My top tip for your personal success in 2015 {this is a game changer!}

I want you to ask yourself two questions today:

1. “What are the solid rocks in my life?” (you are going to commit to these)

2. “What are the energetic drains in my life?” (you are going to ditch these!)

Self-Love is all about taking care of number one. Quit the drama and totally old school thinking about that being selfish and egocentric. You are no good to anyone if you are not loving and looking after yourself first. Period!

self love = freedom
A super simple tool to ensure you start your year on the right foot is to take a cold hard look at the truth behind what depletes your energy and what builds you up.

Here’s some examples of what can be depleting your energy:

* arguments with an ex-partner

* ruminating over what other people think

* unpaid bills

* piles of personal admin & paperwork that need attention

* an attachment to people owing you money

* unresolved conflicts

* an affair

* unsupportive friends

* wishing you could quit your job

* questioning your purpose

* emotional yo-yo-ing

* a mean inner voice telling you that you are not good enough

* that bottle of wine every night!

You get the idea….! What is draining you? You are a clever, intuitive woman. What do you need to do to remove that drain from your life? What support do you need? What action do you need to take?

Create the energetic space in your life to welcome in juicy new stuff that will serve you and help you to achieve your deepest desires this year!

reigniting your spark

Next, what do you already have set up in your life that totally supports you? What are your rocks? Here’s some ideas:

* compassionate, loving friends

* yoga classes

* spa membership

* your intimate partner

* walking on the beach

* hot candle-lit baths

* healthy home cooking

* getting a massage

* laughing at stand-up comedy

* quality time with the children

Go ahead and write a list of everything that supports you, lights you up and makes you feel great! Then, commit to doing those activities as a non-negotiable!

If you can see you are not doing enough to support and add to your energy, then vow to include more self-loving activities in your life.


The key to a successful life is feeling good!

It is honestly that simple! When you feel good your energetic vibration increases meaning you attract more fabulous stuff into your life.

15. Self love means giving myself permisiion to honour my desires_12

Before I work with my clients, I have them prepare their mind, body and spirit and I give them the following tick-list as a thought starter (as well as a piece of transformational homework that has them engage in very deep self inquiry before we meet!). I hope it helps you too!

15 Ways To Prepare Your Mind, Body & Spirit For Success

  • Clean out your make-up bag and replace old make-up with new, fresh make-up
  • Go through your wardrobe and give away, sell or throw away clothes/shoes that you no longer wear
  • Do you desire to schedule a work-out routine?
  • Do you need new work-out clothes?
  • Is there anything specific you would like to add to your wardrobe?
  • Do you need to have any clearing conversations with anyone?
  • Do you have any letters / emails to write and send? Any letters to write and NOT send!?
  • Schedule wellbeing appointments – i.e. Dr, dentist, OBGYN, eyes, chiropractor, acupuncture, massage, healing sessions etc
  • Any security needing to be handled? i.e. medical insurance, life insurance, personal will etc
  • Any financial completion and set up needed? i.e. hire an accountant or book-keeper or financial planner, apply for credit cards, contact people to whom you owe money and create a payment plan etc
  • Any personal up-levelling required? I.e. hire a cleaner or a dog walker or a nanny or cook?!
  • Any technology up-levelling required? i.e. learn to use Skype or Google Hangout, get a Google Plus account, register with Facebook and create a profile etc
  • Any home completion required? i.e. clean out the loft, hang pictures, paint a room, clear out the pantry, update the medical/first-aid box etc
  • Do you need to clear out your email inbox?
  • Do you have holiday plans to finalise?

You get the drift. Anything that has been on your mind and that you know is taking up bandwidth in your head… is a great time to start ticking that stuff off your list in order to set you up for success.

Let’s free you up to create a bigger, more daring and mighty version of you!

Love Katie xx

PS. If you discover you have energetic blocks in the form of beliefs or behaviours and desire support in understanding and transforming them so that you can create a life that has you feeling free and fulfilled, why not jump on the phone with me? My complimentary discovery calls are for women who are ready to commit to creating a life they love and desire to explore what it would be like to be supported by an expert in Self-Love. Click here.

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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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