a-faith! I don’t think faith happens overnight though. I think it’s something you develop over time as you witness the evidence time and time again that the Universe has your back. I have oodles of proof that something much bigger than me is holding me. Always. I don’t ever doubt it. Without faith, I could not be an entrepreneur. Simple. I have so much proof that everything will be ok, no matter what, that I keep ploughing ahead. I have been in some pretty sticky situations in the last few years and I have taken my faith to the wire. The Universe always comes through and I say thank-you every night!

Do you know what also keeps me going? It’s knowing that I have clarity on my purpose. I have absolutely no doubt at all that the reason I am here is to inspire and help others to have a life that is conscious, authentic, creative and self loving. I do have to remind myself of this purpose when I am in the middle of an existential crisis though – so I have it written on a board on my wall!

I am also very clear on my highest values. Case in point – the other day I was having a little freak out about my finances and then it occurred to me that my highest value is my availability to my son. I have chosen work that allows me to be there for him. I can do the school run, help with his homework, cook him dinner, read a bed-time story, go to school events and assembly’s. I have realised that being able to do all of that is more important to me than anything else. Having an excellent relationship with him and enjoying these special years is crucial. I don’t want anything else as much as I want that. And guess what, I am doing it! With that realisation, I suddenly wasn’t worrying about my finances. I was re-focussed on what I have – on what boxes I do tick. I was instantly transported from a place of lack and fear to a place of abundance and love. It felt great.

I know that if I am on purpose, living into my values and full of faith, my spirit will show me how to move into the next stage of my life and the Universe will support it. How cool is that!

May the force be with you! x

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If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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