
I think the most important lesson I have learned in the last few years is the power of gratitude. Such a simple concept but so crucial. At first I understood it on an intellectual level but as the years have passed by and as I get more and more in touch with my true self and stay on my true path in daily conscious awareness, I ‘feel’ gratitude at ever deepening levels. It is quite astounding. Sometimes I find tears running down my face for no reason other than complete humbling gratitude. It is the most remarkable feeling and for me, proves the existence of ‘god’ / ‘universe’ / ‘energy’. Even more amazing is that the more gratitude I feel, the more the universe seems to support me. It just builds and builds and gets better and better. Sometimes I think I could burst with thanks!

This is an amazing concept for me because I used to be such a bloody victim! I did. It was a terrible time in my life and a mind-set that took some serious work to shift. Looking back – ah, the beauty of retrospect – I can see how my victim mentality put me on such a low energetic vibration often leaving me feeling fearful, sad or angry. A long way away from love – the highest vibration. A victim tends not to see what they have in their life. Rather, the focus is on what they don’t have and worse, what others have. Yuck, I shiver at the thought of being in that mindset now. So damaging and limiting. A shift into gratitude means you focus on all you have, no matter how big or small. I remember listening to a Louise Hay meditation years ago in which she was thanking her fridge for keeping the food cold, her car for getting her from A to B, the electricity supply to her house and so on. That was my first introduction to gratitudes and I thought she was a complete nut-case! I persisted with her bizarre meditations and it wasn’t long before I too was grateful for all that we take for granted each day.  Little by little my life improved and I slowly slowly started to naturally shift my focus on all that I had and I started to feel rather rich.  For a long time my gratitudes were as simple as – my beautiful son, a roof over my head, food on the table, loving friends and family. Today my gratitudes are almost never ending. I say them all day long!

A lot has fallen into place for me the last few days – in particular my cash flow concerns which I wrote about on Day 7. It is nothing short of miraculous how the universe has rewarded my faith and persistence in all things financial and I have a strong sense that there are some rather exciting things in the pipeline. Bring it on!

Taking this time now to look back over my day – every conversation, every decision, every challenge, every lesson learned, every victory – I can see so clearly how I am being supported by the universe and for that I am incredibly grateful.

Thank-you Universe!

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