salmon fillet and vegetablesI popped into the farm shop (bio-dynamic and organic, don’t you know!) this-morning after my meditation. Sounds very idyllic and rather virtuous, doesn’t it? I must admit, it does make me feel good to steer clear of the fluorescent lit supermarket with food full of chemicals and preservatives and get back to what’s real. Really can’t wait to grow my own again!


Anyway, I am not sure what possessed me but in addition to the bottles of raw milk for Finn and tonnes of fruit for me, I came away with a massive beetroot and a huge bag of kale. What the hell am I going to do with those!?! What possessed me!?  I think it may have something to do with the few pages of ‘Crazy Sexy Diet’ (by Kris Carr) which I read the other day. Great book, bursting with ideas around getting back to basics with our food, going raw, juicing, avoiding meat etc etc. I thought at the time that I might like to try the 21 Day Adventure Cleanse. Sounds pretty daring and mighty. I am still considering it. In order to slowly move into the mindset required for the cleansing diet, I thought I would start to change a few eating/drinking habits now so that the adventure isn’t too much of a shock to my system when/if I go for it. So, I stopped drinking caffeine 2 weeks ago – massive pat on the back. Instead, I am drinking copious amounts of herbal tea. Silly amounts, trying desperately to avoid a great big f-off latte with loads of sugar. I am also cutting back on booze. Slowly!


So anyway, here I now am stuck with lots of kale and beetroot. I have no idea what one does with kale. Or beetroot for that matter. Thank god for google. I have been reliably informed that kale can be steamed, boiled, stir-fried, done with chilli or in a creamy sauce. So, this week I shall mostly be eating kale. Starting with the boiled variety tonight. Wish me luck! I will tackle the beetroot later in the week.


Eating better and loading up with organic fruit and veg is on my Bag List. My vision board is covered with pictures of healthy farm shop produce. So, I reckon this is all a step in the right direction. I will report back later in the week and let you know how I get on!


(Sorry for quality of picture. Not one of my best! It is my meal, with kale…which was actually delicious)

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