Seven Steps to Self-Love – Step 2 of 7 : Practice The Art of Receiving!

This week I would like you to get into the habit of saying,

‘Thank-you SO much!’

When you are given a compliment or someone offers you help your response is, ‘Thank-you so much!’


An excerpt from my book:

“Self-Love requires you to become an expert at receiving. As a woman you are by your very nature designed to receive and yet most women spend a lot of time in the masculine energy of ‘do do do’, ‘think think think’, ‘achieve achieve achieve’! In our effort to be ‘equals’, we have forgotten how to be women! Mastering the divine art of receiving is an integral part of learning to love yourself. Asking for help is a biggie for many women, meaning that receiving support is a skill to be developed!”


Your willingness to be open to receive is crucial to loving yourself.

Self-Love requires that you honour all parts of yourself (mind, emotion, body & Spirit). That means being available to receive YOU.

I would like you to consider what you desire to attract into your life.

It could be any number of things such as health, abundance, love, adventure, beauty, friendship, happiness, freedom, understanding, travel…

Get conscious to what you desire to have and then choose to be available to receive that.

Notice what could be blocking you to having what you desire. Are there any limiting beliefs around your deservedness or worthiness or cleverness perhaps?

What is stopping you from being available to receive your birthright? What do you need to do to clear those blocks?

Grab a journal!

Now I would like you to write a list of all the things you do for other people.

It may astound you how much you do for others and how little you do for yourself or how often you dare to put yourself first!

Consider on this list what you could do for yourself. Then, go do it!

Have a think about where in your life you could ask for help and support. Your assignment is to work that muscle to receive.


Big love,
Katie xx

PS. If you know you find it hard to put yourself first and feel guilty to receive, do jump on a complimentary call with me. I offer one hour consultations to discover if coaching with me is the right fit for you – CLICK HERE.

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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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