Spectacular You! (The Final Of A 7 Part Series)

Welcome to the final step to self-love in my 7-part summer series!

How did you get on with committing to 10 things that you could do to love your inner child more? What did you do?

We are now going to dive deep into loving your SPIRIT.

When I discovered the truth that I am a Spiritual being and not just flesh and bone with a crazy mind and out of control emotions, my entire world shifted!

14 August Newsletter

Step 7: Love Your Spectacular Spirit!

Every single woman that contacts me to enquire about my teaching & mentorship says she desires peace.


At the end of the day, it’s what we all strive to feel, right!?

Where there is peace there is love.

There is absence of fear.

It is easier to experience joy and happiness because we are open to it rather than being blocked by a loud inner critic or ego-driven saboteur that has us feel distress, disharmony, worry and upset.

Peace is found within a relationship with your Spirit.

Your Spirit is your ticket to freedom.

Between you and your Spirit is your ego. That part of you that attempts to ‘keep you safe’ by thinking, feeling and behaving in ways that you have learned since birth.

Imagine stripping that back.

Imagine not being on auto-pilot.

Imagine feeling in control of your emotions.

Imagine mastering your mind.

Imagine feeling deeply, truly, authentically YOU.

When you connect with your Spirit, that is who you get to be and the more that you develop that special relationship with yourself, the more masterful you are able to be with your thoughts, feelings and emotions and the more proud you can be of yourself because you finally rather like the skin that you are in!

A relationship with your Spirit allows you to develop the deepest love, compassion and acceptance for yourself.

It is truly beautiful and ensures a miraculous life. I know this to be true because my life has transformed massively since discovering the beauty of my Spirit and I watch woman after woman experience that divine truth too.

14 August Newsletter(2)

You are beautiful and perfect!

I would like to share a few paragraphs with you from my book, ‘The Self-Love Affair’:

You can call on your Spirit at any time. Developing a spiritual practice is a key part of your Self-Love Affair. It could mean meditating, going for a walk, journalling, reading inspirational books, listening to high vibrational music, exercise … the key is to find what’s right for you and mix it up. Enjoy the relationship! Make it fun and make it unique to you.

No matter where you are or what you are doing, your Spirit is always with you. It is you! It is just a choice. You can choose to be guided by your Spirit and let judgement go. You can decide to remember that you are a Spiritual being – not an ego. When you feel the pull of the auto-response to judge (yourself or another), with compassion and kindness simply say to yourself, ‘I remember who I am! I choose to see the truth’, and lovingly allow the judgement to fall away. In that moment, allow yourself to feel the power of that statement and feel the connection with who you really are.


I believe that the journey towards the ultimate goal of enlightenment means we are assigned the task of learning to identify with our Spirit. Not our ego. We must learn our disempowering attachment to fear and learn to lean into love. This is our daily assignment. It is to be practiced every single day. It is a muscle to be worked.

We must learn to love ourselves and when we come from Spirit, it is so much easier to do because judgement and criticism and jealousy and competition all fall away. All our fearful ways of thinking and operating are replaced with love.

Love yourself enough to remember the truth of you every single day.

Take action!

These newsletters are just an inspirational read if you do not take action.

So, why not grab your journal and commit to 10 things that you could do to connect with your Spirit this week. Consider what you love to do. What lights you up? When do you feel really, truly you? What has you feel at peace and connected? List it out and then commit to doing it!

If you feel inspired, please do share your results in my private Facebook group – The Self-Love Hubb. If you are not a member, get hooked up! Click HERE to request membership and I will keep you up-dated with my new courses, programmes, weekly podcasts and will generally help to keep your vibration high and your commitment to self-love high on your daily agenda!

Stay connected!

Big love,
Katie xx

PS. If you desire to love and accept yourself but know you are unconsciously self-sabotaging any chance of happiness & success, please do jump on a complimentary call with me. I offer one hour consultations to discover if coaching with me is the right fit for you – CLICK HERE.

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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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