The Original Victim

If you have victim behaviour showing up in your life, it’s because your ‘original victim’ is calling for your love, presence, attention and healing. It is my honour to share what it means to connect with your inner child and how it can transform your life. WATCH HERE: Katie x   PS. The First

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Love Your Life

Today’s invitation is to love every single element of your life, exactly as it is right now. Ooooh….. challenging, right!?! I’d love you to join in with today’s Self Love ritual –  hear my invitation in more detail (it came from Spirit, by the way!), enjoy some breathwork and a guided meditation. We pulled an

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You come first

I would like to remind you today that it’s ok to put your needs first.  There’s nothing worse than trying to work on your passion projects, care for the people you love or contribute to the world in a meaningful way when you feel depleted, tired and resentful.  Would you agree?  If I don’t start

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How to find balance at work

In today’s ‘Cocoon & Cuppa With Katie’ I’m answering this question : “I would love to hear more about how you find balance when work is overly busy” – Isabelle I loved this question because it allowed me to talk about the masculine / feminine energy flow, becoming conscious and getting off the treadmill, the

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A morning ritual

Loved today’s morning self-love ritual. Was beautiful to include a 10 minute totally silent mediation too. Delicious. We set intentions for the month and enjoyed an oracle card reading. Just love setting myself up for the day, week and month ahead like this. Where would I be without my rituals…!!?? Here’s the replay for you

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