Be More You!

I’ve started working with a new private coach and boy oh boy have I been shifting and up-levelling at a pace like I’ve never experienced before. This is because I am SO ready and my coach is SO onboard with me. We are co-creating like mofo’s! 

One area that is up-levelling is my creativity and how honouring my deeply creative nature is a route to me loving myself even more because it’s a vehicle to giving myself permission to BE MORE ME. I have largely ignored my creative impulses for decades although when I scan my life and even just look about my home, I can see it desperately trying to step forward. My creativity has been waiting for me to VALUE it and in our patriarchal, disempowered masculine society it’s so easy not to give creativity the time of day – there’s far more important stuff to be getting on with…! Erm….no.

Today I am inviting you into my home for a little tour of my creativity. I am doing this to share more of myself with you and to hold myself accountable as I step into this new expansion of myself. I hope you will join me and I trust that what I share today will inspire something within you that is calling you to BE MORE YOU! 



Katie xx

👉 You are invited!

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