{Love Note} I Love to Take Inspired Action

I love to take inspired action

Note to self…


A subject that comes up over and over again with my clients is the habit of being busy.


The need to be busy is often driven by significance – a feeling of being worthy because we have much to do.


It’s also a habit.


During my journey of learning to love myself and do life differently, I have been learning to take greater care of myself. There have been times when I have had someone say to me – or post on my Facebook page – “Oh, it’s alright for you” or “I wish I had the luxury of time to myself” or “I’m too busy to stop”.


These are comments from people who are in the habit of being busy and they don’t know how to break the habit. The habit angers, frustrates and upsets them. It’s easier to pass judgement sometimes rather than take responsibility for how you are doing life.


I was that woman once too!


The reason I desired to learn how to slow down was predominantly because my business felt hard.


I was always doing, pushing and forcing to make it a success. What was missing when I was in that mode was my light and joy.


My love and passion for my work came second to the push.


If felt bad. It felt hard. And I was exhausted.


I discovered that when I dared to stop and give myself time and some nurturing, I re-fuelled and felt re-inspired.


I felt significant because I was putting my needs first.


So when it came to taking action in my business, it was inspired action.


Inspired = In Spirit


My actions came from my Spirit – my true self. That felt light, easy and free. SO much better!


So, today I invite you to take a step back. Remember you are enough and you are worthy, just for being you.


Choose a new way of doing life and challenge yourself to adopt a new habit.


The habit of loving yourself enough to take inspired action.


Stop pushing and be kind to yourself. I promise you that as counterintuitive as it sounds to stop, you are actually going to ultimately achieve so much more and you will feel better in the process!


Love Lots,

Katie xx


PS. Feeling good and taking inspired action is key to creating a successful business. If you are not loving the way in which you bring in money and would like some coaching to explore how you can create an income in a way that totally lights you up, give me a shout! CLICK HERE to arrange a call with me.


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