family paper cutout


Finn and I were both a bit under the weather today, so we took it easy. Popped out for some groceries but the rest of the day was spent watching films, baking (appallingly!) and pottering about the house.


Taking time out to chill with Finn takes my mind off work. My work occupies a massive chunk of head-space and it is the perfect distraction, allowing me to avoid thoughts like wanting to build a new family unit. Not an insignificant desire and yet easily ignored by being constantly busy! Feels a bit scary putting that idea ‘out there’ to whoever is reading this, but it is the truth and it is what I was thinking about today. Watching films all about happy families and fluffy puppies only magnified those thoughts and feelings! The disney films contained lot’s of messages about love, faith, kindness, family unity and so on. Call me a ridiculous softy and I do blame it partially on feeling unwell, but I really craved to be part of a ‘family’ today. Of-course Finn is my family and I adore him and what we have, but today I was wanting more of the traditional unit….happy marriage, 2.4 kids etc etc.


Anyway, the film we were watching was ending and I was pondering why I had never chosen to get married and why I was a single parent and so on. I sent up a silent prayer to the powers that be, asking that my desire for a loving family be heard and met. Perhaps I am finally ready!? Then, true to form, I got an immediate answer. The film narrator added a final comment just as the titles began to roll and it felt like it was being spoken just to me. He said, “Remember, life may lead you where you least expect, but have faith you are exactly where you are meant to be.”  I nearly fell off my seat. On one hand I was thinking, ‘Um, yeah, tell me something I don’t know’ but on the other hand I thought, ‘Exactly! And I am in the perfect place right now for all that I want to come to me.’


I can’t explain it, but I do know with total certainty that the Universe has a plan. I just have to keep doing what I am doing, staying true to me and my path, working hard towards all my goals, keep ticking off that ‘bag list’ and consciously make every day count. Everything I desire will come to me. And for now, I am incredibly grateful to have all that I do. A beautiful home and a beautiful son. We are a very happy little team and I do feel lucky.


(Image above lifted from: www.madeformums.com)

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