Please come and join me on my FREE 5 Day MEET YOUR SOUL MATE challenge which starts on Monday 27th June! That’s just 5 days away! You can register here : On today’s Cuppa With Katie I will share a little around my journey to meeting my soul mate in midlife and what you
She met her man after doing the free ‘Meet Your Soul Mate’ 5 Day Challenge!
On today’s ‘Cuppa With Katie’ show I have a very special guest! Beth took part in my ‘Meet Your Soul Mate’ 5-Day Challenge and went on to date a gorgeous man. In today’s show we will be chatting about her experience of the 5-day event and what she specifically discovered about herself and what she
The key to manifesting what you want
I have a VERY important reminder for you today. If you are manifesting something that currently seems impossible, please tune in to today’s Cuppa With Katie! Katie xx PS. If you are manifesting a relationship then you REALLY need to hear today’s message! And please also come and join my next free ‘MEET YOUR SOUL
How to manifest the guy you want
On today’s Cuppa With Katie Show I am going to be answering this question : “If I desire a man who is into a healthy lifestyle and spiritual growth, how do I manifest that?” A participant of my recent 5 day ‘Meet Your Soul Mate’ challenge asked me this question and it seemed a shame
Another Way To Manifest!
I am beyond excited to have fine artist, Helen Whitaker, join me on my show to discuss the blossom panel I have commissioned her to paint for me. We are enjoying the most incredible alchemy as we co-create this piece which is called ‘DYNASTY’. In our conversation I will be sharing what ‘DYNASTY’ means to
Get Clarity On What You Want
Today I am talking about desire and the importance of getting clarity on what you want. The practice of journalling your desires, vision boarding them and sharing them with trusted others is so important. Too often women are in the habit of talking about what isn’t working out for them or what they don’t want