An expression of love

Finn and I really enjoyed hanging out together at home today. Some domesticity followed by time in the sun doing a bit of craft then picnic and magazines. A perfect Sunday. By the way … who said the weather would be bad all weekend. Proved them wrong…!!


I was enjoying being with Finn so much. At one point I said to him, “Guess what?”. He said, “You love me”. I said, “How do you know?” He said, “Mummy, you love me so so so so so so so much. I know”.  Cool, huh!


To add to this theme of love, while lazing in the sun I read an old copy of Kindred Spirit Magazine (Nov/Dec 2011) and was really taken by an article entitled, ‘An expression of love’ by Elizabeth Villani who has released a book called, ‘Love, A Guide to Advancing Your Soul’ (O Books, £7.99). I am not going to try to re-type the entire article however I will share a few lines with you that grabbed me and will definitely be buying the book. It is SO what being Daring and Mighty is about. Enjoy….


Are you in love with your life? If you can answer with a resounding YES! And after a moment a true, deep sense of joy and peace and knowing YES! And then an excited expansion of rapture YES! You live a life of unending positivity, giving and synchronicity then please, turn the page to another wonderful message in this great magazine ….


If like most of us you are on the journey to the ‘YES!’ and are fascinated by what you suspect is the truth of this life of ours then read on.


… we are all on a mission, the same mission in fact. A mission to advance our souls. How? By experiencing the truth of this life. The truth that we come here again and again and again to express and experience. The truth of who we really are; individual expressions of love and joy. Powerful psychic energy beings, here as instruments of expression. The instrument is the you that you are sitting in and hearing in your head. The real eternal you is ancient and majestic and vulnerable and powerful and, wow, simply beautiful.


…The truth of this life is that you are an incarnated expression of true love. An expression who has come here again and again to experience the astounding creation that is physical consciousness on this earth yet we have all been distracted again and again by the instrument. By the illusion. In life we are taught to adhere to sets of rules and principles that govern our lands. We are also taught a culture and a set of behaviours and requirements that we are expected to confirm to. We spend our lives striving to fit the bill. We fall for the illusion. In falling we express our amnesia. We take part in the play only to return to the stage again and again until we awaken. Leaving lives scattered with fear.


This fearful world is an illusion. You are a soul on a karmic journey……..Your purpose here is to advance your soul by remembering, expressing and living those lessons, those teachings. What are they? To love. To let go of your masks and your worries. To live in a state of surrender and magic where you live through your most innocent heart and as a result align your vibration with that of your home, your truth. You experience and grow your ability to be!


This life really is about forgiving and giving to others and when you do it and stop thinking and start to purely feel, this world automatically brings you opportunities to receive. Receive is what you are here to experience. You are a creator! You are an immortal soul who only knows the real truth when you die at the end of your life here.


…Be kind. Look after yourself. Be positive. Choose to be happy. Give your truth. Accepts others. Consciously choose to see the best in others. Do what makes you happy and know that as you do, this amazing, magical, wonder that is you, will reveal an experience that dreams are made of. That dream is you.

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Do you dare to love yourself?

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If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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