I am really interested in the word ‘resistance’ at the moment.
I am also focussed on feeling strong and healthy.
In her ‘Physical Wellbeing’ Guided Visualisation, Esther Hicks says, “In the absence of resistance your physical body must thrive”. She also says, “The cells of your body are guided by source and have the ability to find their balance”.
Meditation, deep breathing and relaxation are KEY to releasing resistance. By releasing resistance a little more every day, you will feel the power that creates worlds flowing through you. That results in optimal health.
I was working with one of my coaching groups the other night and ‘resistance’ was a powerful topic that came up around various women’s experience of our new lock-down (which I call cocooning).
We explored how releasing attachment to how we think things ‘should be’ was key to releasing resistance.
We explored how fear fuels attachment and when we can get into reality about our perceived fears and let go of attachment to our present moment experience and allow what is, we take the pressure off which allows solutions to become available.
When we release attachment we are no longer experiencing a tight, resistant, pushing away energy.
Solutions and ideas come when there is no push / pull.
When we drop attachments, solutions arise.
Your mind may be telling you how things ‘should’ be right now. Often that causes dis-ease.
Source energy has a myriad of options available to you.
Our job is to release resistance. Miraculous solutions can then be revealed to you. And that feels GOOD!
Here’s to feeling good.
Big love,
Katie xx
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