{LOVE NOTE} Choose loving thoughts – The Love Bite Series

Last week I invited you to check out where you have energy drains in your life (click here to watch). How are you feeling now?

This week I would like to invite you to stop self harming with mean and nasty thoughts. It’s time to quit that self sabotage and choose thoughts that love you.


LOVE BITE > How to love yourself more

Choose Loving Thoughts

It’s so easy to get into the habit of believing everything you think. Mostly, you don’t even question why you think the thoughts you do. You allow your mind to run on auto-pilot. You allow yourself to be the victim of cruel self sabotage. You are not alone in this. Most humans are unaware of the thoughts that are running their lives.

You truly are what you think and you get what you believe so today I am challenging you to become more diligent with your thinking.

Wake up and get conscious to what you are telling yourself. Start to notice what beliefs are blocking you to having what your heart most wants.

If you are telling yourself things like, “I can’t afford it” or “Love isn’t meant for me” or “I don’t have a life calling” or “I don’t know where to start”, then that is what you are creating.

Today I invite you to challenge those beliefs. Ask yourself, “Can I 100% for sure know that is true” and when the answer is no (because it is!), check out what else could be true by asking yourself better questions, like:

“I can’t afford it” >>> “What do I need to do/create/offer to afford it?”
“Love isn’t meant for me” >>> “What do I need to believe about myself to call in the love of my life?”
“I don’t have a life calling” >>> “What am I passionate about? Let’s start there!”
“I don’t know where to start” >>> “What is the first small step I could take today?”

Can you feel how you are opening your energy up to possibility rather than shutting yourself down with a limiting belief?

Remember, self-love is self responsibility. Love yourself enough to challenge your beliefs today because the truth is anything is possible and you can create anything you desire!

Love you!

Katie xx

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PPS. Are you ready to hire a coach? If you are ready to fast track your life to the next level, let’s speak! APPLY HERE TO SPEAK WITH ME.


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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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