{A Month Of Self Love} Saturday Self Care


Every Saturday during the month of January I am inviting you to initiate new self care and physical wellbeing habits for the year ahead.

Are you ready to dive in? 



I’m going to keep it simple today because I know you know the drill.

Your body is designed to move. You gotta use it or else you’ll lose it. 

It’s January so it’s the perfect time to set an intention for the year ahead. 

How will you choose to use your body this year?

What is achievable!?!? 

I’m a hot yoga addict and go to my studio at least 4 times a week. During the days I am menstruating, I only do yin classes (a more feminine and less dynamic practice) because my body can’t deal with anything more. 

I invite you to choose some practices that allow you to really use your body in a way that works to support your own cycles and needs and schedule. 

Consider what you need spiritually, mentally and emotionally too and choose practices that support that. If you need to release anger, a boxing class might be great. I love yoga for the mental relaxation and spiritual inspiration I receive as well as the physical workout. Perhaps you feel deeply connected to your soul when running in the woods or swimming in the ocean. Perhaps cycling truly lifts your spirits. There’s nothing like getting outside when exercising for the added feel-good benefits of fresh air and an ever changing environment. 

What does YOUR body NEED?

Are you tight, sore or weak anywhere? How could that best be addressed?

What needs strengthening? (By the way, building bone strength is key once you hit the peri-menopause and menopausal years – weight bearing exercise is crucial at this time.)

Where could you lose a little weight or tone up to have you feel even more comfortable in your own skin?

Take some time this weekend to consider what you need, create a realistic plan and book it into your diary. Take out the appropriate memberships or book in the trial classes. Get it on the calendar now. Love yourself enough to take action and follow through. And remember, in the beginning any new practice feels pretty tough. As time goes on you will get better and better.

Be kind to yourself. Everything is progress!

Once upon a time I didn’t even know what ‘downward dog’ was. Now I am pretty proud to say I have headstands nailed! My yoga practice is my soul food. I’m a grumpy cow if I miss too many classes and feel pretty disconnected from myself. It’s a practice that keeps me very fit as well as mentally peaceful and spiritually connected. I invite you to find your own personal physical practices that have you feel beautifully connected with and happy in your body – the home of your soul. 

Hop to it!

Much love,
Katie xx
Founder of The School of Self Love 


PS. If you are serious about taking you and your life to the next level, I invite you to book a private conversation with me. This is a totally free consultation where we can explore how The School of Self Love can support you – from transformational retreats to group coaching to online home study to private coaching with me, we’ve got you covered!  CLICK HERE for a Self Love Consultation with me.

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