Watch your mouth!

Well, I don’t know about you but I have a spring in my step at the moment. I don’t know if it’s how I’ve been loving my body, or the fact that we are closer to Spring (the season of luurve!) or that I have some awesome new programmes and retreats on offer for you…..I am PUMPED!

I am particularly excited by the concepts I am reading in ‘Conscious Language’ (by Robert Tennyson Sevens) right now – boy, just when I thought I had it nailed ….! I am learning some incredible lessons around the language we speak and the power that our words have. When it comes to manifesting your desires, it’s so important to watch your mouth!

My new favorite mantra which my clients are already testing out is, ‘I am re-commited to my success’.

So, whenever you find yourself engaging in negative self-chat or telling yourself your dream is impossible or listening to old stories that you are not enough or unloveable, STOP! Forgive yourself in the moment and love yourself enough to recommit to using language and thinking thoughts that reflect your truth.

Enjoy this weeks news!

Big Love,

Katie xx


Inspiring you to love yourself every week.

I committed to a full body cleanse for the month of January. That meant no booze, caffeine, sugar, wheat or dairy. I body-brushed, steamed and ate myself clean and I feel pretty proud of myself! My mind is clear and creative. I’m emotionally more balanced. I have some tummy definition and it feels good to be loving my body!


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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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