You’d better believe it!

Welcome to part five of our eight-part Winter Series entitled, “Love Yourself Wealthy.” Today I would like you to ask yourself whether or not your beliefs are holding you back? What are your beliefs about money?

Last week we gave ourselves permission to dream big, to see ourselves in possession of 10 million pounds! We worked out exactly  how we would spend it so that there will be a purpose for the money. What fun! But this week I would like for you to probe a little more deeply. You now have a clearer picture of the life of your dreams but do your beliefs align with those dreams?

The main thing that stands in the way of you living the life of your desires is the thoughts you think. Your future will inevitably unfold but just how it unfolds depends largely upon those thoughts that you think between now and said future. Therefore it is vital that you identify the thoughts that would serve you and then act as if those beliefs are already yours. Mike Dooley, in Leveraging the Universe  proposes  an interesting exercise about this. He suggests  that you  hold your dream in your mind and then make a list of the beliefs that would obviously and logically be helpful to have. Think about last’s week’s exercise. What did your life and business look like? What beliefs would you need to naturally hold if you lived that lifestyle?


11. I choose money to come to me with ease_1


For example, If you were a successful entrepreneur, your list of personal beliefs could look something like –

  • I am worthy
  • I’m deserving
  • There’s enough for everyone
  • My thoughts become things and events of my life
  • Amassing wealth is easy
  • Source Energy wants me to live abundantly
  • I am brilliant and clever and tuned into trends
  • I was born to thrive
  • I’m a money magnet
  • I’ve always been lucky

6. Affirmations cause vibrational shift allowing the universe to respond with your deepest desires_1


It doesn’t matter if you do not currently hold the beliefs as your own, simply identifying beliefs that you’d like to be your own is the first step towards installing them. The next step comes with changing your behaviour.

Too often we unwittingly manifest our own life circumstances by thinking too small. We base our beliefs on the kinds of experiences we are already having. Instead it is important to act as if our desired beliefs are already our own. We can create change by acting as if the beliefs are already ours and as a result will begin to change our behaviour. How might it look? Perhaps we enroll in that class, perhaps we buy that book, perhaps we buy the shoes, we might relax more, laugh more, feel good more often – change! The small actions that we change feed back into our belief systems and so our new actions strengthen our new belief system and we begin to create more change. It’s such a positive cycle!

Homework exercise – wherever you’d like change in your life, I urge you to write the list of beliefs that you would likely hold if you had already achieved that change. What beliefs might support your living in abundance?

I am available for complimentary discovery calls to look into how I can support you in creating and realising your life goals. The work I do with women is very much about looking at beliefs that are holding you back from claiming the life that you desire. If you are interested in claiming support in this area, do jump on the phone with me. 

Big Love,

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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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