Today I am thinking about uncertainty and fear and the ways that we can use fear to our own advantage in order to achieve our desires. Tony Robbins talks about the 6 human needs and how all of our behaviour is an attempt to meet those needs. The first four needs are necessary for our survival: certainty; uncertainty or variety; significance
Do You Trust Yourself?
Some Home Truths
Something big has come up for me and I felt compelled to share it with you. After-all, if you read my newsletters and follow my work, then you are probably a Truth Seeker like me. You will have heard me say this before – authenticity is one of my highest values. I feel revolting inside
Tell me your Daring Desires
This week I am launching a challenge to myself and to you. I want to begin to think differently, to shake things up a little and consider, “what are those things that I have always wanted to do?” Some people call it a bucket-list or a bag-list but I’m going to call it my List of Daring Desires. ‘To
Grace Note X
It’s seems an age since my last Grace Note and so much has been going on for me since I wrote that way back in January. I have largely stuck to my New Year goal of wellness and this is all good but where I have really been really focussing my attention is on my
Are you a show-off?
I hope so! Today I want to SHOUT about women getting out there, being daring and mighty, revealing the rockin’ diva that you are and generally taking up more space!! Even if we don’t do it consciously, so often we woman identify ourselves with groups for our own sense of self. It could be our national or cultural group,