yellow flowerIn response to me complaining about some technical issues I was having today, a colleague said, ‘Life is hard’. I immediately retorted, ‘No it’s not!’. It now makes me laugh to witness myself saying that. I remember once hearing someone say that her life wasn’t hard and it was a life changing moment for me. I couldn’t believe my ears! Life. Not hard? What?!? This woman had had a bloody ‘hard’ life but at some point she clearly decided that she was going to do something about it and start living into a new way of being. A new perception. Her complete authenticity and honesty made me believe she was telling the truth. Life was not hard! I felt a light switch turn on inside my head. I decided at that moment that my life was no longer going to be hard. It was my choice.


Change of the magnitude this women experienced is profound. Her move into an ‘easy’ life took some time. Same for me. It was one hell of a crusade. I am still on it. Probably will be forever. So, I do giggle at myself to say that life isn’t hard simply because I know what it took to get here. I giggle because I am proud of myself. I giggle because I am still excited for the adventures ahead as I continue to learn more about myself.


Thing is, day-to-day life is often challenging. Don’t get me wrong. Just because I am now of the mindset that life is not hard, doesn’t mean that I never experience tough stuff. If you read this blog regularly, you know that I face challenges all the time. It is just my perception of them that is different. I don’t see them as the end of the world. Even if I feel really low and find it hard to see the bright side of life, at a very deep gut level I still ‘know’ that I am safe and loved and held and that somehow everything will be alright. So, life is good.The other thing I remember when having a rough time is that I know from experience that when things do feel tough, I know I will learn something and grow. Again, I have faith that growth will come of it, which is great!


All sorts of stuff happened today which was challenging. The weather wasn’t nearly as warm as predicted meaning I was far too scantily clad to be battling the winds across Waterloo Bridge. I broke both heels on my shoes. I had a major technical melt-down and nearly chucked various pieces of computer equipment out the window. But when I reflect on my day, I focus on all that I am grateful for. That has taken practice but thankfully it has become second nature to be grateful for all I have. Tonight for example, I can’t tell you how grateful I was to get in the door after a long day in London and get my PJ’s on! I was grateful for a seat on the train so I could get some work done on my laptop. I was grateful for the drink I had with an ex-boyfriend and how wonderful it felt to feel comfortable in his friendship now. I am grateful for the chinese acupuncture and massage I had which has improved my back massively. I could go on and on. It is seriously life changing to change your focus, feel gratitude and for it to become second nature. I love it.


Thanks for reading! x

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