Love Note – Let Go & Let God

Let Go and Let God


Note to self….


Stop pushing, controlling and manipulating life.


Allow yourself to just let go.


To push and strive is masculine energy.


To let go and allow is feminine energy.


Surprisingly, when we let go, we allow such a tremendous power into our lives that is able to create exactly what we desire without all the hard work!


I know it seems counter intuitive to stop and then expect anything to happen but the truth is (and this is a lesson I am still learning!), we need to allow the Universe to support us.


We need to learn to receive that support – and that means relaxing into our feminine energy.


Of-course, we need to take action. The masculine must be allowed to support the feminine energy within us.


And there is a point at which we know we have done all we can do and we must let go and allow.


What I know for sure is that when we do all that we know (in the knowledge, trust and faith that our efforts will be matched by the Universe in a way that we could never have predicted, planned or controlled) and then let go, we allow the Universe to do her ‘thang’!


Miracles happen!


Our job is to receive them, with grace.


So, I wonder, is it time for YOU to let go and let God??


Katie xx



P.S. If you are interested in how I support women to create awesome lives from a place of deep self-love, let’s jump on the phone and have a conversation around how I could support you in taking you to your next level. CLICK HERE to apply for a Complimentary Call.



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