{LOVE NOTE} You Are Here To Play


I don’t know about you but I’ve spent most of my life trying to figure out what to do next.

When I was at school I was thinking about how to ace my next assignment or exam. 

When I left school I was thinking about what I should do as a career.

When I was working and progressing my career I was thinking about what I could be doing next in my career. 

I’ve spent countless hours wondering about who my next relationship would be with. 

I was always planning my next adventure or trip or night out or social engagement. 

The idea of just BEING is still a very new concept to me. Something I’ve been intentional and conscious about for only a few years. This idea of stopping and receiving the present moment. It’s quite the revelation. 

Right now I am sat on Avalon Beach in Sydney with a coffee in my hand and the sun on my face. I am ‘being’ (well I was…until I couldn’t resist pulling out my laptop to write this note to you).

I’ve just done a yoga class with a local Shaman  (my mind was blown and my heart exploded a bit I think!!).  It’s the middle of winter and it’s the most glorious, picture perfect day. I’m watching the surfers and as I watch, tears are pouring out of my face as I FEEL that the whole point of everything is PLAY. 

The message I am getting is loud and clear (hence my tears of ‘knowingness’) :


We came here to play. To experience. To feel. 

We needed a physical expression to be able to do it. Our body.




Well fuck me if  that isn’t a game changing message!

If I came here to play, I ask myself, what would that look like? How would I show up differently? What would I choose next? How might I have done life differently so far?

I feel my Mum looking down on me from whatever glorious place she now inhabits and she’s smiling that knowing smile – she knows we are here to play. She didn’t do nearly enough playing. I know and feel her desire for me is to really GET THIS message.


And it’s interesting. I reckon that our Spirit finds all sorts of things playful. Even personal growth and the stripping back and coming undone that can feel so painful is probably a type of play for our Spirit. It’s an experience and depth of feeling that probably feels playful to her. It’s a way of experiencing herself that just isn’t possible when we are without our physical experience. 

And as I watch the surfers, I am jealous of their playful spirits. They are having SO MUCH FUN! They’re dancing and spinning and ducking and diving on the water. It’s awesome to watch. Damn I wish I could do that!


And so I am wondering, how can I play more?  How can I make play my daily intention? How can I bring play into my work? 

And when I say play, the feeling I get is that it’s an energy. How can I bring a playful energy to my life, my work, my relationships. In other words, how could I feel more light, free and curious? Drop any fear, lack, expectation or worry. Play doesn’t exist in that space. And it’s not even real. It’s just heavy and old. 

Does that make sense!?


I guess I am being called to approach life with more of a childlike wonder and curiosity. To wake up every day and ask myself, what would feel playful today…..and do that.

And I tell you what….it feels VERY playful to share my thoughts and feelings with you from the beach – my toes digging into the sand, the sun on my face, the breeze in my hair.

And now, back to ‘being’ on the beach!

Big Love,

Katie. xx

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