packs of affirmation cards

Feeling rather jaded today – far too much wine last night which has resulted in a hang-over that has progressively worsened throughout the day. How is that possible!? I am thinking it must be an age thing….!


So, have been taking lots of deep breaths today to quell the rising nausea. Deep breaths were also required this-evening when I came home to a couple of huge invoices! Faith, Trust, Relax (thank god for my affirmations…..). I gave myself a quick talking to that went something like, “It will all be fine. It will. I know it will. I have plenty of proof.” The universe has provided for me every single time I have asked – no matter what. Whether it be finding me a beautiful new home to live in at the 11th hour, the funds for an unexpected big expense or even just a car park at the perfect moment….the universe always comes up with the goods. Sometimes not in the way I had expected. Sometimes at the very last second. Sometimes it is subtle. Other times it is damn miraculous. Either way, I know I must and can keep my faith.


One of the big invoices was for the gorgeous collection of cards I have just had produced. They are my new pride and joy. I know I must remove my focus from the cost of the cards to their intended purpose. Focussing on cost only makes me feel anxious – a low low vibration. Focussing on the reason why I produced them and all that I love about them makes me feel fabulous – putting me on a very high vibration. These cards are intended to inspire people to live into their authentic selves. They offer very special words with enormous power to aid areas of your life – whether that be encouragement to speak your truth, to celebrate your joyful and perfectly crazy inner child or to hold onto an image of the family and home life you really desire to have. That is why I wrote the words. I know these cards are powerful. They are not just any old greeting card. And, as I type this, the energy I feel in my head – my crown chakra – has just turned up several notches and I am covered in goose bumps. A sure sign that my universal companions are right behind me, cheering me on. “Keep doing what you’re doing!”


Ha! And as I type this, Finn calls out, ‘Relax Darling!!’  He is quoting something being said on the TV. You see! A little sign. The universe hears me. She always does.


  1. *Big thanks to Nick at Tree Frog in East Grinstead today who has ordered Greeting Cards, Leather Notebooks and Affirmation Art Boards. Thanks for taking a chance – may they sell out quickly!

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