It’s not all Smoke and Mirrors

incense ritual


In this, the final instalment of my Connect to your Spirit Summer Series I want to look at the power of ritual!

Creating rituals is a very connecting experience for me in my relationship with my Spirit. Rituals have  been used for centuries across many cultures in order to foster affinity with Spirit or the Divine. I like to burn a candle on my kitchen window sill and set my intention for the day / or light a candle when I meditate / or burn frankincense to cleanse the energy of my home and consciously connect to my inner muse.

candle ritual

Rituals are powerful because they invoke a prayer-like state in which we are free to allow profound realisations, heightened awareness and transformative powers to come in to our lives.

You can create your own rituals, and they can be whatever you like for any reason. You might like to choose a specific time and place for your ritual. Find some stillness and then focus and ground yourself. Perhaps you might light a candle, burn some sage or incense or something to  give the air some presence, and the space a hint of magic.

When you have prepared the space you can clearly set forth the basic intention of your ritual. Are you letting go of something? Are you invoking something? At the end of your ritual, extinguish the flame or the smoke marking your return to the ordinary and release your intention to your Spirit.

Perhaps this is all a bit too out-there and woo-woo and of course that is totally cool.  You could still set up a small daily ritual that might be as simple as stopping under a big oak tree in a park to spend a moment in touch with your Spirit. Maybe you simply play some uplifting music which gets you connected  with your Spirit. All that it takes is a little conscious intention to develop your Spiritual self and your life will be richer for it.

What’s your ritual?

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