I want you to yell, scream, punch and get angry!

Today I want to share some tips with you on how you can release emotions that are blocking you to resolving problems in your life or to getting what you desire.

Have you noticed that when you are worried or angry, everything feels harder? It’s difficult to find solutions to problems when you are feeling anxious and life just doesn’t flow easily when you are feeling bitter or resentful.

Before I go on, I want to be clear that I am not judging your emotions. Not at all.

I will go a step further and tell you that anything you feel is natural. You are an emotional creature and being a woman, you are able to experience a whole spectrum of emotions at any one time! (Have you noticed that men are more black and white where as we women can feel tired, excited and worried all at the same time!?)

Feeling unknown to yourselfEmotions are normal and natural.

What is NOT natural is to ignore or repress them.

Silencing emotions looks like a bottle of wine at night to numb out, overworking to distract your thoughts, keeping tabs on your man rather than taking notice of what’s going on for you.

Repressing emotions can also be as simple as a cup of tea and a couple of hob-nobs!

The most dangerous type of repression is the woman who does yoga to push it down in the pretense that she is relaxing or the woman who smiles and tells the world she is ‘fine’ – more than likely with the high pitched squealy voice of someone that is far from ok. Oh, and by the way, did you know the acronym for FINE is Fucked Up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional!?

keeping up appearances

Lady, the cold hard truth is that when you repress an emotion you are creating an energetic block in your body and that creates dis-ease. Over time the disease can become any number of ailments from IBS to Acne to Flu to Chronic Fatigue to Cancer.

Telling the world you are fine when you are not will make you sick.

You cannot pick and choose emotions to repress either. When you push down worry and stress you push down joy and happiness. So, repression of emotions over a long period of time causes depression.

Ignoring how you really feel will ultimately cause you to feel depressed.

If you are ok with getting sick and depressed and happy to stay in the comfort zone of downing a few glasses of wine and snacking on biscuits and cakes to make you feel ‘better’, then do that.

I have a feeling though that you desire to be Daring & Mighty!?

I really hope that you are on a mission to wake up, be conscious and to know and love yourself deeply. Am I right!?

self love = freedom
If you are willing to step out of your comfort zone, then I have an awesome idea for you.

I would love you to try on the idea that you have the solution to your problem.

Use that imagination of yours and decide that all your struggles are sorted because the only thing blocking you to having what you desire is anger or fear or anxiety or caring what others think or whatever it is for you….

Then I want you to label all of your emotions. What are you feeling? Remember, it’s likely to be more than one thing. Write those down so that you have clarity on your feelings.

With those feelings in mind, here are some ideas on how you can use your body to release the feeling:

  • write an angry letter then burn it. This is your chance to swear and call names and be as vitriolic as you like because no-one will ever read it!
  • write your angers, anxieties and worries all over a blown up balloon then pop it. Draw the face of a particular person that you think is at the root of your rage and pop the face!
  • walk around the room stamping your feet to really loud music – yell and scream about everything that is causing you anger and upset. This is also really great for changing your state to release depression.
  • if you are dealing with grief, get on your hands and knees and allow yourself to moan and wail at the floor. Eventually you will begin sobbing. Lay on your side and cry a guteral cry. Really get it out. It starts with making ‘the noise’ then the actual sobbing will come.
  • if you are feeling anxious or shocked or worried, shake it out. Spend a couple of minutes shaking your entire body. Be sure to include your head, arms, hands, body, legs and feet. Really really shake – add music if that helps. Focus on the feelings and shake them off.
  • punch pillows using your fists and forearms – really throw your body at the pillows. Have a proper tantrum – yell and scream with it to add to the intensity!
  • grab a baseball bat and bash a pillow or beanbag. Cry out about all that is upsetting you.
  • do some angry recycling and throw bottles into the recycling bin – the arm movement is great for releasing tension and the sound of the bottles smashing is incredibly cathartic.
  • do some angry dancing! Leap about the room to loud, angry music. Stomp your feet, punch your arms in the air and throw in some karate kicks. Be sure the curtains are closed so you can really go for it!

When you have expressed your emotions through one or a blend of the above, check in with the emotions you were wanting to release.


How are you feeling?

I bet you will feel a sense of relief and freedom.

Simply allowing yourself your feelings and giving yourself permission to label them and express them is very liberating. The more that you do this kind of expressive work, the clearer you will feel and your mind will find it much easier to find solutions to your problems.

Do you feel as if the obstacles you had in front of you are easier to manage now?

Pushing down feelings means you are blocking your Spirit’s natural ability to receive help from Source energy. This kind of cathartic therapy will have you be energetically more open and available to receive guidance, inspiration and support from the Universe.

I highly recommend you give it a try!

I’ve also attached a video below which I filmed last year. If you suffer any form of anxiety, there are some additional great tips in there for you. I encourage you to do the physical release work above alongside the tips I suggest. It’s a really powerful blend.

Love Katie xx




PS. If you desire to escape your emotional yo-yo and experience a calmer, more centred and balanced life, why not jump on the phone with me? My complimentary discovery calls are for women who are ready to commit to creating a life they love and desire to explore what it would be like to be supported by an expert in Self-Love. Click here.

PPS. YES!! That is me with the baseball bat in the pic above!! I am a trained Tantrum Club leader and love to beat out any anger with a bat! Here’s another pic of me really getting into it –


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Do you dare to love yourself?

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