{LOVE NOTE} Your truth can set you free

Week by week, via these Love Notes, we are progressing swiftly through the Self-Love Affair process. I hope you are enjoying the weekly training videos!

So, how are you feeling about the vision you were invited to create last week? Does it make you tingle all over with excitement? Remember, you will be stretched and challenged with this work, so it’s important that your dreams are big enough to be worth the effort!

Now let’s move you to the next stage of this transformational process and take a look at what isn’t working for you. Let’s see how far your present reality is from the vision you just wrote – always, with compassion and love.

Watch this Week’s Lesson on Your Conscious Nightmare below:

Let’s get uncomfortable and FEEL the dissatisfaction.

Dissatisfaction doesn’t have to be a negative thing. Think about it this way: your Spirit is designed to grow, right? Your Spirit is your inner guide, reminding you of your truth. So dissatisfaction is simply a signpost to growth.

So, what feels like a nightmare for you?

Where are you stuck?

Where do you feel annoyed, angry, disappointed, irritated, resentful, frustrated, restless, disapproving, disgusted, regretful or dismayed?

Let’s look at the same areas of life you wrote your vision around, and start to witness the distance between where you are now and where you want to be.

physical health / fitness
money / finance
relationships with family / friends / colleagues
relationship with partner
career / work
spirituality / religion
feelings / emotions

When you look at each area of your life, do the following:

* Rate your dissatisfaction out of 10 (1 being very little, 10 being highly dissatisfied).
* Consider the impact the dissatisfaction is having on your life. How is dissatisfaction in one area of your life affecting other areas?
* What will your life look like if you do nothing about the dissatisfaction?
* Get emotionally involved with how your dissatisfaction really feels.

Well done!

Now answer the following questions:

1. Which area(s) of your life rated the highest?
2. Where are you feeling the impact the most?
3. Was the area that rated highest expected? Or was it a surprise?
4. If you think about what friends, family, colleagues mostly criticise you for, can you see any links to where you are experiencing dissatisfaction?
5. Did you have any physical reactions while doing this exercise?
6. What do you think are your biggest challenges – the things you would most like to change in your life?
7. How far are you from your conscious dream that you wrote about earlier? How does this make you feel?

Whatever you are feeling is ok. Just don’t give up!

If you missed this week’s Facebook Live, you can still delve into the meat of this exercise with me by clicking here. And you’re always welcome to share your comments below.

Love you,

Katie xx
Founder of The School of Self Love

P.S. If you are interested to know more about the Self Love Affair Transformational Process and would like to speak to someone at the School of Self Love about how we can support you, click here. When you click on the link, you will be prompted to answer a few questions. Your answers are important as they help us decide which of our team members will be best for you to speak to.


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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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