{Month of Self Love} Friday Forgiveness


Every Friday during January I have promised to share a Forgiveness Practice with you.

Whether you need to forgive someone else or yourself, these teachings will support you in feeling more peaceful and free.

Last week I guided you through a powerful letting go process. Today I have a tool that you can use in the day-to-day which has helped me SO much over the years.



I learned a beautiful tool from Marianne Williamson. What I share with you now could be a slight adaptation of what she shared (I tend to create my own processes from various tools and techniques I learn) but the essence of it remains. 

1. The Alter. Picture a beautiful alter in your mind’s eye. Upon it is a framed photograph of someone you are in the process of forgiving. Maybe there’s more than one framed portrait. Your alter could be made of gold and adorned with fresh flowers, crystals and candles. Whatever feels super luxurious and honouring for you.

2. The Prayer. As you look upon the portrait(s) repeat these words :

“The light in me honours the light in you” or “The love in me salutes the love in you” (whatever sits well for you). You could even use both. 

This prayer is acknowledging that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We are all doing our best with the life experiences we have had and the tools we have. We are all fallible humans. This prayer says, I am you and you are me. We are the same on a soul level. 

As you have learned, forgiveness is the function of your heart and soul. The healing happens there. It isn’t the capacity of our brain – that’s where our fallible humanness resides. We can’t rationalise forgiveness very easily because our ego remains hurt. Only our Spirit can set us free and this prayer engages that part of our being – our higher self. 

We are all love. This prayer honours that truth.

Sometimes as I am walking out in public I look at strangers and repeat this mantra – ‘The light in me honours the light in you’ – and it feels really good to know we are all the same and doing our best. It brings me peace. 

I would love to hear how this lands with you. Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know. 


I am a transformational and intuitive coach and have guided many women to healing the pain, injustice and resentment they have experienced and which is holding them back from living their fullest life.

I am an expert when it comes to personal transformation, emotional freedom and mental mastery.  I invite you to book in a free consultation with me if you would like to explore how I could personally support you this year. I have a handful of private coaching spaces now available.

Love you loads, 
Katie x 

Founder of The School of Self Love 

PS. If you are serious about taking you and your life to the next level, I invite you to book a private conversation with me. This is a totally free consultation where we can explore how The School of Self Love can support you – from transformational retreats to group coaching to online home study to private coaching with me, we’ve got you covered!  CLICK HERE for a Self Love Consultation with me.

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