{LOVE NOTE} Quit energy drains – The Love Bite Series

Last week I shared my 3-step system for journalling (click here to watch). Has your practice become more regular as a result?

This week I would like to invite you to quit anything that is draining your precious energy.

If you’ve been feeling sluggish, unmotivated, uninspired or emotionally fragile then it’s very likely that your energy is being drained – so let’s put a stop to it!

LOVE BITE > How to love yourself more

Quit Energy Drains

> Awareness is the first step to change

You can’t be your most productive self if you have leaky energy so it’s key to identify what you are doing, or not doing, to get the most out of your life.

Love yourself enough to get honest and heal the leaks by answering these questions :

1. What is draining my energy? What do I need to do to change that situation?
2. Who is draining my energy? Who could I spend more time with that gives me energy?
3. Where do I have weak personal boundaries in my life? How could I strengthen them?
4. Where am I being hard on myself? Where could I be kinder to myself?
5. How am I nourishing my body – think water v caffeine, stimulants v nutrients, sugar v greens, exercise & movement.
6. What habits do you have that you know are an energy leak?
7. What feelings are you ignoring? What’s bubbling and needs to be released?
8. What nasty things are you telling yourself? What thoughts would be more kind and self loving?

Remember, self-love is self responsibility. Love yourself enough to be honest with yourself and take action on the areas of your life that are draining your energy.

Love you!

Katie xx

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PPS. Are you ready to hire a coach? If you are ready to fast track your life to the next level, let’s speak! APPLY HERE TO SPEAK WITH ME.


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