Note to self… Willingness is the first step to anything. If you desire to bring something into your life, you have got to acknowledge the desire and declare a willingness to make it happen. Our biggest desires can often feel so daunting because they require all sorts of things
Love Note – Rise Above and Be Strong
Hey Self-Lover! Do you ever feel as if you are being walked over? Perhaps you feel victimized in some way? Maybe powerless and frustrated? Oh my love, I hear you. I have known that feeling so well. I remember journaling one day about how one person was ‘making me feel that way’. I
Love Note – Who do you need to be?
Hey Self-Lover! Oooh, I LOVE this question. Whether it’s a relationship you desire or more money or a deeper sense of peace or a new career….I invite you to ask yourself, “Who do I need to be in order to ………(fill in the blank)?” You are so wise. Your answers ARE within you.
Love Note – You have permission.
Hey Self-Lover! Sometimes we just need to hear those words, don’t we?! “You have permission” There is often a desire for someone else to give us permission. I totally hold up my hand and admit to having been that person that would wait for someone else to validate my desire or decision. Indeed, I
Love Note – If you feel disappointed with your life, take responsibility & create change.
Note to self… Yay! What do you desire for 2016!? I know today’s message is blunt but here’s the thing, life is short and Self-Love means taking self responsibility. No-one else can change your life and they shouldn’t be expected to. The only person that you can control is you. The
Love Note – What do you want? Why don’t you have it? What will you do about it?
Note to self… Happy Christmas to you!! I wish you the most beautiful day. As you will likely immerse yourself in the tradition of giving and receiving gifts today, I would like to invite you to consider what it is that you really want for you and your life? I invite you
Love Note – Step onto the playing field of your life. When you score a goal, do a victory dance!
Note to Self… I had a vision the other day. I was feeling disappointed in myself because I hadn’t fully participated in a certain area of my life. I had ignored my desires and it was causing me a lot of pain. As I was journalling my feelings, I was given
Greetings from Lapland!
Greetings from Lapland! I hope you had a fabulous Christmas Day with people that you love? As it is holiday season, I thought I would add this video postcard from Lapland: You have probably gathered I love to travel!?!? It’s one of my highest values and it’s important that I honor my desires for freedom