Get with the programme!! Self-Love is the new cool!

70’s rock chic, Victorian white lace with high necks and Re-worked tailored denim are what to be seen in this season!

50 Shades of Grey is the flick to fawn over.

Red lippy is back with a bang!

The Apple watch is the new hot thing to adorn your wrist.

Forget boutique; Pop-up hotels are the new rage.

And, drum roll…..

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Self-Love is sweeping the planet and taking peoples hearts by storm. Have you noticed!?

Wanna get rich? Love yourself.

Wanna feel fulfilled in your relationship? Love yourself.

Wanna contribute big things to the world? Love yourself.

Wanna feel comfortable in your own skin? Love yourself.

Getting the idea?

The what’s hot thermometer is gauging self-sacrifice, self-sabotage and self-criticism on the fall. On the rise is self-compassion, self-forgiveness and self-worth.

What an awesome season of life we live in. We are so blessed by incredible scientific data, thought provoking medical and psychological research and the ability to share all of this ground-breaking information effortlessly across the planet.

self love key
The truth that we are all beautiful bundles of energy that are on this planet with a purpose and the power to choose our direction and create anything we desire is available to anyone with the desire to receive it.

I am guessing you are signed up to my newsletters because you desire to get hooked into the Self-Love movement? Or, you are at least a little intrigued!?

Loving yourself is THE first step to creating anything you desire in life. Why? Because basic Quantum Theory proves that like attracts like. If you don’t value yourself, you will attract very little value into your life – that could show up as people that don’t value you, a low bank balance, ill health, an unfulfilled career.

You attract where you are at.

What is going on in your outer world is a direct reflection of your inner world.

My yoga practice is a strong indicator to me around what’s going on in my inner world. My last two classes have had me topple over several times! I have been so unbalanced! Sure, that is partly because my core muscles are a little weak after an indulgent Christmas period but I know that I need to pay more attention to caring for myself and connecting with my Spirit. Getting balanced on the inside first is my current assignment – it’s time to go deeper into my Spiritual practices and I love myself enough to listen to my inner wisdom and take action.

I enjoyed a spa day with my PA and Business Manager this week – it was a Christmas treat to say thanks for their support. It has also turned into a farewell to my PA who has decided to pursue her lifelong dream of writing a novel. I won’t lie, her departure from my business went hand-in-hand with an uncomfortable conversation and there was a battle of wills!! We have had to laugh about it though – the truth is you can’t work for a Transformational Coach and not be transformed! She has been empowered to take action on her dream and I am really excited for her. The point is, she embraced the Self-Love movement and has evolved from discontent housewife (who by the way is very intelligent, well educated and with a successful career behind her!) into a flourishing, inquisitive author who has a new lust for life! She has chosen to love herself enough to listen to her deepest desires and she is making it happen. She looks happy and excited and as a result her experience of life is transformed. Infact, she is off to Australia on her own (no kids!) for 12 days soon to research for her book – something she would never have thought possible.

When you love yourself, suddenly anything is possible! The Universe has eyes and ears and re-aligns the energy around you to support your endeavour in a way that is to your highest will and good. It’s bloody exciting!

So, my message for you today is;

How are you loving yourself?

And I want you to ask yourself:

How can I love myself more today?

Loving yourself every day can be just little things like choosing to have an early night or taking a walk in your lunch break. It can be big things too, like taking a leap of faith and leaving your paid job to embark on pursuing a dream.

I would love you to develop the habit of regularly asking yourself thoughout the day, “What would be a loving way to approach this?” or, “What do I desire to do today to show myself that I love myself?” or, “Is this self loving?”. You get the idea.

When loving yourself is at the top of your agenda, the way you feel and the world around you transforms.

You attract love into your life when you love yourself!

Love is the highest vibration so when you are hooked into that energy, your experience of you and life is on purpose, happy, fulfilled and fun!

Now THAT is a trend I intend to stay on top of! How about you!?

I hope this weeks newsletter has been food for thought.

Please do check out my video below on creating your daring desires – can you love yourself enough to hook into your personal dream? I dare you!



Love Katie xx

PS. If you desire to love yourself more and would like help to discover what beliefs or behaviours are blocking you from being able to fully accept and value yourself, why not jump on the phone with me? My complimentary discovery calls are for women who are ready to commit to creating a life they love and desire to explore what it would be like to be supported by an expert in Self-Love. Click here.

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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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