It was my absolutely joy and pleasure to host a lunchtime learn session for women’s membership club, The Allbright, this week. The Allbright are leading the way with championing women to inspire change. Right up my street!


It was a very practical session – leading the audience through one of my favourite processes that can help a woman really get to know herself and reconnect with her true and authentic power. It’s a process that enables you to move beyond the disempowering, cluttered, jumbled, overwhelmed and fearful mind and glide more easily into your heart-space where you connect with what makes you valuable and worthy. From there we can begin to co-create with the Universe and start to make things happen….except there’s no struggle or stress because from this space you are available to receive in a way that’s so juicy and aligned. Kinda hard to put it into words but I think I did a pretty good job during this little workshop. If you want to watch this, I invite you to prep by grabbing a pen and journal or paper, closing off all distractions and gift yourself with 40 minutes to return home to you. It’s worth it. 

When the women came onto this call they said they were feeling flustered, rushed, anxious, unmotivated, overwhelmed, worried, irritated and bleah! 

When we finished that call they said they felt empowered, absolutely awesome, energised, hopefully, inspired, calmer, so much better, relieved, lighter, happier, centred and more peaceful. 

I hope you enjoy this.


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Do you dare to love yourself?

Our curriculum responds to the wider needs of women who know in their hearts that they were put on the earth to do something special.

If you are willing to drop your self-sabotaging conditioning, stop listening to the voice of self doubt and exhausting yourself with emotional gymnastics, then your mighty life awaits!

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