Every Monday during ‘A Month of Self Love’ I am sharing one of my most powerful guided visualisation with you. This will be a free download with lifetime access. In addition to the health benefits a regular meditation practice provides, my guided visualisations are a TOOL KIT that will assist you in more deeply
{A Month of Self Love} Monday Meditation
Love Note: I choose to make happiness my momentum
Note to self…(because sometimes we all need a reminder!) I was working with a client who had a habit of needing to be in control and she was exhausted by it. It was a self protection thing. Subconsciously, being in control of everything and everyone had her feel safe. The irony was
Love Note – Life! Get involved!
Note to self… Laugh. Play. Sing. Connect. Contribute. Travel. Love. Relax. Explore. Breathe. Meditate. Move. Smile. You get the idea….. Go on, get involved! Love Katie xx